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  1. [ATTACH=CONFIG]138377[/ATTACH] fun // char name:hehexdhehexd :cry::cry::cry::cry:
  2. [ATTACH=CONFIG]138376[/ATTACH] very mean mens please remove him from pwow community
  3. are you using the pwow exe or some other servers exe
  4. nvm cat on pc making shit forum posts
  5. the info you entered is not valid after resetting passwords on three diff accs https://gyazo.com/2d2a72cedf2c24105b62e2cad51952ef
  6. IDK HOW TO SPELL THIS RETARDOS NAME! https://gyazo.com/94983bdee33d70951c26df99e0244e3a https://gyazo.com/94983bdee33d70951c26df99e0244e3a https://gyazo.com/94983bdee33d70951c26df99e0244e3a https://gyazo.com/94983bdee33d70951c26df99e0244e3a https://gyazo.com/94983bdee33d70951c26df99e0244e3a https://gyazo.com/94983bdee33d70951c26df99e0244e3a
  7. acc name: dinxx who reported skurt??????? kys pussy
  8. bump since the fucking idiot gms won't respond
  9. This is a fucking joke of a server legit letting all these fucking tards 2v10 groups by running to teleporter and going to dz and resetting like jesus fuck you dumb fucking autists nerf the tp in guru.
  10. Yea please fix this shit annoying af lol
  11. Account name: HogmanLOLZ pls halp i try to start play pwow again reform arena legend ja ja...
  12. Yaya i'm not. But okokokokok tons of retard use two 90 druid talents what about all the retards who abuse dream of cenarius and natures virgin on top of that???
  13. I was in duel zone not like I was raping everyone at SW :wink:
  14. how was I abusing a bug this server is so shit it's not even funny. If you can't fix a bug you ban people for using it what a joke Name:Skurts Pussy who reported me:Peke :appl::appl::p
  15. http://imgur.com/gallery/Pd2jonH das waysist :'((
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