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  1. But u dont need formula because is a % of the total healing you do, like example i did, let me explain again; If you do (for example) 150k with holy shock, if you have 39% of mastery(Mastery: Illuminated Healing will put a shield, depends of your mastery) 150.000(healing)x39(mastery)/100(%)= 58,500(shield from Illuminated healing) So in the picture i take in my skada(pandawow) you can see the total healing: Holy shock: 300k.39/100=117k Holy Radiance: 250k.39/100=97k Eternal Flame: 600k.39/100= 234k Holy light: 81k.39/100= 31k Total(Shield get from Mastery: Illuminated Healing)= 479k So you can see again in the picture Mastery: Illuminated Healing only do 28,3k :) If my calculations are correct, Mastery: Illuminated Healing have to be top in healing of holy paladin( like the first picture take from server wowfreakz, depending of the mastery of each paladin) I dont understand why u always take all with pvp world, this bug only affect to holly paladin in PVE, so you answer about DK are weak but you can kill easily a warlock is... invalid(?)
  2. Mastery need to be check urgent, everyone knows paladin healers in this server sucks for pve, cmon, i dont know how is the formula, but obviously, mastery have a big bug, i show the proof testing healing in other server(paladin is top healing in the other server where paladin healer is fixed). - - - Updated - - - you are a joke and nobody says anything, If you do not say anything contributory to the report, do not say anything. ty - - - Updated - - - Ok so simple, if u use Holy shock and heal 300k like u see in the skada(pandawow) and u have 39% mastery(like the example in the picture) u have to do a shield of 117k, and as u see in the picture with all healing(holy shock, holy prism, eternal flame, holy radiance, etc) you can see the max shield 28.3k...
  3. As it is well known in the pve the healer paladin has problem to heal the tanks and dps, practically making the paladin only usable in dps or tank. The problem is that there is a bug with the shields formed from the mastery or from the formulas of cures of the spells of the paladin. I have tested on another server (wowfreakz) and the paladin cures go perfectly, getting to be top in cures easily with a monk, sacer even dudu. Here is the proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]122283[/ATTACH] And Pandawow [ATTACH=CONFIG]122281[/ATTACH] In both cases I was full mastery. As you can see the highest healing is carried by the shields by mastery of the paladin and last are his cures are below these. (Depending on the mastery of the paladin) That's why ALL THE PALA HEALERS are using critical hit instead of mastery, because they do not see performance in their shields (this being the last in the skada compared to their other skills) Pls fix this big bug
  4. As it is well known in the pve the healer paladin has problem to heal the tanks and dps, practically making the paladin only usable in dps or tank. The problem is that there is a bug with the shields formed from the mastery or from the formulas of cures of the spells of the paladin. I have tested on another server (wowfreakz) and the paladin cures go perfectly, getting to be top in cures easily with a monk, sacer even dudu. Here is the proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]122279[/ATTACH] And Pandawow [ATTACH=CONFIG]122280[/ATTACH] In both cases I was full mastery. As you can see the highest healing is carried by the shields by mastery of the paladin and last are his cures are below these. (Depending on the mastery of the paladin) That's why ALL THE PALA HEALERS are using critical hit instead of mastery, because they do not see performance in their shields (this being the last in the skada compared to their other skills) Pls fix this big bug
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