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Everything posted by PainTheMultiboxer

  1. Personally I never wargame to reset cds or hp, unlike 98% of the solo players. 10 people vs a 10 man boxer is an easy win for 10 single toon players.
  2. I'm perfectly fine with it not being allowed in Gurubashi. And your FPS drops can easily be fixed by getting a new PC. The numbers will be limited, so players won't lag. I agree, 8 20+ boxers should not be allowed and we should not have done it, but there were guilds that got just as many numbers and raided Orgrimmar/Stormwind. Mass multiboxing should be allowed because big guilds/raids are allowed. I'd be fine with mass boxing being banned, as long as we can run at least 4-5 toons though.
  3. This would not be the right move either. It's easy for players to wipe us in battlegrounds, and it's easier for them to win if we're multiboxing since we HAVE to stay in the same place and can't spread our toons around to cap/defend bases more efficiently. Battleground multiboxing should be alright.
  4. Greetings, I am Pain, I was the biggest multiboxer on retail for a while with 50 toons, and I was one of the biggest multiboxers on PandaWoW until a few months back with 40. Because of the fact that PandaWoW recently prohibited multiboxing on their servers, I'd like to take this opportunity to answer all the questions that PandaWoW staff, as well as players could have. So, let's start with my views on multiboxing as a topic. I've been multiboxing since early Cataclysm on retail (2010-2011). Long story short, I started with 3 toons and eventually went up to 50-60 in Warlords of Draenor. After WoD was over, I was bored of retail and decided to give private servers a shot. I played on a couple of servers which I will not name, but one of them was PandaWoW. I was multiboxing 40 toons from the start until a few months ago, when I decided to take a break. After I came back from the break (about two weeks ago, if even that), I started focusing more on smaller numbers (4 boxing for battlegrounds). I noticed that the number of multiboxers has increased from when I took a break. Some of them did indeed sit in Gurubashi Arena and such areas, where they disturbed the gameplay of others. But most of them did not do such things. So, my suggestion would be that the PandaWoW staff should NOT prohibit multiboxing completely, instead I think that the numbers should be limited to 4-5 or even 8, so we can still have fun without disturbing others and ruining their fun. I tried to make this post unbiased, even though I am a huge fan of multiboxing and especially mass multiboxing, however, I think that people who sit in the same area, camping it for hours and hours with a lot of toons should indeed be punished. For example, in my opinion, PandaWoW staff should punish anyone going over the limit for multiboxing, and punish the multiboxers who camp certain areas for a long time. But then also punish big guilds that organise big raids that also disturb the gameplay of both multiboxers and single account players that do the exact same thing. I appreciate you taking the time to read this, I think I've said what I had to, so feel free to ask me anything. Best regards.
  5. Greetings, So, a lot of DK players LOVED this feature from Warlords of Draenor, so I thought I'd give it a shot and ask for it to be added here as well, even though it wasn't really in game in MoP on retail. Basically, Death Knight's spell Army Of The Dead was castable while moving and did not need to be channeled (It still needed the time to spawn all the mobs, but you could use other abilities while doing it). I'm curious to know what does everyone else think about it, and if you think it wouldn't be a good idea, why? Kind regards.
  6. Agreed, please do something about this, it's really annoying. A mage named Roa was abusing wargames by running in, trying to fight and then using ice block. Then going into a wargame, resetting CDs and doing the same thing again.
  7. Rofl that was fun. Farming reports lul. - - - Updated - - - Regardless, a more serious answer would be that big guilds are allowed, so multiboxing is allowed as well. You can't expect to run into our toons as 1 player and take us out. Instead of looking at us as 3 people, look at the actual numbers. You can't take out 35 people as a single player, so you can't take out 35 of our toons as a single player either. Gg.
  8. Noneedholy, I am not one of those tryhards who queue BGs all day with premades, I just like doing BGs casually, but it's not all that fun when it's pretty much an instant loss when you see your entire team with 150k-200k hp. I agree, the item level requirement probably isn't the best idea, but I am not sure if there's something else that can be done about that. And yes, you are correct, I am a multiboxer and that is quite obvious since it's literally in my name, but I don't see your point. Just because I am a multiboxer, that means I can not state my opinion? That literally makes no sense. I don't see how multiboxers are "ruining" battleground experience for others? No matter if it's 4 people controlling single toons, or a single person controlling 4 toons, there's nothing else to it. In fact, 2 people who work together can take down a multiboxer easily, while, for 4 separate people playing single toons, you'd need 4-5 people that are equally geared. Regardless of the numbers, I multibox 4 toons for BGs, 35 for world pvp, and 50 on retail. And I can tell you right now, 2 people working together can take down my BG team with ease. 15-20 coordinated people can take down my 35 toons in open world pvp with no struggle at all. My point is, multiboxers are easy to take down since our toons are always grouped up, making us vulnerable to aoe. There's some tips for ya. Mayasucksatlife, they get one shotted with a basic aoe spell, so well... Regardless, I'll have to agree with Noneedholy that Random BGs are obviously not a form of competitive PvP and should not be treated as such, perhaps I went too deep into this. Again, I am just stating my opinions and suggestions, afterall, it's up to the staff team if they will do something about that or not.
  9. Yes, you should. Players can get at least some decent gear from the vendor prior to queueing for battlegrounds. 200k hp people ruin the battleground for everyone else. At least get some starting gear prior to getting into the queue. Thank you for your feedback!
  10. Thank you for your feedback. RBGs are not that necessary, but the item level requirement really is. I think RBGs should be available when the time comes, preferably ASAP, however, it doesn't really matter. Item level requirement, however, does matter, a lot. I'd love to see this implemented as soon as possible.
  11. Will there be a launcher for Mac users? Newer Mac versions specifically. Just wondering.
  12. Greetings, Me, and I'm pretty sure most other players would love to see some kind of a level requirement for battlegrounds, for example 496(ish). That way, people without gear, and people that have like 200k HP won't join battlegrounds and ruin them for everyone else to the point where they don't even want to queue any more because they keep facing premades over and over with 200k hp people in the team. That's just pointless. I am hoping that something will be done about this since this is a pretty serious issue considering the fact that it's nearly impossible to win a battleground with people that have 200k hp in the team. Feel free to move this topic if needed, not sure if this is the right place for that. Thank you, and have a good one. Best regards.
  13. Mine is working fine. It's on your side. Check if it's plugged in properly, or if it's wireless, check the battery. I don't see any kind of issue with my mouse in game, on any of my PCs.
  14. Greetings, Here are some suggestions about the launcher. This way, it won't stop many hackers and it will just make multiboxing pretty much unusable. As PandaWoW staff has previously stated, multiboxing is fully allowed, as long as there is no automation involved. This way, it doesn't really seem like so, since we are unable to multibox if we can not launch the game with it's executable file (wow.exe, and not the launcher). Launcher requires additional action to be able to get in to the game, therefore, the software used is unable to launch the game, it will only bring up the launcher and we will not be able to play since the software will not recognise the game. I have not seen hackers in the battlegrounds for the last year that I've been here, therefore I don't think there are many of them actually doing battlegrounds since the rewards are really minor and not worth it. In arenas, however, it's a whole different story since there are rewards such as titles, mounts and large amounts of conquest points. In arenas, I fully support the idea of the launcher, however, in battlegrounds and in open world, I don't really see the point. Therefore, it'd be amazing if we could queue battlegrounds, and be in open world without use of the launcher, but make it so people can not queue arenas without it. I think it's more fair and makes more sense overall. If not, then at least let us be in the open world without having to use the launcher. If you have any kind of questions, please feel free to leave them here. And I'd love to know what do you think about this idea. Best regards.
  15. Greetings. I'd highly suggest mixing up people who are queueing specific battlegrounds and random battlegrounds together. Specific queues never pop this way. It'd make it more fun, and wouldn't really hurt anyone. That'd make BGs way more fun. Just a suggestion.
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