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Everything posted by Kingbachx

  1. Kingbachx

    TOP 3v3

    LOL XD EXACTLY!!! I remember i ask dion to play tourny he thought i was fedya ,he was like "r u sure? Remember u gotta kill totems as wls" i was like" wls? Im taking about scleave" he laughed and said that he wont play tourny with me FeelsBadMan, Федямортал Фиксилолх Can u see the difference?:D
  2. Made this thread just to kill time. curreny best guys are: War:Telpin Pala: Meganz and Lightingqt Hunter: Serenity, Eccay Rogue: Alexisren Priest: do we have any priests here? Checkmesheep Warlock: Funkabiz Thilan and Autsch Mage: Deepoxy and Baaz and gringos Shaman: Pwnanza and Flowqt or smthing Druid: Noneed, Adlairo (only druids that play 3s as legit compa) Monk: Envenomno and Maxuhmilli DK: Noneedsuck, or myself ;) ( lets be serious ive got my 2.170 as legit comp in 3s not as takaasg so did noneed) Pls more drama guys please!!!!
  3. Kingbachx

    TOP 3v3

    Telpin+Funkabizsax+Dionysus= #RoadToBlizzcon
  4. Kingbachx

    TOP 3v3

    Exactly!!!! - - - Добавлено - - - Lets nake another best of each class thread, i need to kill time with some drama!
  5. Kingbachx

    TOP 3v3

    Well, id choose tsg too :D Btw ive seen that combat bug, i played as dk ww once, played va war mw 2.5k mmr, needed to kite and run away or even mount up, but guess what? Combat bug. And btw repitch, u can come back already, rmd had r2 in 3s ladder, alexisren claimi and guy who beated your dog irl (DewLULs in the chat) aka saadx. It is pretty good, havent faced it yet, but they killed takaasg so i guess its viable
  6. Fun fact: Takaasg can and will beat wls, another fun fact: Takaasg is killable only as mld(noneed killed him) since u cant catch druid and tunnel him, but hey... Lets tunnel some other meat classes, like mage :O and the last fun fact: takaasg js doing more dot dmg than lsd2 its like, when boomkin uses starfall and everything melts with affli lock dots, its like 100 times stronger in takaasg
  7. ehmmmm... u got gladiator?how?:D
  8. when i saw dirst comment of noneed i was like "damn what a salty dawg"-> look at the name -> "ah, thats noneed, why am i not surprised?" but he still is right, dk is bugged af and it disgusts me ( i main dk) i might reroll smthing else when i get glad on dk (Kappa), but tbh id like to see Takaasg on this season, is he gonna get r1 again? (offtopic) i can only imagine how hard is noneed hitting his keyboard while writing this DewLUL, repitch is super chilled and noneed is exploding on keyboard.
  9. вижу бш на твое панеле, неужели ты вар саб рог играл до такого рецта и потом говоришь что легит взял? если кто не знает в 5.4.2 на фане там аквавит и скарлетх были 3.3 саб рог и варом, даже я в тот раз первый раз на вара начал играть 2 раза сыграл кап, купил вепон и стрейт ту зи топ апнул 2.3 ( играл первый раз) так что такие скриншоты лучше не выкладывать :) - - - Добавлено - - - и еще, ты пишешь что ты взял хай рейт на 5.4.8 но там илвл 522 у тебя :) - - - Добавлено - - - но если честно то ты хорошо играл у концы сезона, тт вар, но все равно хорошо, ликвид тоже ;) - - - Добавлено - - - это не дионисус - - - Добавлено - - - неужели это тот прсит который 2.4к трайхардил с баго тринькетом который хилил спеллкастеров когда они дамажили?посе фикса его не видел в мгре
  10. Kingbachx

    TOP 3v3

    I personally think that rmd is the best but im gonna vote wms, since there was 2 2.800 mmr "wms"s when blaston played, tho as dk i really enjoy playing BaCHIHDK (chihdk) a.k.a mw mm udk, played on 2.2 mmr last season as this comp ;) also i think that pn eu the best was gos comp with zunni and nolifer, and on na i dont remember correctly, i think it was mls with cdew venruki snutz on 3k mmr? i know that there were bunch of phdks and bachihdks on na( best comp for dk on na) and on eu shadow cleave was top tier even tho r1 dk volkovitch got his 3.2 in completly weird comp which later was called walking dead, was really impressed by them tbh, they beated best rmd in russia (PogChamp) and joefernandes wmd. i think i might que some walking dead this season ;) and btw repitch, if u had to choose who to que on wls wms or tsg, what would u pick? xD - - - Добавлено - - - he got r1 title, not gladiator xD - - - Добавлено - - - it was full of bugs, but it was still golden age of pandawow
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