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Everything posted by jadeon1997

  1. its private server dude ...
  2. why its not like other tmog sets with votes ? i asked for it to put it with silver votes too
  3. please add wild gladiator's decapitator for transmog http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=124841/wild-gladiators-decapitator
  4. ghlyp of shifting presences does not work please fix it
  5. please nerf damage of retribution paladin, its not work like this on official server. retri paladins are not that good on dps as on pandawow. also on unholy dks and feral druids
  6. jadeon1997

    Fix Bugs

    Dear administration, please fix some bugged classes dmg, for example unholy dk, feral druid. please check it, they do not normal dmg on fun realm.
  7. I can't find one axe for transmog. want to buy it. I already see all 67 pages of transmog items in weapon section and there is not Draconic Avenger. 19354 - item id. I saw it in game and help me where to get it ? pleae add it http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=19354/draconic-avenger Added in the list for the next update.
  8. I can't find one axe for transmog. want to buy it. I already see all 67 pages of transmog items in weapon section and there is not Draconic Avenger. 19354 - item id. I saw it in game and help me where to get it ?
  9. my cast bars dissapeared. i am trying to cast something and cant see mycast bar on screen :/ fun server name Hugmore, Hannibai, jadedynasty character names ? its bag on all of players or only on me ? what happened ?
  10. there is told that i need to log in with battlenet accaunt why ? i was playing ion bg and get disconeccted - - - Updated - - - ok it fixed.
  11. so I cant get back my items ? :/ here is not any way for that ?
  12. accidently sold my arena set...
  13. I accidently sold out my prideful head, shoulder, chest, cloack, hands and legs. if you can check this and return me my set please do it :/ I was capping for that items too long please help me
  14. Dear, administration I don't use any type of cheat and don't know how to use them I swear, something went wrong, on bg enemy did something to me and I flew in the air and can't get down, that was speed HACK ? please check this problem I didn't use any HACK so please don't be unfair and check this. I don't won't to lose my characters for 30 days for nothing. Thanks
  15. thnx i done it but, now i cant log in the game its stuck on conecting ._. as always
  16. my character stuck in the air or underground i dunt know what to call it. i cant use hearthstone and cant use also teleport to graveyard. so what to do how i can fix dat problem. please anyone help me
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