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Everything posted by player10

  1. Well ye, i just noticed the 2 first are with (2) and the 3, 4 are with (4) But its the 3rd description i mean: http://prnt.sc/ca1yeb the 3rd text
  2. Kickback + http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117828/backdraft Kickback make you able to trow an instant Incinerate when you get hit by melee dmg, without any cost, but atm it consumes 1 Backdraft charge. Your instant Incinerate should not consume 1 Backdraft charge fun realm 8/10 we are losing http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117828/backdraft stacks randomly with instant incinerates
  3. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=185993 its 3rd bonus, not 4th
  4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=185993 its 3rd bonus, not 4th
  5. where u see 2k?¿? i went on 2,880k just after pve got fix, and then the next season on 2,644 with crax playing as ret + unh, i don't think u can even reach 1,9k
  6. Lershan spam fun realm http://prnt.sc/c9ts4x
  7. exactly, because my english is perfect
  8. http://prnt.sc/c9syql http://prnt.sc/c9sz1w (englando) Best english evah
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090&page=10 Idk why u keep trying to fake post, btw this post its a copy of the last one declined.
  10. Well, then there are more ways to do the hack lol, lets find them all and send it to Juster. At least wpe way should be fixed cuz they know how works the filter.
  11. No, its wpe, i've found how they do it and i've send it to Juster some days ago.
  12. cancerplague http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=69145 1.1. It is forbidden to create nicknames containing obscene speech. 2.3. It is forbidden to use obscene, rude expressions and insults of any sort (including against individuals, nationality, race or religion, political affiliation of other participants), including avatars, profile pictures, signatures, profile information and so on; post links to pages of third-party web sites containing insults towards forum users. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194106&page=11&p=1172163&viewfull=1#post1172163
  13. Main idea: Fusion x100 and fun realm, so no need for cross realm. How? -Making the choice when u create a new character between leveling with x100 rates or going instant lvl90. -Making PvE content work properly in this fusion realm. -About PvE npc's: make each pve item cost 15k conquest so it won't be ez to get all the pve stuff and people will try to farm it doing PvE dungeons from pandaria. (PvE should be doable for this) With fusion, no cross, no problems with lag or bugs, bigger players comunity Also could consider a Cross faction bg's for faster que's, like you can que bg but u won't know if u will be horde or aliance, just like how it works for 10c10 (in rated bg's 2 aliance teams can fight each other, and 1 of the teams play as horde) so more que's will call. For example, 60 aliance in que? no problem 3 bg's of 10c10 teams, all aliance players but some of them playing as hordes like in 10c10. 50 aliance and 10 hordes? some hordes can play with the aliance faction and some aliance with the horde faction, just think about how it works for 10c10 rated. -Make a IP ban system for people that got banned appearing in reports with proffs(videos) of them hacking by Teleport hack or Fly hack, so they can't do new accounts again and again. -Get more info about hacks/bots like WPE or PQR, visit hacker forums time to time to see what's going on and prevent hacks/bugs to occur in your server.
  14. ms diference.. so sad argument lol
  15. keep talking randomly, everyone who saw this videos know that this report is wrong. videos: This proves u are wrong, and so the post too, now stop spaming
  16. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=119975/conversion + Runic power With http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=119975/conversion up, you can't get runic power from blood runes, also the PvP Hands bonus (Equip: Your Chains of Ice ability now generates an aditional 10 Runic Power) don't work during http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=119975/conversion. -> Hands bonus: http://prnt.sc/c9inbb Blood runes and PvP Hands Equip bonus for Runic power should also work during http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=119975/conversion up. Fun realm 7/10 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDWmx4B7aCw
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