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  1. Nickname: Funnrunn Realm: xFun Violation: Insult relative Proof: https://i.imgur.com/eUtReCV.jpg (I also used report in game feature)
  2. is server down? I can't connect it's stuck on connecting
  3. is server off? I can't login
  4. He wasn't joking, we were arguing in world chat (which is why the got his alt to insult me) Stop defending someone who has a track record.
  5. I said you're pathetic for insulting me on a report that has absolutely nothing to do with you. Guess you can't read. You seem to use the word retard and dumb a lot. What an idiot lol
  6. I'm not crying, I'm reporting (as thats my right) , and your friend always reports/insults people so that's hypocritical of you to say. Now get off my post. What's funny is you are making assumptions/insulting me when you don't know me and it only makes you look like an ass. My shaman isn't geared because I just started my shaman, also 2 pieces of gear are missing from the vendor. And I only made 2 reports, your friend has made tons. So hop off maybe? Thanks. He deserves a permanent ban on his main account and alt for constantly insulting people and their families.
  7. Stop commenting on reports that have nothing to do with you. Thanks :) And also stop insulting me it only makes you look pathetic.
  8. It's still against the rules, joke or not. I don't care if you're pissed or not lol.
  9. Name: Xsn Realm: Fun Description: Advertising porn site Proof: http://imgur.com/a/lPhSq
  10. I still have timestamps lol and it's not fake. You are the same person. And stop moderating by saying "declined". You are not a GM.
  11. Name: Vegari and Vegariye (Vegariye is his alt, please ban both) Realm: Fun Description: Insulting me in world chat Proof: http://imgur.com/a/AYFhC Comment: He's been banned 3 times now and still insults people, please permanent ban Vegari and his alt. He logged on an alt to insult me. He also reported me for a typo. Can you ip ban?
  12. I actually meant bum, report me for a typo lol. Here's my proof of typo that he left out: http://imgur.com/a/71V1i
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