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Everything posted by xxyeah10

  1. 1.degerhorse 2. Fun-realm 3. He used the hunter stampede bug. There's no way this is even just a bug that all hunters simply have. This is the first time with this shit I've ever been hit this god damn hard. It's frustrating that you're gonna let stuff like this slide when there's obviously an intentional thing that they're doing to make this damage happen and they're abusing it. 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwReSnRTHTA&feature=youtu.be
  2. 1. Maybetraptwo 2. Fun-Realm 3. He used the bug where stampede does like an instant 250k or more in an arena. He did it twice, but I only caught the one time. 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt50E0z9Lko&feature=youtu.be
  3. No, not the gear that my character already has. I'm talking about how I missed out on 7 total caps because it has taken so long for me to get answers to this forum post to actually solve this. I actually waited up to 8 days at one point for a response. I didn't ask for a compensation to be rude, I simply asked that because it has taken so long and I haven't been able to cap my dk because of waiting for responses. I started this forum post November 25th and just now what you said to do fixed my dk and it's almost a month later. That's the only reason I asked for a compensation for gear. I wouldn't have asked if it was to take like 2 weeks or so, but it has almost been an entire month. Thank you for your time, xxyeah10
  4. My game has now broken as a result of this. All I get when I try to log in is the connecting message and then it goes away. I'm assuming that I will also get no sort of compensation for gear at all considering I created this forum post on November 25th and haven't been able to play my dk. I've also been waiting on responses too, at one point I waited 8 days for a response. It's almost a month later without being able to play my dk and it's getting sort of ridiculous. https://imgur.com/a/hcq2I65
  5. I don't have any other computers that would be able to run wow. Regardless of that it wouldn't explain why my other account works perfectly fine and even the other characters on the same account with the dk work fine, it's just something about this dk and it's starting to irritate me because I've missed out on at least 5 times I could've capped with my friennd which is making me miss out on gear that I could have right now.
  6. It has absolutely nothing to do with addons because whenever I log on any other characters period this doesn't happen. When I do log on other characters I have the same addons on and regardless I've already tried that and it didn't work. It's also not like haven't ever played it with those addons on, I always play with the same addons. I also need answers fast because I'm missing out on gear.
  7. Can I get a solution to this quickly please as I've missed a handful of caps that I could've been doing, but I can't because of this ongoing issue with my dk.
  8. Yes, I've tried to repair this character several times on the site and no luck it actually made me lag more the first time because it puts me in ironforge and this is making it impossible to cap, so I can't gear.
  9. Apparently I didn't reply to you, but It is only the dk and I did forget to note that it prevented me from capping today so I missed out on 2 pieces of gear.
  10. It's only the dk and I forgot to note that this is preventing me from capping today so i'll miss out on getting 2 pieces of gear
  11. The past few times I've tried to log onto my dk named morecaffeine on another account it's been lagging out and getting stuck at like 2 fps. I've finally at some points gotten it to work where I've had 80+ fps in the cities, but whenever I go into arenas or any kind've combat I lag out and my game freezes. I know for a fact that it's this account because when I go on my main account and do arenas or go into combat I can play completely fine at 100+ fps, but for some reason when I log onto this account I lag out. It would be amazing if you guys could provide a solution to this issue as I want to be able to play my dk on my other account. Thank you :D. I am using your game client and I downloaded pandwow through utorrent. I've tried to solve this issue by deleting that account in the account folder and then clearing my cache, but it didn't seem to work. I am going to provide a screenshot, but it crashing like this only occurs on this account. https://imgur.com/a/eS26DAY
  12. How has this still not been answered it's been like 3 weeks.
  13. This is why I think he should be banned it's unfair that he can abandon a pet and re-summon a new one and all he has to do after one game is go get another 5 or so pets from the pet master guy that you can just instantly get pets from. It's also the fact that the pets that you get from the vendor aren't just some shitty pets they're actually pets like the one this guy is using in video. In my opinion I think he should be banned. As I said before I have no proof of that working on live, but I feel as though if that worked then all of the videos on youtube of retail wow in MoP you would see people doing that all the time because it's such an advantage to a team, and even that it would be like almost impossible to kill any hunter team because he would have sac most of the arena. You also have to put into perspective that what that does is stop like almost 5 kill attempts because you can't crit, and it's like I said before wouldn't you think that all the hunters on live would've used that if it worked on live.
  14. I see where you're coming from wanting proof that it actually wasn't allowed on official 5.4.8, but I don't have any cause I never played hunter I don't think it's fair to ask me for that. Even if that don't you think people would've abused that in 3v3 and 2v2 on official 5.4.8 if it was a thing. The thing is on official 5.4.8 and other expansions you could cast dismiss pet, but what this guy is doing is abandoning it and basically abusing the vendor that you guys provide to get a pet with a stun right away. Even if it worked on live there wasn't a vendor to get pets from on live, so he wouldn't be able to get that pet over and over again between arena queues that fast. This is why I reported it in the first place cause I think it's unfair game play, and I think he should get banned for this because he's abusing the pet vendor. Thank you for listening :D.
  15. So you're abusing the abandon feature and getting instant pet re summons. You're basically abusing the fact that you can abandon a pet and go to the pet master and get 4 or 5 new pets that's fantastic. Even if that's a thing it should be bannable because on live it wouldn't work like that because there's not a pet master you can just go and get a pet like that especially one that has stun. Even that you're abandoning and instantly dismissing it that way which is ridiculous that you don't have to cast the dismiss pet.
  16. 1. Denkotheboy 2. Fun-realm 3. As you can see in the video Denkotheboy uses Roar of sacrifice multiple times way too quickly where the cool down is 1 minute. At the end he uses roar of sacrifice @2:05 and uses it again at @2:24. He's done this for about 3 arenas and it's making it hard for me to keep my partner alive as I can not crit. 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-RwozdgEiw&feature=youtu.be
  17. 1. Rapsuskleih 2. Fun-Realm 3. A rogue by the name of Rapsuskleih has been teleport hacking and cool down reset hacking for the past few months outside of elywnn in attempt to kill people. It has however become more frequent in the past few weeks and he's making dueling and even sitting outside of elywnn a very difficult thing to do. In the video that I've put down below you'll see that he constantly teleport hacks after getting almost killed on several occasions and then proceeds to reset his cool downs and his health instantly then opens in as little as 10 seconds. 4. https://youtu.be/WqGekZBYBtE 5. I also needed to add that he's not vanishing if that was the case you would see the vanish buff and see him for about 1-2 seconds before he actually goes into stealth.
  18. 1. Лёнядуротар 2.Fun-Realm 3.This paladin by the name of Лёнядуротар is abusing the hunter pet buffs and getting like 3-4 of them at the same time and he's even getting two of the same buff just from 2 different pets. You will be able to see all of this in the video. 4. https://youtu.be/__Smi9CkduE 5. The hunter was also abusing the buffs, but I couldn't get his name as I don't speak or type Russian and I couldn't copy and paste his name in time.
  19. 1. Ilents 2. Fun-Realm 3. A dk by the name of Ilents was dueling me and I noticed that a little into the duel he used a banana item to knock me over and I couldn't use any abilities and he can spam this. The other thing I also noticed is that a russian warrior was giving him rallying cry at the end of the duel. 4. https://youtu.be/V_iZYRyLZkI 5. A druid also by the name of biggest crits was doing a similar thing where he had a warrior give him the 20% increased crit flag and rallying cry. He also had Ilents use the banana to knock me over, but sadly I don't have this on video.
  20. Hi, I recently sent a sword to the paladin that I bought a few hours ago and the sword has not come and it has been like almost 6 hours. Is there anyway possible that my sword can be recovered? If so thank you. It was the Archaic defender. Edit: You can close this thread as I think I might've been sent the sword or it happened to show up in my rogue's bag at one point in time. Thank you for your help! :D
  21. 1. Tigerzxko 2. Fun-realm 3. Tigerzxko was making sexual comments such as "My first impression is my dick on your fucking face" 4. https://youtu.be/16BSdheHFvY 5. He also insulted me on another character by the name of dakki saying that i'm a fag. The proof of this is also in the video.
  22. 1. Ринасуицид 2. Fun-realm 3. I was dueling this rogue named Ринасуицид and after I won he said that he wishes I die of cancer. 4. https://imgur.com/a/4kTqH https://youtu.be/uCPc0_zZZlE 5. He also spammed several times I got one of them on recording and more insults.
  23. 1.vraiiranien 2.Fun-realm 3. Vraiiranien and I were discussing his rating. I then tried to explain to him why I didn't think he had accomplished the said 2.5k that he said he was. He then proceeded to insult me several times calling me a fucking bitch and a pussy and just went on saying how i'm a bitch. He then also proceeded to spam the chicken emote in the chat. 4. https://imgur.com/a/wmj4l https://imgur.com/a/4Cyxz https://imgur.com/a/4BdzO https://imgur.com/a/t28MQ 5. None
  24. 1. Wogzski 2.Fun-realm 3. Was talking to a rogue because he got scammed and the pally told me and krryx to go fuck yourself. 4. https://imgur.com/a/YI4cG 5. No comments
  25. 1. Hætred 2. Fun-realm 3. He insulted me calling me a bitch and a retard and also says my father abuses me when it's not true. 4. https://youtu.be/wBNCy-0JhCc 5. No comments
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