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  1. Re posted it on the good section, and anyway the guardian should attack the target of the paladin this is how the spell should work. https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=258763&p=1506559#post1506559
  2. Hi, Name: Защитник древних королей Problem: Guardian of Ancient Kings "prefer" to attack enemy pets instead of the enemy player, even if you keep hitting the enemy player and use /petattack macro it doesn't helps, for eaxmple if I use Guardian of Ancient Kings on a Druid, then he summons a treant, it will keep attacking it till it dies, then it changes back to player, but if druid summons another treant it will just swap to the new treant again How it should work: The Guardian of Ancient Kings should be attacking the same target as the Paladin. Date 24.01.2021 Realm: xFun Priority: 9/10 (Literally 3 min CD big burst button) Here is the proof : https://imgur.com/gallery/IYV3D86 We can clearly see that the Guardian is attacking treant and keep swaping on them instead of going on the main target wich is drood.
  3. Hi, Name: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=86698 Problem: Guardian of Ancient Kings "prefer" to attack enemy pets instead of the enemy player, even if you keep hitting the enemy player and use /petattack macro it doesn't helps, for eaxmple if I use Guardian of Ancient Kings on a Druid, then he summons a treant, it will keep attacking it till it dies, then it changes back to player, but if druid summons another treant it will just swap to the new treant again How it should work: The Guardian of Ancient Kings should be attacking the same target as the Paladin. Date 24.01.2021 Realm: xFun Priority: 9/10 (Literally 3 min CD big burst button) Here is the proof : https://imgur.com/gallery/IYV3D86 We can clearly see that the Guardian is attacking treant and keep swaping on them instead of going on the main target wich is drood.
  4. I don't wintrade at all your video doesnt prove anything exept the fact that the shaman is "lagging" or if he is not he was just dumb so stop crying
  5. wich i don't know why - - - Updated - - - i don't know soyu its not my friend like you are not mine, after the game when you insult me "right after your video" for wintrade wich i didnt do at all he came to me and ask me for 2v2. i say yes because i finished my 2k2 for the enchant but it has nothing to do with it. stop act like a toxic player please. i don't wintrade at all and your video don't proove anything - - - Updated - - - You can also watch my games in 2v2 if you want i only do 1 game with him no more
  6. Hi i'm Deathnøtz, this guy is mad because i win its not wintrade here is why : 1 when you watch my game in solo 3v3 you can see that i'm queuing since 4 hours before that win 2 as you see on my game ID on solo 3v3 i queued against many people and many comps and i lost some games as well against 2k1-2k2 teams i'm playing since 3 days with no wintrade at all and its not because this shaman named " Suyo" did have "lag" if you say i don't know about that or anything else and lost with Jakekass as hunter that it means i wintrade automaticly. if you guys cant check my last ID game i played in solo 3v3 or the last 10 or 20 ones to proove that i wintrade or not then you should not ban me ether. - - - Updated - - - Also on the video you've recorded he says that he lag and then at 44s we can see that he walk like he is lagging for like 2 seconds unless the fact that he was running on us at the beggining of the game
  7. Felxprod traduce in English = we feel completely wank of your slut mother deceded it will be less of a slut in this planet you have to frankly go to join her - - - Updated - - - if someone can ban him from the forum it will be nice
  8. 1 FUN 2 Celives 3 he insult my mother and my family just because i win him in duel (let me tell you that my mother is dead 1 month ago) so it will be nice if you punish this guy please 4 here is the proofs https://imgur.com/gallery/2LwIX6j
  9. They also cannot be killer or tuched when they stay Under the texture so its an abuse anyway. - - - Updated - - - if not so everyone can go Under the texture when they want and attack people too, also they use shuriken when they are down i Don't have it on screen of course but anyway staying Under the texture like that to hide from pvp player who can attack them is an abuse, if not then what it is ^^
  10. 1 Chàinzrøw and Wøntt 2 Xfun 3 They are abusing blind and cloak and dagger to down Under texture hide and kill people 4 https://imgur.com/a/Vos7TN3 proofs - - - Updated - - - As you can see in the picture i cant attack them or anything and they attack people
  11. ''I am pretty sure that most of them are french'' wts is that seriously is that racism or what? - - - Updated - - - and honestly i think you guys want pewpew banned because he queue l s d with majely and weafyx so you say "euuuuuuuu boosted droood" cmon guys wtf,if he is boosted then why u guys Don't say the same for zanked as well hmm? zanked have more rating then pewpew in 3s so what? is that a joke? seriously..
  12. Its not because they are friend that they are wintrading for sur there is no proof there, wintrade= double account to gain rating and ''I am pretty sure that most of them are french'' we Don't care about that bro and ''His own teammates are also convinced that he was wintrading'' who? i'm one of his mate also but i Don't let him win for that -_- thats stupid if anyone queue into his friend is means wintrade? it was real games played by each other there is no wintrade here and no proof as well.
  13. Honestly i think its a really bad idea because everyone was crying and screaming cause of no queues in 3v3 and when zeox finally merge solo 3v3 with real 3v3 then everyone was Queuing there was queue pop almost everytime its also aloooot better like that. and next one ur restricted 3v3 to an evening window is a bad idea too because it wont stop any wintrade or anything else anyway and it will only reduce the 3v3 proc because on Pandawow everyone is not at the same place some live in spain some other in russia and its not the same time for everyone. about ur ''dodge'' let me tell you, we are in a private server there is not many player as retail so the most of people who queue 3v3 will dodge the comp that counter them and other snipe them with counter thats all ^^ ur idea was still not bad at all but for many people in this server it still sucks sorry for that but thats real ^^
  14. Hi, Today when i log my shaman i just saw when i put my fire elemental totem, the fire elemental stay in the same place and not moove and no attack how it should work: should follow the target and do damage. proof :https://imgur.com/gallery/Nf1DiWs
  15. I don't know about that i think all enhence abilities are basicly 50% spell if its not spells it will be phisical damage so and for echo of element i think thats normal if it procs with storm strike and lava lash if we cant proc on that it means that we can only proc on Healing surge and elly blast so echo of element become weak, enhence work with echo of element basicly and hit with spell damage so when they say that stormlash and storm strike or not spells i don't think thats real. thats spell damage already not phisical damage so its spells it seems clear for me about that thats why echo proc on that too - - - Updated - - - But idk
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