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Everything posted by choranub

  1. xFun I'm reporting : Pywxoxo It was around 4:00 pm Brasil time 3 July 2019 A person was looking for a char to buy, I told him I had one then said the price he started to scold me Prints https://prnt.sc/oa8rm2 https://prnt.sc/oa8ql5 https://prnt.sc/oa8r0k https://prnt.sc/oa8r9s
  2. I'm looking for new characters. What do you guys offer me?
  3. I'm with no computer wanted to know what happens if do not enter my account in these 3 months Servidor xfun
  4. Today 05/16/2018 at 3:18 pm Server crashed Now it's 22:52 and the server has not come back to me yet. What happened to the server? Brasilia time
  5. Today I joined the server at 21:44 Brasilia time I saw a player flying I took print to show Nick Felippebr Servidor Fun day 05/02/2018 Print : https://imgur.com/cP0mUze
  6. I'm here to report one player nick Werecatwo he assumes that he makes combined arena https://imgur.com/a/g9oMm
  7. Hi my nick Bøyøøb 13/02/2018 I was banned by fly hack it's a bug druid I wanted you to solve my ban I recorded vidio to show you a bug I'm from Brazil My English is very bad. BUG Fast Flying Form + shifting beast = fly bug my banead fly hack
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