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About Sharp

  • Birthday 03/13/1998

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  1. In my opinion this feature should be always on since bgs are fair and legit fun to play also challenging for both faction and even if you lose it doesn't feel like it's a bullshit reason....No ally in it's right mind will que cross since they have a higher chance of losing.2full pride premades of ally vs 450k horde isn't a challenge at all.
  2. Cross faction was the best thing that has happened to bgs on this server and now that people que same old shit again it's gone in the drain :/ 1 step foreword 3 back.
  3. Sharp

    Do your job!:wink:
  4. Realm:Cross-bg Name:Mechvin He was standing in the door area where he cant get hit...only with aoe. [ATTACH=CONFIG]132291[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]132292[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]132293[/ATTACH]
  5. [ATTACH=CONFIG]130704[/ATTACH] Cross realm arena Name:Zenterno Insulting me in russian.
  6. I am bulgarian and i can confirm it says: Your mother is a death whore. "ne mogat da me bannat"They can't ban me
  7. There is a thread about false bans-make a post there or here it will be declined.
  8. I got dropped from the game and now i can't connect. When i enter my account i wait a while and get to chose a realm. I can log and chose characters from the x100 but when i pick fun i am stuck on" Logging to game server" I restarted computer and still nothing. After trying to log few times from another computer it fixed itself..what the bug??
  9. How much skill do you need as a full prideful player to kill tyranical?
  10. It's not that easy to solo a 600k DPS with a pocket healer and 5 other like him with a 410k war I get ou just want to gear.. I have more than 850 000 total honor gained only on my main and I just wanna gear an alt without trying to carry a bg 1 or 2 vs 8.no matter what skill you have you can't solo 8 people.. When I play healer,what's good of healing 400k people who die in two hits and do 20-30k dps and I get trained alone cus no one can peel properly. Sure i can ask Death Squad X to make a full premade for me but what about the little guys and new people who just got on and go in bg thinking they have a chance. I'm have 4-5 geared chars on horde but i might just go play ally and enjoy my free carries and gear new chars in no time. Are there even admins who play on horde idk. Cus anyone who plays the game know tyranical isnt equal to prideful.
  11. How are Horde supposed to gear up when 85%of players in bgs are tyranical and ally has 1 or 2 premades of full pride players. At least boost honor for horde by double so we can farm from losses... Today i lost 10 bgs and won 1 and it's not even funny..just sad.. [ATTACH=CONFIG]128578[/ATTACH] Every bg chart looks like this... It has never been this bad.. [ATTACH=CONFIG]128579[/ATTACH] Taken 1 after another.
  12. Sharp


    Everyone knows doing bgs on horde is a nightmare. If you wanna gear a horde just go in and lose 10 bgs a day till you get your gear and then do arenas and forget bgs exist on this server.Only option is to get a 4 man premade and hope ally dont have 2 and your team isn't tyranical.It's not a problem of skill it's a problem of gear and population. There are some ways i can think of for balance in server but they aren't going to be accepted in any way. Make max ally premade que 2 people.Free transfers from ally to horde side to stimulate faction population.Adding a feature that lets you pick any racial on any class/race sicne i've tallked to ally players who said they don't like it playing ally but do it for the racial. None of this will be implemented but a person can dream.Untill then have fun playing with grievous gear people vs 1-2 prideful premades. Peace.
  13. That won't prove anything :/
  14. You might need to delete the data files and redownload or download new ones for english from forum and rename them the same way for Ru. Thats what i did. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=115946 This download link works 100% for me when i had the problem but you have to download all files one at a time.
  15. I wonder how many people will be banned for this bug before they patch it :D
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