1. Beanslay
2. Fun Realm
3. So basically I found out a way (Ppl might already know about it but whatever) to see if a person is using the bug where you use a boomkins Heart of the Wild as a Feral (Which basically doubles your damage), and heres how to catch it:
Today i caught Beanslay using the bug, and as you can see in this screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/DRJeI , the spell says: Healing ability and effectiveness in Cat Form and Bear Form increased. But as you can see in this screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/rHNSD ,when I use heart as a Feral, it says: Healing and spell damage ability and effectiveness in Bear Form increased. And I also got this screenshot of me using Heart when I'm specced as boomkin: http://imgur.com/a/TxKDH ,as you can see, his Heart says the same thing as mine when I'm in boomkin spec, which means that hes 100% using the bug (I also want to add he did 286k bleeds which is literally impossible without using this bug).
4. Screenshots are in 3.
5. Credits to Puniqa for the screenshots ;), also if you think that he might be specced boomkin or something like that, look at his buffs, he has Savage Roar, Tiger's Fury, Predatory Swiftness etc, which means that hes indeed specced feral.
EDIT: Also wanna add this screenshot of him using Heart in boomkin, same buff http://prntscr.com/gdj5is :)
EDIT 2: Heres a little video of him using it:
at 1:40 he uses it