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  1. just remember your place in this community, little minion. you will forever be hated by everyone. =) think posting it here will make me not see it, haha! triggered47 logic never fails. it consumes
  2. Report the user and ban him. Very simple. A friend of mine got banned on that server cause he streamed pandawow. he got over 20 viewers just from their site. :D make mods or gms check the streams regularly. this is just a win-win situation. he gets viewers, you get free advertisement. =)
  3. yes, but it's not the same. the site will easily tell if someone's online or not, regardless if you post it in that thread. what if someone posts after you, then you won't see your post anymore. whole point is gone then. most people don't even check that section.
  4. i wont do le comeback, dont want this topic to get ruined cause of you... like you ruin everything else. wasnt a disguise, lol. everyone can see how i type, not rocket science... but to answer you, no it does only benefit me, but everyone else who streams that doesn't have that many followers (everyone who streams pandawow, usually have only around 2-40 followers).
  5. nah, it helps others too. if you think it sucks, ok, i dont care. that's your opinion, but others like it. =)
  6. yes, but if you have arena titles on that realm and you dont play there, it kinda sucks. i also have some friends who has that as well. another suggestion: make a link to everyones twitch channels who streams on pandawow on your website and forum? this will help the streamer and help the server get noticed. like this
  7. holy moly... that's amazing! thank you so much! :O new suggestion: i think this is very hard, but it would be really nice if you could swap characters from x100 to fun realm. i've noticed that from fun -> x100 is just pointless and too much work, as you can get pve gear easily. on x100 you have to work for it and fun realm provides better pve gear anyway, so it wouldn't matter. this would be so amazing! i dont play x100 anymore, but i have so many characters there (we're talking about maybe 10-12 full geared toons).
  8. i was wondering if you guys will not host tournaments, is it possible if you could sponsor us with maybe pvp items, mog items or just bonuses? the players can host the tournaments. it would be fun to spice up the gameplay a little bit.
  9. in the future, you think at least for pvp you can ask us? the comment with the most up-votes can get fixed? pathfinding A_A. cant wait for that. thank you =)
  10. that sounds really good. i hope it will have some rating and not only 1850 or 2250.
  11. read my suggestion if you scroll a bit up. maybe add a vendor or a system that let you convert conquest/honor to gold as well?
  12. another suggestion: make more pvp tournaments? would be wicked to see 3s more active 2nd dont grant 2s r1 titles? this is unfair and there really isnt needed to que 3s if you can get it in 2s and work much less. at best, give gladiator only in 2s.
  13. i've said this so many times and i know. this is probably the most annoying question or suggestion you know, but can the players make the to-do list? im not only talking about pvp. im talking about the whole community working together. all the top pvp-players, pve-players and the most known world pvp-er(s) should work together and make the perfect to-do list for you guys. nothing custom, pure reports.
  14. new mall? new place where you can start would be cool. something that's not common and unique make gold useful on fun realm? make an npc(s) that sells all tier and old arena sets for gold? potions/food too? maybe unique swords and mounts too, but of course, more expensive. for instance you get 5 gold per kill in arena/bg/gurubashi/major cities? cause right now there's nothing to really work for. yes, you can gear up, but then what? you have nothing to do, other than do the same thing over again. imo, i don't have to look forward to anything right now, except r1 in 3s. i would really enjoy this. i think this is a suggestion that we need to talk more about, but i hope you can understand.
  15. it was djtpz. qwanya and noneed told me that he's known as a ddoser and scripter on retail. banned so he came here? who knows.
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