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About Nightscreams

  • Birthday 09/17/1997

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  1. Hello, so as you know there is NPC which can change your race visual, but there is Pandaren male/female option missing Is it possible to add them because its MoP after all, and pandas are so fun to play so it would be a nice addition
  2. Hello, In the achievements tab, under Collections and Appearances, there are achievements to collect 100/100 helm, shoulder, chest etc but this achievments do not count the sets which were already in bag before this new stuff was added so.. my question is Should it be this way because it does not include 36x slot bags full of transmogs or does it need fixing ?
  3. Now it does work, thank you for your attention!
  4. Hello, I've been having a problem with The Arena Master achievement recently... https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=1174/the-arena-master Problem is, that I have all the requirements + this achievement unlocked, but... title Arena Master is only on half my chars. 1. Fixing it via achievement NPC does not work because achievement is unlocked 2. Fixing characters does not work This achievement is acc-wide so it must be on all characters within account, it is not single character achievment like rated battleground titles such as Warlord, Marshal etc... Prob solution will be to kinda reload this achievment on my account so it could work properly. If the answer is that it came with different chars so it wont work on this, there are like 80% achievments by same logic which come with characters and now are acc bounded ( Mostly the ones which come with title such as Fearless, Master of the Ways etc... Please, help me fix this problem. P.S I could not make thread in bug tracker since that link does not open/work for me
  5. Hey, that didn't work, reinstalling launcher did work, was able to select realms. Its fixed anyway, don't need help anymore
  6. First time i've seen error like this, what to do?
  7. I wonder, what happens to characters which are on accounts with perma ban and If is there any chance to buy that chars since account wont be unbanned in the future
  8. Chemi yle achame shens gamzrdel dedikos
  9. Wadi sheni ojaxi movtyan
  10. Since you've come with a brilliant idea to give away rewards in SOLO mode too, there are few things you did not think of, otherwise it would be forbidden Solo is quite good for gearing, but that means that player who ques it with 400k HP, in like 90% it ruins other 2 players rating. Also, even worse thing is that most of them have 550 gear, they just do not use it and dont really give a shit about other players grind 1. Players who are not 550 lvl must be forbidden to que with 550 geared players, who try to farm some rating and get rewards 2. When joining arena, player who does nothing on purpose to ruin other players gameplay, must be punished 3. Queing with pve gear must be forbidden, especially if you play fury warrior and have 1.4 in 180 wins etc... I understand that this rules were not existing in prev but Gladiator title and 5k bonuses in solo were not also existing before, I think someone needs to consider it to have fair play. Everyone can make new chars, buy griev insta and que. I also understand that you cant ban player without 550 in arenas but on normal 2v2 and 3v3, they can choose whoever to play with, in Solo you do not incase you did not knew it, and 90% of players, especially healers have no idea what are they doing and this is enough to get upset, Also having 400k hp dmg with zero skills and brains is not a must. P.S I know that this post must be on RUSSIAN for GMs and Devs to care for it but still, answer from a person who can actually CHANGE this would be good, not from GMs who as i have information from GM Christina can only control ingame chats and they can not do anything else. Thanks
  11. "system to get it, is DEAD."
  12. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
  14. When will be transmog system added like it was teased month ago?
  15. Hello, post should be on russian to save it from ignoring?
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