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Everything posted by davvera
[ATTACH=CONFIG]140687[/ATTACH] how this guy felt after posting this - - - Updated - - - spend ur money on an english education instead smh
You ppl are so sad spending your whole lives scanning the ladder all day, and the only people you can find to report are actual high rated players. Typical bff guild
priest running towards him and berserking the fear = pqr
1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: Moonkin Form https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=24858/moonkin-form 2. Description of the problem: A lot of the times when you shift into Moonkin Form you don't actually shift into it but instead shift to human form for a reason that I don't know. It almost always happens to me when I'm shifting from Bear or Cat Form to Moonkin form, using either the macro /cast !Moonkin Form or just a regular bind for the form. 3. How it must work: It should just shift you into Moonkin Form 4. Date when you tested it: 2020-09-28 5. Realm (x100/x5/Fun): Fun 6. Priority of the problem: 10, EVERY SINGLE BALANCE DRUID has experienced this bug, and it's really gamebreaking and annoying when it happens and has caused numerous arena/duel losses and deaths in world pvp/bgs. CHECK THIS VIDEO FOR DEMONSTRATION, REALLY EASY TO RECREATE, IT STARTS HAPPENING AT 0:11
1. Whats bugged? https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29475/goblin-engineering and https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29477/gnomish-engineering 2. How? If you do these quests, https://imgur.com/qOOVGB3 It works, u get them but If you decide to unlearn them once, you can't never re-learn them back again. 3. How can we fix this? Make https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29475/goblin-engineering and https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29477/gnomish-engineering DAILY quests or actually fix so If you unlearn, https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29475/goblin-engineering for example the quest becomes available again, and same for https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29477/gnomish-engineering. 4. Info you might need? https://imgur.com/EZKTjQV 5. Priority 8/10, very important for world pvp, duels, bgs, etc.
Make it so you can buy visual enchants with bonuses, might aswell do it now that everyone got their enchants from 1v1 wintrading
Vantic Ddosing (sharing accounts,scamming).
davvera replied to Clickhimself's topic in Report a player or forum user
There's no rule against account sharing just saying -
Instead of fully disabling cd resetting in durotar and elwynn, make it so that every cooldown that was used during the duel gets reset, or keep this change and disable summoning to duel zone This solution to the summon spamming sucks
Make us able to trade in our conquest points for valor points on xFun so we can level up our PvE gear without going through the torture of scenarios
https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102298/evil-eye-of-galakras Doesn't seem to reduce the cooldown of https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=498/divine-protection , which it should. If you read the comments here https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102298/evil-eye-of-galakras#comments you can see that divine protection is included. Here's video example from retail (go to 11:05 where he uses it and it goes on a 20 second cooldown) This is a very useful trinket in world pvp, and it used to work for this spell, but now it doesn't for some reason.
Chainz not banned, and still ddosing
davvera replied to davvera's topic in Report a player or forum user
xdxdxd -
1. FUN 2. Itschainzx, Itschainzcx, Itschainz, Itzchainz, Wtbheroin, Meowkitty, Corabae, Humantraflic, Iolstunpots, probably more. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-3865942.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4934982.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-1438069.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4324317.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-1969213.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4168936.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-3277869.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-3627236.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4546065.html 3. He has been ddosing my friend for over a week now everytime he logs on, or when he dies enough times. I also think that he is getting help with this from a gm: http://prntscr.com/ox2glv , but thats just something that he said, I can't know if it's true or not. 4. (We have his discord tag there so that you know it's him and not a fake account, not trying to cover anything up) https://imgur.com/a/dRCd0ue Here is him giving me his discord ingame, so you know these discord messages are real. (the messages i wrote to him were just bait to get him to give me his discord so you guys know its him) https://imgur.com/a/RS2SIZd Here he is telling my friend that he is going to keep him offline until friday. https://imgur.com/a/b9FaqG3 Here he is showing his ddos history on whatever booter or ddos service that he is using. I had to draw over my friends ip for obvious reasons. https://imgur.com/a/Q9Qaj9U Here he's basically saying that everytime my friend logs on he isn't welcome and that he will ddos him, but in his own words. heres a video of him fighting chainz and getting ddosed towards the end of the clip after chainz dies. I have video proof from my friend of the messages and if needed i can send it in a private messages to a GM since it shows his ip, and we obviously don't want more people ddosing him.
buying good 4/4 char, add my discord Davvera#8506 any class
When the max price increased, it made People think that their chars are worth more. Pve is very sought after because of guru, and you've always been able to get a 4/4 char for 900-1.2k+tax. Nowadays people wont sell them for less than 1800...
Undo the update that increased the max price The prices on chars are completely ruined.. let me show you some examples https://imgur.com/a/bi14A44 2300+ for a 2 cm hunt with pve, these used to go for 1400 MAYBE 1500+tax https://imgur.com/a/z8MYcHK this speaks for itself, he also wanted 2k for the sham which also is retarded https://imgur.com/a/YbzszP2 lol https://imgur.com/a/QChijMK you have mentally fucked people in the head with this update The reason the prices are so fucked is because of this https://imgur.com/a/YrxnKkK people look at these prices, then look at their char. Oh shit 550 dk for 3500+? hell yea let me advertise my dk for that much!!111 (it was even worse when you introduced it) Prices have literally almost doubled, and it sucks for everyone except the people who already have huge chars. Revoke all chars above 3k+tax and set the cap back to 3000. It was a perfect cap to have chars in circulation, and to give everyone a chance to buy a char. Noone wants to pay $100 for 6600 bonuses in order to buy ONE good char. Another suggestion from me is to lower the tax from 10% to 5%, the tax is eating so many bonuses that it's hard to profit off of chars, which in itself will stop the circulation of chars if you think about it.
what the russian said, also all the timeless buffs and pala buff make his dmg go through the roof