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About iAndrea

  • Birthday 10/02/1998

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  1. @Repitchx Are you still alive? Omegalul
  2. 1. Account Name: AxelMantero1 2. Realm: x100 3. Current Email: axel_enrique@hotmail.com (It's important to note that it doesn't exist anymore or atleast that's what we think, my cousin and me have been trying to log in his account, but he doesn't remember his password, since he created the email when he was a child, so we can't get the new password that "has been sent" to that email). 4. My Ip Adress: ( 5. Proof: I can't provide any proof, since I forgot the password of the Control Panel, but as you know (Jegeirmaster) I've reported this a long ago to change the email if someday I forget the password as it happened now. Also, I can provide some information, there are my three main characters named "Zandrea (Hunter), Xstranger (Hunter) and Insaw (Monk)". 6. Why do I want to change the email: Since I want to recover my password and have fun again inside the game.
  3. Hola, me pregunto si llegaste a cambiar la contraseña o aún el problema persiste? Y si no es así podrías detallar más tú situación?
  4. iAndrea


    Yes, the player charges while he/she is stunned.
  5. It's already reported. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=224029
  6. iAndrea


    1. Spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=109248 2. Issue: When someone is under fear and he/she/it run out of http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=109248 he/she/it doesn't get stunned. 3. How shoud it work: When the target moves from the maximum yards he/she/it should be stunned. 4. Realm: x100/Fun 5. Priority: 1/10
  7. iAndrea


    Thanks, I'll make a separate report.
  8. iAndrea


    1. Spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=109248 2. Issue: When you use this spell with a warrior he/she ignores the yards of the landing arrow with http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=100, although they get stunned while they charge. 3. How should it work: If the warrior moves from the maximum yards (5M) he/she should be stuned for 3seconds (PvP) and they shouldn't move under cc. 4. Realm: x100 5. Priority: 3/10
  9. iAndrea


    Estaré allí para matarlo Balls.
  10. Hola, podría ser un error de la instalación de el launcher, si es así puedes hacer esto: .Crea una carpeta. .Extrae el juego allí (osea el libro de Winrar). .Dale clic al launcher dependiendo de tu ordenador sea de 32 u 64 bits. Otra opción es en la carpeta general, sí ya hiciste los pasos anteriores darle a propiedad y quitar la opción "solo lectura".
  11. De que te serviría ser el Maestro de Hermandad cuando no hay casi nadie dentro de ella?. Por otro lado, no creo que te lo den, ya que es una opción que solo el Maestro de tal puede asignar.
  12. 1. Spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=121818 2. Issue: When you use this spell in arenas or battlegrounds the summoned pets just follow you. 3. How should it work: They should atack your actual target. 4. Realm: Cross (I think, but it doesn't work in arena/bg) 5. Priority: 5/10
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