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About Shamanfire

  • Birthday 04/05/2002

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  1. Username: Iamdruidgodqt My account got hacked by someone I logged back in found some other Chars and lost 20k bonuses :( help me
  2. I tried character transfering Service on my account
  3. Account Name: Iamdruidgodqt Account Name that should be transfered Iamerik to: Decoy2 I wanted go give my friend Decoy2 a character and i tried to Transfer after i clicked on the email link i got removed my bonuses and he didnt get the character. Character is not on my account anymore too Please help
  4. Name: Fatherkhan Realm: xFun What he does: He bug abuse the bug where u can go undermap and healed himself with healing touch. Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/HXIoRGi
  5. 1. Lancoo 2. xFun 3. Bug abusing underground all time to get full hp and survive 4. https://imgur.com/a/ETUb61Y 5. please ban abuser to make wow better
  6. 1. Warfuze 2. xFun 3. Bug abusing underground all time to come out of Combat and heal him up. 4. https://imgur.com/a/Gt0MlV9 5. please ban abuser to make wow better :)
  7. he didnt even try to ress him look at the screen. the bug is not made himself in Guru if u cheap shot as rogue a rogue in some places u fall down
  8. That is not nice @Zeox that u disabled Cheat Engine. We payed alot of Money for having nice moggs on us, and now it is disabled? Cheat Engine works since 5 years. So I dont see a reason, why not anymore?
  9. Name: Elanlex Realm: xFun Reason: family insult. Proofs: (video) (Google translation) (because he wrote in german): https://imgur.com/a/Hs0fmEq Please ban him
  10. • Nickname of the guys who wintraded: Melselytha Palatrainer Willisaiya Coneska • They play on x100 • Description of the violation: They wintraded • Proofs: screenshots or Video : Some Match IDS: 17971 17968 17966 17965 9895 18002 18000 17997 please ban this wintraders
  11. name: Rennanladinn realm: xFun proof: https://youtu.be/OG_dN18TwEM translate: fdp = fils de pute
  12. Name: Danzora Reason: Mother insult Realm: xFun Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFpnphDmBYk&feature=youtu.be
  13. Name: Zerofeniq Reason: Mother insult Realm: xFun Proof: https://youtu.be/8pFqrsYzpsw
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