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  1. So this week i've been grinding some random battlegrounds and got disconnected, when i tried to get back in-game i got a fatal error(did research on it and deleting WTF, CACHE, INTERFACE didnt work) so i tried character repair on website which in russian said "Ошибка 404 :("... After more tries to get in realm it just kept giving me different fatal errors and then a BIG RED MESSAGE Interface\GlueXML\GlueParent.:lua:315 or something like that. No idea what it means and didnt find it anywhere on google. + on website it say i was banned(2017-11-06 23:25:20) for speed hack which i do not know anything about because i was able to play normally whole summer? If i was banned for speed hack that must've been a false ban. I spent over 50€ on this account, i got 3 fully geared character which i would never risk. Also created a second account which works normally only my original account doesnt. Which means its an ACCOUNT or CHARACTER issue. Can anyone help me?
  2. [ATTACH=CONFIG]120024[/ATTACH]Hey! so 9/10 battleground show me an empty scoreboard (i cant check my stats on how i'm doing etc..). Tried deleting mods, deleting cache/wtf/interface. Nothing worked so far. Any ideas why? NOTE: Sometimes when i click "toggle scoreboard" on that minimap my WoW crashes "Error 132". Tried all solutions i could find. Still crashes.
  3. Well, controlling 4 different accounts, casting at the same time, 0.1 seconds difference between each other is not possible if you have to press a button on each account. There must be some sort of a script which presses the same buttons on 3 other accounts when the main one casts. It's really the same as using a hack to multiply damage and "life" since u have 3 others behind u to switch to if 1 dies. It is really unfair for others in battleground who play wow normally and not with some stoopid multiboxing. He might have a software to remove alt tab but those casts is the same as using a bot/script which presses on others as well. And they follow him, even when u stun him they continue to follow which is again must be a script/3rd party thingy. Why are you allowing this?
  4. LINK TO A DECLINED PLAYER REPORT: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=198790&p=1197188#post1197188 Why on earth are you allowing players to Multibox in battlegrounds? Going around oneshotting each player? Makes no damn sense, its the same as someone using damage hack and multiplying his damage 4x. Would love to hear an answer from a staff member.
  5. NAMES: - Shameowz - Shameows - Shameow - Shamyawz REALM: 5.4.8. FUN So just 30min ago i was in AV bg and there were this 4 Shamans with almost the same name and exact buffs, exact gear, exactly the same time casting. I am 100% sure there is just 1 real person playing those 4 shamans with some sort of 3rd party program/script with macros so that all 4 cast on the same time and follow each other. At first i just spammed some pictures with PRNT SCRN because i dont have a recording program installed, but then i though it wont be enough so i took my phone out quickly and recorded the thing. If this is legal ill just sell my character and leave the server. PROOF: - link to gallery of screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/ME0oK (if needed i will upload them all here as attachments) - VIDEO filmed via iPhone, could not upload it as attachment, gave me just an "error" so i uploaded it to a different site, here is the link: https://sendvid.com/ehff2cwc Thank you, Fraider
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