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Everything posted by Kingbachx

  1. Buy my monk autsch, so u can make max mad, Verdantx with Bloodfang black recolor and othe rly cool mogs too, many mounts, full mw and ww gear (night elf)
  2. Bump Ps. add spellque Kappa
  3. Bump, cmon boys we need this things in pwow
  4. Really love the idea, Pandawow really needs more content, game is pretty much dead, i remember when i was a 20 lvl paladin with full twink pvp gear and i watched how people played against certain bosses, and i wanted to play it aswell.
  5. Also Chi wave and crackling jade lighting
  6. Nah we dont think u are cheating, We know it for a fact.
  7. Sakion is a nasty mongoloid
  8. Ever considered adding brawlers guild in game?
  9. GJ diabolique, this is the first time u've ever used your god damn brain, u guys remember sadmana? he used wpe on pandawow, and the reason he started playing pandawow in the first place was bcuz he got perma banned on every other server he played, guess why? yes bcuz of wpe, this is the case with the freakz crew aswell.
  10. I freakin knew it, I KNEW it was bugged, i faced war/sham today and i literally couldn't get to sham cuz he would earthgrab everytime i connected.
  11. Merry christmas
  12. Remake it and put zhalifa u nerd
  13. I dont see adilfhotler
  14. Link vod
  15. Wheres zhalifa lol
  16. Haven't tried it NEAR it but reloging out from cities doesn't fix anything, i'll try tho
  17. For guys who filled their bank with many different mogs/items and have no space left just letting u know, Void storage doesn't work, after putting stuff in there it will disappear
  18. i agree with everything except for ilvl req, like seriously people are alrdy tryharding 2s, quite hard to cap, check this out, it took me 10 of lfing perfect premade and another 2 hours of grinding bg just to get 1 mog piece for my dk, (which is 1,2 or 3 522 piece(s) pretty much) and im pretty sure half of server has some irl stuff to do so why dont they just que soloque for 20min get full cap get another upgrade (which almost equals 2 522 pieces) and call it a day. and i agree with autsch, if soloque dies, server will die with it. cya.
  19. Not that i care about it since u are the only one that calls me "bad". so your opinion is not objective :)
  20. Im farmed :(
  21. Yea since im not the only one that calls him botter, but still u only target me since im "bad". Is that right?
  22. Oh im so sorry that i didn't know that there was a bot for classes that i dont even play(I still dont understand your logic, so basically just bcuz i didn't know that there were bots for priest or druid i dont know anything about this game, good fucking job dennis forster u fucking moron), And yet again i alrdy told u what was the purpose of this fucking thread and u are just being an ignorant piece of shit, AND I WAS EVEN KEEPING COOL WITH U AND U STARTED ALL THIS LOL, U are actually full of shit, grow up. - - - Добавлено - - - Yea i can definitely judge whos botting if it's a class i play :)
  23. Never insulted u but i think i'll have to u fucking rat, I never said i was mad, like what does being mad has to do here in the first place, u are so fucking stupid it's beyond me, Not trying to do anything, u tried to defend that fucking botter when u said it yourself ON STREAM that hes fucking botting, get your fucking mind straight u fucking moron, holy shit, And yea, i would never put u on the list since u are fucking dogshit on every class except druid or priest, and as far as i know there is no real bot for druid or priest.
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