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Everything posted by jadeon1997

  1. I can not download english config, when I press on it nothing happens... so please help me with this problem
  2. theres also 4 accaunt banned for thatreason please complain me admins, here i will go without game 1 month, because of arena logging? its random anyway why you ban us ? - - - Updated - - - win trading ? by me and my friends ? its not fair. we just playing and if we playing bad or with non geared chars its our choice. anyway its not fair... - - - Updated - - - i dont get that rule, because its not using cheat or something illegal i just used game system as it is, random stuff, nothing more, if i go to arena with my alt and get with my other chars in same arena its just random guys nothing more so whats up ? why its bad ? - - - Updated - - - four accaunts banned because of that, its not fair,no ! and for one month. - - - Updated - - - I need to talk with main admin moderator or Idk who is the developer of server.
  3. why you ban us with dat reason ? Перелив игр арены, РБГ или хонора / Arena or RBG win trading. До: 2019-02-28 12:33:28 Кем: [Player: Locative] ? i mean why i cant go on arena with my friend versus our alt characters ? why its illegal ? please complain me or just unban me 1 month for that its too much i think. its just way to get conquest, and i dont think there is something wrong, its random joining arena, i dont use cheats or something like that. my accaunt name is Jadeon1996 thanks
  4. Please gm-s read my last post in dat thread link ----> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=25764&page=104
  5. ok ty - - - Updated - - - one more question if you have time. i cant find that set on site, and want to get it is there anyway to get it from game in our server ? http://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=330/glorious-plate
  6. idk what kind of lag is it, or whats wrong with fps. that problem detected only with my monk no with other chars which are on same accaunt. character name jadedynasty - - - Updated - - - thanks aventus, but it not problem with my whole accaunt only with 1 character in it, but i need to do like that ?
  7. http://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=330/glorious-plate ADD THIS FULL SET PLEASE OR TELL ME HOW I CAN GET IT FROM GAME FAST ? I THINK ITS CHEAP NO ? Added in the list for the next update.
  8. my character ww monk Jadedynasty - name always lagging, dont lag on my others characters i tried to fix from site but it dont work can any gm help me ? whats wrong with char...
  9. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=46974/leggings-of-the-broken-beast#see-also Added in the list for the next update.
  10. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=95329/ma...sandfold-hells http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=94959/ho...e-crimson-wake ADD Already in the shop: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=95329 - link http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=94959 - link
  11. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=95329/mantle-of-the-thousandfold-hells Added in the list for the next update.
  12. why you dont add, i need it please add it on site http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=89982/shoulderpads-of-twisted-fate
  13. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=10628/deathblow http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=89982/shoulderpads-of-twisted-fate add this please Added in the list for the next update, except: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=89982/shoulderpads-of-twisted-fate - link
  14. Can i return item which i bough from site with bonuses and get my bonuses back ?
  15. hello, please add pandaren in Morpher npc ho change race visual. thanks
  16. please can you add this headdres of the first shaman ? http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=64644/headdress-of-the-first-shaman Added in the list for the next update.
  17. this thread is for fixing game, on my blood dk feral druid cant give me simbiosis skill in arenas idk why he give it to me in duel zone but don't work in arenas please fix it
  18. i tried , reset my internet conection, restart computer nothing helps, not only me my friend too, but my other friend is in the game... whats wrong with it - - - Updated - - - delete thread i loged in ty
  19. I cant log into the game [ATTACH=CONFIG]131140[/ATTACH]
  20. oh i see now my mistake :D
  21. am not gay dude :D wtf
  22. so i asked administration to put them on silver coins its too expensive too 100 votes need 5 days to gay 1 part....
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