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Everything posted by sybreedz

  1. this doesnt work fine any way shape or form you look at it,saying that the auto attack/authoshot feature of the ability should apply a magical dot through cloak is fucking retarded and is clearly a bug (pandawow or retail,whichever you wish to claim) and why do i get soul swapped in cloak then anyway????????
  2. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=31224/cloak-of-shadows 2. You can get dotted by dk dots,hunter dots,warlocks soul swap,censure etc in cloak 3. No spell or magical dot of any nature should be able to hit you 4. 22/04/2018 5. 10/10 needs fix asap 6. Proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzWRBUakLBk https://youtu.be/CTHrmV7Y6sE https://youtu.be/eRx0HRCsd6A
  3. Account: Bumbelbegodx Realm: fun Current email: belthares@gmail.com change to > asgarrath@gmail.com Ip: 109.xx.116.1xx Proof: https://imgur.com/a/OGAM4 Reason: i sent numerous mails for reset but none have arrived and ive been waiting for a week,ive also sent the request through sms and havent recieved either,so can you please solve it this way
  4. this is a bug that was present on retail,in all reality no cc should ever hit you in deterrence other than axe toss/mortal coil if you deter too late,and surely no harmful spells should work on you,but hey if you wanna implement a retail BUG that is gonna ruin the weakest defensive cooldown in the game even more,go ahead,just dont wonder why ur server is dying considering ur fixing things that shouldnt even be "fixed" instead of focusing on important things :)
  5. at one point a few weeks ago aimed shot did proper damage somehow,and then once again i do 50-70k crits with cds/procs
  6. ur 100% wrong,you could never chastise someone in deter or attack them in deter even if a deep/cheapshot happens to hit them cuz of massive delay(which is why it happens on pandawow,not because its supposed to),you could only axe toss or death coil them in deter and attack them because det would bug out because of the travel time of the spell...also ur only able to get hit by ranged attacks when this occurs
  7. considering ur trying to redesign a properly working spell(to some extent) to your benefit,just cuz u got farmed by surv/rdruid i wouldnt be talking :'D
  8. just decline this,its a retail bug anyway
  9. asphyx is bugged as fuck on pandawow as it is,no point to bring it up as a valid point of discussion
  10. you just further proved my point,it only bugs out with spells like coil and axe toss,spells with a travel time..its a known retail bug - - - Updated - - - also i read ur post,the part where you said that rogues used to cheapshot thru deter for kills during wotlk (in wotlk,spells like cheapshot,pounce,backstab,ambush and the feral main dmg ability forgot the name used to go thru deter cuz they would hit from the behind,retarded concept,but thats how it was)
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U7qx2rcgKY referring to this? it was bugged on retail,but only worked with axe toss,no other ability so your post is invalid,ive been playing hunter for a long time and never saw or had the things ur talking about happen...
  12. 1.http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=86698 2.guardian of the ancient kings breaks http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115750,and possibly other breakable on dmg ccs 3.8/3/2017 4.fun/cross 5. 10/10 6. it should stop attacking a target that is in breakable cc,especially if youre not even attacking it
  13. Fan of knives for subterfuge > run in flare > cheap is the only thing u can do cuz of pandawow delay :P
  14. before this warrior "fix" i didnt lose a single game to warrior/mage,now even if they are 1500 rated backpedaling idiots its literally impossible to win no matter how well you play,rofl
  15. 100% agreed
  16. i dont work abs at all :D,dont train for looks just for kickboxing mostly
  17. K since i got called out ima post some half naked pics for all the KappaPrides out there ;) im mentally challenging: Milorad Thilan Peos
  18. Male human ret paladin Has: Warrior Tier 3 Challenge Mode Set Shadowmourne Rele glad tabard 4 pve items(legendary cloak,ring,evil eye of galakras,tusks of mannoroth) 700-770 bonuses u can msg me on this thread,dm me or add my discord and discuss there Nick (Sybreed)#4631
  19. Bump,really annoying and people can abuse this causing you to lose a game you shouldnt have
  20. Why are people that have been known for shady things and Ddosing allowed to be put in any position of power? :confused:
  21. why are people allowed to report for this rofl,this aint a social justice warrior server for the rights of transgenders
  22. will this ever get fixed? its a huge bug god damn it :confused:
  23. Its an alright basic guide as far as everything xcept the comps for 3s....you need to delete that section cuz the only correct versions of the comps u posted are kfc and hls :confused:
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