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  1. Pretty sure orbbot doesn't work with the new launcher anymore, has to be a mastery proc.
  2. Spell : Necrotic Strike, ID:73975 - http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=73975/necrotic-strike As of 3-4 days ago, something happened with the server and necrotic strike no longer stacks up. It can only be used once on a target and does not go further. In the video I have demonstrated on a training dummy but it's the exact same when used on a player. Proof: Date tested: 22/06/2018 Realm: FUN Priority: 9/10
  3. Lovemybunny & Wekzyfake Realm: x100 Lovemybunny: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-6092768.html Wekzyfake: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-5894624.html Proof: https://imgur.com/a/eLPZehm (they wintraded way more arenas than the imgur, was overall 25 arenas but imgur couldn't upload all of them.) Lovemybunny aka Kenquit wintraded in 2s because very good player. Ban him and possibly his alts too, thank you.
  4. I'm sure your "wow skills" are gna pay your bills when you stop getting carried by mommy and daddy rokiddo.
  5. Keep telling that to yourself, we all know what you garbage human beings are doing. - - - Updated - - - Lying that you're not wintrading and now you're lying that you're not romanian, figures.
  6. Sure man, that's why u have to wintrade, dodge and snipe to get r1 in 2s, best player romania.
  7. Right, so facing pilaru and sakion as rsham mage(totally realistic comp) 4 times in a row and winning in 1 minute is just a coincidence, sure man.
  8. The notorious wintraders and abusers are at it again. Lovenika and Loveandrei (aka. Darcknnes and xladderz) from x100 wintraded in 2s with their good buddies sakion and pilaru, because they have nothing else to be proud of in their lives. Lovenika: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-5823573.html Loveandrei: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-2897108.html Proof: https://imgur.com/a/8Qqbw As you can see in the screenshots, you can tell that those were fast games and one thing that you can't see is that those were games one after another in which they faced each other. All of the characters seen playing with pilaru are sakion's alts. I get that this is the end of the season and their wintrading is irrelevant towards titles, but you have to understand that these players do this kind of crap all the time, and how the Pandawow staff is allowing these players to continue playing here is beyond me. Darcknnes specifically was banned in every server he played on for wintrading in 2s and 3s(I have screenshots of that aswell), however he is a stubborn 16 year old romanian kiddo and continues doing the same thing to this day. Also him and his friends are constantly flamed for cheating / abusing. (obviously because they are so good at the game that they need to wintrade) Please ban these players already thank you.
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