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C9Winston last won the day on June 21 2019

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  1. As long as the server owner wont give a flying f*ck about any sort of tournaments, the competitive scene on this server will be dead.
  2. But why would i do BG's if i could just play arenas in a controlled PvP enviroment which also gets balanced around arena ?BG's are a mess and other than farming honor i don't see a point in doing them
  3. Since rank 40 is far away from 2k (not even R1 lol) will you hand out Title/bonus rewards or not ? Would be interesting to know if it's even worth to keep playing on one character for rating or not.
  4. First of all this Report adresses mainly the usage of addons such a TrufiGCD and Atrox Arena viewer. I'll give a short introduction followed up by the report later on. Now, what are these Addons supposed to do ? Atrox Arena Viewer: is an arena replay addon, that lets you record or even broadcast arena matches. These arena matches can be viewed within WoW, while doing your daily quests, raids or just idling in Dalaran. http://cdn-wow.mmoui.com/preview/pvw38918.jpg TrufiGCD: a small addon, that shows the last used abilities of party or arena members. Now what do these 2 Addons have in common & what is the Issue here?. It's the fact that both will record the "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED (CLEU)" event to show what spells have been used and to collect as much data as possible. The problem right now that you're facing on Pandawow can be tested quite easily when simply downloading TrufiGCD. You will notice that it will look something similar to this: This wasn't recorded on Pandawow but it's basically a problem across every MoP server out there. Now As you can see in my video, it's a hella mess and you can see literally every single proc which makes the addon completly unusable. Here an example on how it should look like : Conclusion: The mage is casting fireball and neither the procs he gets, nor the ignite proc (mastery) is shown in TrufiGCD. You can see that the icon appears as soon as the spell goes off. I assume the addon works with the “SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS” and SPELL_CAST_START event. Ignite and Jade spirit triggers “SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS” so the addon itself shows the icon that is successfully casted. Can provide the addon/LUA file for in depth insight aswell if needed: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21820-TrufiGCD.html#other The addon used in that video was the earliest one. Now, this doesn't only affect ignite and jade spirit but basically every proc / aura coming up on your character. Now let's look into Atrox Arena viewer: Now, I'm mainly doing this report to get this addon fixed because you can track every single arena game and know exactly what happened which will eventually help finding bugs on cross realm. Let's start first with the fact that Atrox Arena viewer works differently. Yes, it should show the spells used aswell but whenever you try to even watch a recorded match on Pandawow, it gives you an error and tells you that the file is corrupt and can't be viewed anymore. Why is that ? This is just an assumption but I'd assume that it has something to do with the Addon being unable to save anything that happened on cross. Once you recorded a match (finished the game) The Addon will save the recorded Data in your Addon config folder (WTF/ACCOUNT/SAVEDVARIABLES/aav.lua). I compared it to some other MoP server where it DOES record and you can see that on Pandawow, it will create an entry, saving everything but the combat log. Means you will have the character names, which Arena is played and so on but the spell list or anything that happened in your combat log isn't recorded. Maybe because the combat log has an issue already resetting itself after every arena ? That's just my guess and I'd be thankful if anyone could look into it & help me trying to get it fixed. Oh and by the way, the event bug mentioned above will also affect Atrox Arena viewer (once it's working) so it's not less important. Best example here how it should not look like once it's fixed: https://i.gyazo.com/00b7ebff743ba486639f12f66c53571e.mp4 Download links: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/aav-atrox-arena-viewer/files/ https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/trufigcd/files
  5. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=47541/death-coil 2. Can't really reproduce but what the actual ____ is that ? 3. I mean ... they shouldn't do 95k deathcoils xd ? 4. happened like 1 week ago ~ 5. on cross okay so ... Why is that and how the actual frick are Dk's able to pyroblast me from range ? I'd appreciate anyone going into deeper research or gm's to review the formular or something since THIS is obvious becoming a joke at this point. That was in a 2v2 match against a Resto shaman + DK. Yes i know, he gets a mastery buff, still doesn't justify a nearly 100k Deathcoil crit.
  6. Reffering to this report from 2016: https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=200951 Got fixed but looks like the bug got reverted or something. All i know is that hunter can again spam 90k explosive shots. Dunno if this report fits but it looks the same from what hunters can currently do. It's either that or the initial damage being bugged. 1. Explosive Shot 2. Explosive Shot stacks up the DMG of each DoT-tick without losing a tick, progressivly 3. Should not stack up 4. 3 November 2016 5. Fun 6. Priority of the problem 10/10 For proofs check the report linked above.
  7. @Zeox @Bukarasik Not only that, people can kick from range due the delay, you cant touch certain classes (i.e hunter/shaman) running around the pillar BECAUSE of the lag. overall it makes the game kind of unplayable in a certain way. I do not have high hopes for anything other than Zeox/buka telling us again that "the servers are totally fine" while cross dies 3x within 20 minutes. This is another issue tho but wouldn't surprise me if there is a relation. Honestly at this point you should either get rid of Crossrealm or make it playable. It's unbearable and for sure a reason (for me at least) to drop pandawow for another server where you don't have to fight massive lag issues in order to play proper arenas. This isn't just an issue i brought up a week ago, I literally complained (and many others) about cross being laggy month's ago but the administration simply told us to make some kind of tracerouting test, implying we are lying and it's obviously our internet which is affected, when in fact, Pandawow cross is literally the only server I'm having massive laggs at. have a nice day!
  8. Imagine still trying to make the same jokes for about 3 years. Outdated and prob some Loser who still plays here. (It gets kinda obvious who it is :) )
  9. I might find the time later to post some replays from my last stream where i was literally lagging out the ass while having 19 MS. Will look forward to link something this evening.
  10. Idk why i even start this thread because at the end of the day, no one will care anyways EITHER WAY It's about cross realm and its laggier than before. Had a break for about 3-4 months and started playing few times in the past 2 weeks and noticed that sometimes its so laggy, it basically makes the game unplayable People been fearing around pillar and melees kicking you from range because of the delay. Overall it feels like playing in the good old PTR days with 170 MS (due to the server being located in the NA). The only difference is that ontop of that (on Pandawow) you'll casually get ~1 second lagspikes. Heck, I've 19 MS on pandawow and I'm also pretty much never lagging in any other game Anyone experienced the same ? It's honestly mind-boggling how you haven't monitored such lags yet.
  11. Is it possible to do in BG's on pandawow ? If yes, I've written something aswell in the past, Multiboxing in a bg shouldnt even be a thing if its only worldpvp, who cares ?
  12. You mean because he abused the armor glyph once xDD ? Oh and btw, while we're at it wonder who that "ogtakaa" guy is :confused:
  13. didnt he yesterday tell everyone that he wintraded & now deleting all the Messages ? What Kind of jebait is that if he even has to delete his previous Messages xd
  14. I think i heard that last season already and then... they got banned xd
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