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  1. I remember the good times when I multiboxed in here 4-5 years ago. I ran with a guild called "Thrallmar" which in its prime hosted world pvp events vs alliance guilds. Horde is underpopulated, Alliance isn't. People just don't make effort to face-off with us. I've been on this server far longer than most of you (5.5 yrs), I multiboxed on this server for 4-5 years, I was the only boxer on X100 and although I did multibox 15, I never camped any major city for more than 20 minutes if I saw no resistance (Although most of the time I did and people actually teamed up and camped me), I never lagged the server out, never disrupted any zone at all and never multiboxed in BGs I paid for mounts, characters, items, etc... Imagine my frustration when multiboxing got banned because of a few multiboxers who have been for a mere 1-2 months. Do you think I had this coming? Lol.
  2. Multiboxing promotes world pvp and activity. As players you should use this to form raids, get active with players and take on this challenge. Crying won't help. I've been on this server for 5 years now, multiboxing has always been allowed. I speak as a person who multiboxed in this server back in the day when people would see me coming into their cities, duel zones and would quickly form a raid and wipe me. It was fun for both sides. It promoted world pvp.
  3. Я пытаюсь убить людей на вневременном острове (я мультибоксер) и надеюсь, что люди организуют рейды, чтобы попытаться победить меня, но они этого не делают ... почти никто не хочет делать мировой PvP ...
  4. 1. Bug: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=126392 with slow debuffs 2. Issue - When goblin glider is used while the player has slow debuffs, the glider doesn't fly, the player jumps down and stays on the ground and in certain cases, the glider doesn't disappear (while being on the ground) till the player jumps. 3. How it's supposed to work - When the goblin glider is used, under any condition, including stuns, the glider is supposed to function normally (fly till impact on surface). 4. Realms: X100 and Fun 5. Date of Test: 15th of April, 2019. 6. Priority: 2/10 7. Proof - @ 02:22
  5. 1. Transmogrification 2. Cannot transmogrify Swords to Axes, Axes to Swords and so forth. 3. Blizzlike transmogrification would allow Swords to be transmogrified to Axes and Axes to Swords. 4. 12th of April, 2019. 5. 3/10 - Not a critical bug, but I'm sure it's annoying to many people. P.S: Unsure if this was intended to make people buy the premium transmogrification, but if it isn't, well then it's a bug.
  6. Bump - any plans to fix this / make the system blizz like?
  7. 1. Group invitation system 2. Leader/Assistant of a party/raid group is not able to invite more than 1 player every 5 seconds. 3. Leader/Assistant of a group should be able to invite as many people as they want at the same time. 4. 7th of March, 2019. 5. X100 realm 6. 8/10 - it is frustrating to form a raid being able to only invite 1 player every 5 seconds.
  8. I hardly do anymore, and if I do, I don't go on my arena characters, I do casual PvE.
  9. From what I know, max gear, appropriate stats gems and a full on burst, yeah, could reach 85k.
  10. 1. Logout function 2. Instant logout does not occur in the two major cities: Shrine of the Seven Stars & Shrine of the Two Moons. 3. When a player decides to logout to the character selection screen whilst being inside either of the shrines, the game is supposed to log them out instantly. 4. 2/10
  11. Greetings, I've wanted to bring this topic to the forums and raise it up to discussion for a while now... Are the developers interested in making events such as Darkmoon Faire a priority? (bare in mind, doesn't have to be a high priority) I do not know if it'd be a waste of my time if I tested in-game and reported bugs on the forums. Does any of the staff have a response? Much appreciated :)
  12. 1. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=118350 & http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=118347 2. Pets break channeling after Shaman casts a spell. 3. Pets should channel the relevant spell until caster cancels aura or pet dies. 4. Proof: 5. Priority: 6/10 - The pet spell book was fixed, but what good is this talent if the most vital spell is completely broken?
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