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Everything posted by Cburton99

  1. Cburton99


    Shut the fuck up you fannyhole, in retail we had phases and layering. ARE WE TALKING ABOUT TIMELESS ISLE GANKING... NO fuck outta here with that bullshit, go get some friends you asshole, how we gunna get 25 non retarded pug, impossible for this server, you definitely bought your character aswell you sad cunt
  2. Cburton99


    I know! i havent been able to fucking kill ordos all week, ordos groups dont pop ALL THE TIME, ALL DAY do they... he needs to be banned, killing the server not just for me im guessing. and worse thing is i dont think pandawow give a shit when im hoping they do
  3. Cburton99


    retard paladin called Memoryofus that ive seen the past 3 months, only ever reseting Ordos or Celestials, been going on for too long for just one guy, something needs to happen, people are unable to gear because of this, straight up fucking annoying
  4. Personally... i think PandaWoW is an amazing server. Compared to other MoP server its very strong but very weak at the same time. I dont even know if any Gamemasters understand English but to run a MoP server you have to have MoP content working. Most MoP dungeons dont work, which is a shame. Raid Finder doesnt work, so you are forced to get full pvp before joining a Guild. Luckily i created 'English Raiders' and we dont care about ilvl. Raiding on the Server works fine but i wouldnt say its Blizzlike, but so far ive had an amazing experience and shall keep raiding. But would the PandaWoW team please work on fixing Dungeons, Scenarios, and Raid Finder and also fix Bonus loot. Only written this because i cant read Russian and i doubt the community has said anything so i did. Theres a lot more i can talk about that the whole community would like fixed and will try reply to all.
  5. So for the whole 3 years of playing PandaWoW ive not yet come across an English PVE Guild. Add my ingame Hunter 'Brunts'. Guild name is English Raiders so that everyone knows what we are. As soon as i get the guild created i will post raid times and that sort. We plan on raiding ToT and SoO. But for now i need to see how many are interested, so post your thought below.
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