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Nalvralyn's Achievements


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  1. Hi everyone, Since few weeks, when i would look statistic page on website, i just can look "pvp statistic" but no PvE statisctics, Kills, Game time and Achievements. Indeed, i have a 404 error.. Thanks for your answer. Regards, Nalvralyn.
  2. Date : 20/02/19 Realm : Fun Char's Name : Akätsükëwä Problem : I have clean Sunwell Plateau last week, and now i have 49700 day to reset the raid.. Screen : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/08/3/1550656120-wowscrnshot-022019-103011.jpg And it's not a display bug, i have try to go into the raid, any boss was pop Thx for your answer, Regards, Nälvrälyn
  3. Hello, Thank you for your answer, even if it is negative. No, when I lost the highs, the server did not disconnect everything. I think the trouble came when I came back into combat (another player attacked me) while I was in mascot combat. If this can help you fix the problem. Regards, Nalvralyn
  4. Up, No Game Master to answer me? Regards, Nalvralyn
  5. Hello, Firstly, thank you for your reply. I just tried your method, but it did not work. Indeed, the line is gray in my achievement so the NPC can not validate it.
  6. Hi Date : 24/01/19 Char : Nälvrälyn Realm server : Realm Fun Today, i have farm (with two friends : Jounx and Tuberculose) the boss of Orgrimmar, Under City and Silver Moon (https://fr.db.pandawow.me?achievement=614/pour-l-alliance) for loot the mount "Reins of the Black War Bear" (https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=44223/reins-of-the-black-war-bear) After this, i have completed this achievement and loot the mount (ligne 14:10:36, i have learn the mount) and we can see the letter that I received after completing the achievement. - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/04/4/1548336385-wowscrnshot-012419-142306.jpg - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/04/4/1548336380-wowscrnshot-012419-142404.jpg The proof that I accomplished achievement : - https://www.noelshack.com/2019-04-4-1548336630-wowscrnshot-012419-141419.jpg - https://www.noelshack.com/2019-04-4-1548336630-wowscrnshot-012419-141415.jpg - https://www.noelshack.com/2019-04-4-1548336630-wowscrnshot-012419-141427.jpg - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/04/4/1548336748-wowscrnshot-012419-141436.jpg After a mascot fight, I had a display bug and I disconnected / reconnected. Now, i have not the achievement... But i have always the mount - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/04/4/1548336536-wowscrnshot-012419-142836.jpg I have the same problem that the achievement "Make Love, Not Warcraft" - https://www.noelshack.com/2019-04-4-1548336630-wowscrnshot-012419-141409.jpg - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/04/4/1548336820-wowscrnshot-012419-143317.jpg Thank you for your help. I'd like to regain these achievements without having to do them a second time. Best regards, Nälvrälyn.
  7. 1. Name of character, which has been banned/muted : Losdalva 2. The realm, where you have been banned/muted : Realm Fun 3. The reason of your ban/mute and also indicate employee's nickname who punished you. If you don't know why you got punished you can look at it in control panel : I'm ban for Speed hack but it's a priest who used "Mental Control", yesterday at Arathi Bassin and cheat with this spell to make me bug. 4. When you got banned or received mute : Yesterday 5. Till when your account will be banned or when mute expires : in one month 6. Why do you think that we should unban/unmute you? We need a clear explanation of what happened :It is normal that the server is banned automatically because I was in the air because of the bug "Mind control". However, this is beyond my control and I have not tried to cheat with this bug. 7. A link with the complaint on you (if there is any) : anyone Thanks so much if you Unban my account. Best regards, Nälvrälyn.
  8. Hi everyone, Today, i play in Arathi Basin with my drood (Losdalva), and a priest use speedhack with Mind Control and i'm bug. I'm ban 1 month because "i have use speedhack"... but it's wrong.. You can unban my account (account name : Nalvra ) please ? thank you for your reply Nälvrälyn.
  9. Nom: Allypremade Serveur: Fun Heure: 14/02/2018, 00:10 preuve: - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/07/3/1518563480-wowscrnshot-021418-000300.jpg - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/07/3/1518563480-wowscrnshot-021418-000308.jpg - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/07/3/1518563480-wowscrnshot-021418-000324.jpg discription: This priest use MC and teleporthack every player on the bg. After MC, our char is bugued and we "flyhack"..
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