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Everything posted by sybreedz

  1. sybreedz

    Unholy Frenzy

    10/10 bug,needs to get fixed ASAP
  2. devs please dont ignore this,aimed is doing lower than it should...
  3. the poster above is wrong and has no idea what hes talking about or how hunter works. Nemifests calculation is correct
  4. how did u get a 73k heal from spirit bond rofl,theres something really wrong there :'D,ur calculations are wayyyyy offf spirit bond works properly
  5. hmmm interesting
  6. :mocking: very important,da.
  7. bump,should be fixed
  8. 1.http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=13813 2. explosive trap disappears and doesnt trigger when a warrior uses http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=6544. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=marWaJE9HUM&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpmt7KcQJE8&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecWdF_BYeck&feature=youtu.be 3.should knock him back 4. 6/3/2017 5. fun/cross 6. 6/10 its not a huge bug but definetely makes it very hard to kite warriors and peel them off you and get cc in 3s,especially as a marksman hunter
  9. bump,you deserve a medal
  10. bump,youre doing gods work son
  11. i love both of you
  12. Huge bug for mm,youre forced to play survival most of the time...ruins thug gameplay ruins kfc swaps...needs to be fixed as soon as possible,big up from me for reporting
  13. its really important that it gets fixed asap,so many ppl abuse it in the new bracket and theres ppl that abuse it in 2s too
  14. 1. http://db.pandawow.me/?item=105708 2. you can drink this in arena,it restores hp https://youtu.be/NrZcGEDkGVY 3. shouldnt be usable at all in arenas/wargames 4. 6/2/2017 5. fun/cross 6. 10/10 (with the 1v1 bracket being added recently) and in 2s this is massive and needs to be fixed asap
  15. you can delete the thread,the bug is present but since i cant properly reproduce it i guess the report doesnt count
  16. 1.http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=89808 2. the spell has no cooldown at the moment,when you use command demon singe magic can be spammed,should have a 10 second cooldown 3. 5/30/2017 4. fun/cross 5. 10/10 huge bug and needs to be fixed as soon as possible,it ruins competitive 3s
  17. 1.http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=13813http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=111771 2.you dont get knocked back when you use gateway,the explosive trap doesnt trigger 3.5/30/2017 4.fun/cross 5. 6/10 6. the way it should work https://youtu.be/XwstnfOm1Sc?t=65 7. proof https://youtu.be/p8BGRrdfixs https://youtu.be/CN688M7fzBI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBbcsrj3jDA it matters in 3s as its a big outplay,not that much in 2s
  18. seems to be fixed,if it gets bugged again ill report
  19. 1. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=19503 2. people get teleported to the middle of the map or move in very strange ways in scatter shot,making them untrappable,speed boosting spells seem to make it even worse 00:29:03https://www.twitch.tv/videos/148053787 00:59:25https://www.twitch.tv/videos/148149732 https://youtu.be/jNTUVkHn2ZY https://youtu.be/wEQNhrrJwWU https://youtu.be/87L4X3phhFQ https://youtu.be/MthaETaeMAI https://youtu.be/3DgTAzA2bro 3. worked fine until the update and got bugged today 4. 5/30/2017 5. fun/cross 6. 10/10 its a huge gamebreaking bug for hunters and needs to be fixed immediately
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