It's not that easy to solo a 600k DPS with a pocket healer and 5 other like him with a 410k war I get ou just want to gear..
I have more than 850 000 total honor gained only on my main and I just wanna gear an alt without trying to carry a bg 1 or 2 vs matter what skill you have you can't solo 8 people..
When I play healer,what's good of healing 400k people who die in two hits and do 20-30k dps and I get trained alone cus no one can peel properly.
Sure i can ask Death Squad X to make a full premade for me but what about the little guys and new people who just got on and go in bg thinking they have a chance.
I'm have 4-5 geared chars on horde but i might just go play ally and enjoy my free carries and gear new chars in no time.
Are there even admins who play on horde idk.
Cus anyone who plays the game know tyranical isnt equal to prideful.