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Everything posted by 3rturk

  1. No , he actually had 1 billion hp , Nobody was able to kill him i saw him in orgrimmar ^^ He was a tyrannical hunter.
  2. Then the other player has 1m hp ??? So it's normal hp , he may be Blood dk or something.
  3. I think GMs should BAN you in the first place :) Didn't you check your own HP before you report someone you IDIOT ????? :D:D:D
  4. 1- Checked 2- Pandawow Fun Realm 3- Mother Insult 4- https://streamable.com/ez0rn
  5. 1- Dirtypillow , Bloodyouz 2- Pandawow Fun Server 3- Hunter pet HP bug abuse 4- https://streamable.com/5cljy - https://streamable.com/gzl5f
  6. If you believe that i insulted you , you can report too my friend. This page is for reports , Have fun
  7. 1- Lunårxo 2- Pandawow Fun Server 3- Mother Insult 4- https://youtu.be/pbzqK5lMfHg = Proof
  8. 1- Drooks 2- Pwow 3- Mother insult 4- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfeH05o2jww&feature=youtu.be
  9. Cycle you are a fuckin Traitor , and this Video can't be acceptable for Ban , it'll be declined and you'll get farmed forever , Blackskill.
  10. 1. Name: Riddick 2. Realm: PWoW-Fun 4. Reason: Insult 5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30GQqvfgKdk&feature=youtu.be 6. That player using This accout to insult people , and his real char's name is Thyrønz Aka Chianzrow. you can check his IP
  11. 1. Player Name: Elanlex 2. Realm: PandaWoW Fun 3. Mother insult 4. https://vid.me/8JYt8
  12. 1- Name: Krst 2- Realm: Pwow Fun 3- Mother insult 4- https://translate.google.com/#tr/en/Orospu%20%C3%A7ocu%C4%9Fu This is the translation of his curses. Video: https://vid.me/hJYXA
  13. Well what do you understand when someone says you ' I am in your mum? '
  14. Player: Deepmvpwin realm: pwow Fun reason: mother insult proof: https://vid.me/4zpGj
  15. Name: Rollexpewtwo , Helpertje Realm: pwow Fun Reason: Hack Proof: https://vid.me/o9OqC This guy will never stop hacking. He instant tps to corpse , He abuses double talent..
  16. Name: Taeyeong Realm: Pwow Fun Reason: mother insult Proof: https://vid.me/IUGNZ
  17. 1. Player Name: Æquinøx 2. Realm: Pandawow FUN 3. Mother Insult 4. Proof: https://vid.me/0mxNu
  18. 1: Player Name: Jannis 2: Realm: Pandawow Fun 3: Insult mother 4: Proof : https://vid.me/LLqli https://vid.me/BBptX https://vid.me/RRWfR German translations: Ich werd deine mutter vergewaltigendu = I raped your mother Ich ficke deine oma und werde sie hart vergewaltigen = I will f..k your grandma and will rape her hard
  19. 1: Player Name: Nightex 2: Realm: Pandawow Fun 3: Insult mother 4: Proof : https://vid.me/II7eZ
  20. 1: Player Name: Nasaranis 2: Realm: Pandawow Fun 3: Insult mother 4: Proof : https://vid.me/uuWfo
  21. 1: Player Name: Nejniq 2: Realm: Pandawow Fun 3: Insult GM 4: https://vid.me/WY44x
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