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Everything posted by Leffap

  1. 2.12. Flaming and/or trolling against any staff or forum member. if they should ban for this rule, all the forum members including you should get banned lol - - - Updated - - -
  2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=211197&p=1263257&viewfull=1#post1263257 same post twice, are u spamming? if u don't understand what is quoted, just read the other post: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=211197
  3. You listed, the rule 2,16 which i was already banned with, for having 2 accounts instead of the 5 that requires the ban, after more than 2 weeks waiting for the appeal answer, what i have to do? im not gona stay without talking just because i got randomly banned without any rule broken (the main acc got injustified banned, then got perma banned without any reason also). Im not waiting 1 month for an appeal answer.. None of them got banned cuz im not breaking any forum rule with these accounts. Try better and stop randomly reporting just because u are bored. - - - Updated - - - You and noneed are the only thing toxic on this forum. Its ok if u are friends but your opinions doesn't matter at all.
  4. which forum violation? i still didn't make any of forum rules lel i didn't got any of these accounts banned, idk wtf u talking about lol just the ones with similar name to reptich and noneed, due to they had become QA test members some time after. and again, which forum rules broken? tell me please, because even the main account hasn't break any specific forum rule. + my main acc got banned for having 2 extra accounts while banned, and the rule clearly says 5 accounts (the bann was permanent so i wasn't able to use it anymore even if i posted on forum appeal but as i expected, no answer was given: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157002&p=1255165&viewfull=1#post1255165 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157002&p=1255975&viewfull=1#post1255975 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157002&p=1256620&viewfull=1#post1256620 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157002&page=2&p=1256736&viewfull=1#post1256736 As u can see, i didn't break any forum rule with main account (http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157002&p=1255165&viewfull=1#post1255165) never spammed, just posted random stuff that i want to share, if they don't like it thats not a reason to ban since i can post non-game related stuff. And then, got banned permanent for having 2 extra accounts (http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157002&p=1255975&viewfull=1#post1255975), instead of 5 + no one answered my ban appeal, so i just use other accounts to talk since nothing has any fundament. So i use other accs to talk, who cares if the name is diferent, none of them got banned for breaking any rule.
  5. he also play war i think, so sad
  6. as u can see, noneed is just cancerous
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