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Everything posted by lordgonzalo

  1. http://es.wowhead.com/transmog-set=1644/plate-of-the-lightning-emperor-lookalike I want this transmog set for my pala, please. Can you put al least one piece of each part of the set to buy for credits? Thanks.
  2. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=59342 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=62384 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=63490 Please. Thanks.
  3. Hello: I was speaking with a gm in the game and he said to me to write the problem here. The problem is the following. It is impossible to pay credits for the next item:59342, 62384 or 63490. They have the same transmog. None of them exist in the market of the website. Furthemore, it is impossible to kill the boss because he has an attack with more than 10kk of damage (bugged). The gm said to me that you can help me sending the item to my character. The character is: Sigrid-Fun. Thanks in advance.
  4. I did it now and the problem continues. XD I am going to check all the posibilities. If a gm know the solution, I will glad again������.
  5. I did it and the problem continues. :'( Can any gm check my character in game? I have delete all my addons also. I can cure perfectly without talent but when i select one of them i get lag. I have try to change the specs of place and the problem appear when i select a talent of heal spec. I have checked more and the problem belong to my third talent of lvl 15. Nothing corrects it. I deleted my character and restored her but the problem appear again. I did again other pala and put that talent and he cured perfectly.
  6. Hello staff: I have two character heal. One of them is a druid and the other is a pala. The problem is the following: when I use my heal druid I have 55ms but when I use my heal pala I got more than 15000ms (it has happened for two week all the time). However, when I use the pala like a dps I have 55ms. I did other heal pala and I hadnt that problem (the new heal pala had 55ms). My other characters are dps and they havent that problem. I have tryed to repair my oldest heal pala (full 550) using the repair character of the website, changing and fogetting the specialization of heal and deleting cache file of the wow file. However, the problem continues. I am desesperate. Can you help me? Thanks so much in advance.
  7. Is he not going to be punished? You can see him flying in the bg on the video? Isn't it enough?
  8. 1. Sportcarx fly hack 2. Sportcarx 3. Fun 4. Fly hack on Arathi Basin bg 5. http://imageshack.com/a/img924/9377/QIU8F9.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img922/188/pyM0mB.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img924/6925/d9EHdK.jpg
  9. 1. Fly hack on bg of Claude 2. Claude 3. Fun 4. Fly hack on bg 5. 6. It is no my first time that I see him flaying on bg.
  10. 1. Fly hack 2. Gladhealz 3. Fun 4. He took the flag and captured the flag immediately. After that, he took the flag again and flow a site where we couldnt arrive or attack. 5. 6. You can see also how he insult other players.
  11. And the punishment? Three flags in one minute is possible???
  12. Please say to me a place to download a program to make videos, I dont know how to do it.
  13. 1.Gaet 2.x100 3.Teleport hack to take the flag on bg 4. http://imageshack.com/a/img922/7470/zj34XB.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img923/6461/CzLFhf.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img921/2276/GysWnz.jpg 5.As soon as the bg starts an the flag reappear the capture them
  14. In the first photo, you can see my venom damage in the sky caused to Maraku. That shows that he used fly hack. Furthermore, it is forbidden to do what this monk does.
  15. Name: Maraku Realm: Fun Description of the violation: this player use flyhack all the time in Twin Summits BG to escape of the figth and stay in an area where we can not hit him. Proof: http://imageshack.com/a/img921/5417/e6SIlj.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img921/1560/vL3R3U.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img921/6553/6XN2zJ.jpg
  16. Hello Staff: I am fed up with hacker in bg. I don't speak Russian. You can find the culprits looking at these images. There are two, one of them use flyhack and the other multiplier his character and cause damage four times (he can put four times the same curse in a character). http://imageshack.com/a/img923/9295/KiMsU9.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img921/3640/ePAffY.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img923/6233/ANZpZz.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img924/9151/kqt1VZ.jpg
  17. Hello Staff: I am writing because Desarmador XA 002 (4th boss) in the dungeon called Ulduar is bugged. When it has only 75% of life, it bugs and I cant attack it. I wrote a ticket in the game and a GM said to me that I should write the same here. He checked it. Can you resolve the problem? Thank so much.
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