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Everything posted by salvare

  1. @Neff yeah probably got ninja fixed in later patches. Thank you for your fast reply Neff You can close this thread now.
  2. I noticed our https://www.wowhead.com/spell=115008/chi-torpedo no longer damages totems. It is true that the general rule that the AoE should not affect totems however Chi Torpedo was an exceptional spell that didn't follow that rule. Retail Proof: 2:15 - Monk charges through 4 totems and kills them all by dealing yellow damage numbers. https://imgur.com/a/6fUDzpM https://youtu.be/_k4In0h8h5g?t=133
  3. Ban warrior as well. Finds a new orb bot monk each time one gets banned lol. Shouldn't be unpunished.
  4. Go do other quests. You didn't even make the report in a right section. This isn't monk related.
  5. "Играл против этого монаха. 100% юзает софт." - @Veynnzy Screens, videos with timestamps anything? Or is this vendetta for arguing with you about Soul Swap bug? "permanent 8 years 1.7 orbbot monk say smth, lmao this nn xD" - @Cyber I have nothing to say to a troll with an actual troll face for an avatar. Also send some screens or videos of orbboting if you are that sure.
  6. Like I said before not everyone can record long games. GM can inspect me during arenas at any time. I have nothing to hide.
  7. You were the one who said that you want to dodge them and then all of the sudden you wanted to play against them? I can't record prolonged games due to system requirements. Not to mention you have told me that you were recording the game anyways.
  8. 1. "Получается чирокез крыса и слил своего тиммейта?" - by @anthrex My theory is Mage I faced threatened him. So either he reports me or Mage reports me and him. It is very sad that people just because they can't win resort to threats and crazy accusations. So now instead of playing the game I have do deal with this word processing. 2. "Опять же, пока на монке диминишинг на шип - таунта нет." - by @Oxe Poly and Chastise are in completely separate DR categories: https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/2082-pvp-crowd-control-list-54/ 3. "Так а таунт этот нужен чтоб сбить шип который идёт после стана от приста." - by @Oxe How the actual heck would I know if mage would cast poly after Chastise? I don't think there is an soft that can force a Mage to cast Poly right after Chastise. Is there? Mage has many other windows to cast poly. After fear or deepfreeze etc. 4. "Гладиаторлосс анонсит стан приста, у тебя часто есть 0.2-0.3 сек поймать его сакрой или таунтом пета, например." - by @retuvik "Я один раз миссуликнул и юзанул «глушащий выстрел» за ханта и получилось так, что попал в 0.1 секунду каста, так потом пм засрали, типа автокикер…" - by @Лорд_Смити Apparently if you press anything within that window you get put on a witch trial if you win against your enemy. 5. "Согласен полностью, но врятли так можно делать абсолютно каждый раз." - by @Oxe Once again. I didn't do it every time. No matter how much you wanted to make it look that way when you first provided the time stamps. Did I beat you in arenas or something? Why so much hate and deceit? 6. "if I continued to play on mw, the ban for taunt would be added to my bans for autoreflection" - by @Amikoq Well if I get banned for this all of the players with fast reaction and course of action prediction techniques will be at risk. On retail no one ever even send me a PM message for doing stuff like that. While on here people run on forums to report stuff they don't understand. 7. "У чела не просто орббот или автотаунт,этот гений на монахе даже юзает пре мастер ауру и предиспел)" - by @Tpf Pre aura mastery what? I got silence from mage every single time. I do tend to dispel pretty fast but this game that wasn't the case.
  9. I am sorry for typing in English. I do not have a Russian keyboard. 1. "Очень "логично", учитывая то что воин с кругом мира сидит на присте." I was focusing on actual Stun when player cant use anything. There are ways to use spells in Ring of Peace. 2. "0:50 - Mage was casting poly. Therefore I taunted pet. Priest used Chastice after" Yes I do tend to cast Taunt at the very last second due to how some people can fake their CCs. This is a very typical thing on high rate on retail. So I am used to it. 3. "1:36 - Behind pillar you say? ok check other logs where pet was clearly in sight yet still i never pressed taunt" I never said this particular timestamp was incorrect so I am not sure why did you even brought this up... 4. "Вар сразуже сбил этот стелс, и таунт монк использовал не сразу после этого." True. However it was still on CD. Once it was almost off CD I pressed taunt since mage was almost out of CC. 5. "Итак, сценарий таков: маг фейкает шип, монах промахивается киком, маг снова фейкает шип, монах не юзает таунт, маг заново кастует шип (в этот раз до конца), и мы видим таунт." Yes like I said before I use taunt after at least ~85% cast. Due to how many people fake cast CC. 6."3:38 - I am in sight of pet and priest gets his Chastise on me without me using taunt" My bad I provided wrong time stamp. I mean 2:29. I had this video opened in two windows. So I picked time from a wrong one. 7. "Может быть потому-что на монахе диминишинг на шип?" I did have diminishing on sheep. However, this whole forum thread was to accuse me of hacking taunt right before Chastise. Is this no longer the case!?
  10. Hi I am Unsated. So let me break it down for you. 0:12 - Warrior stuns priest, he is pretty low. After Stun it is wise to use an instant CC to finish of the warrior. Therefore I taunted pet. 0:50 - Mage was casting poly. Therefore I taunted pet. Priest used Chastise after 1:36 - Behind pillar you say? True. However, I didn't use it multiple times when pet was in my sight either. Check timestamps below... 3:01 - Priest went stealth. Once I saw him appear next to me I taunted pet. 5:55 - The reason why i didn't taunt there right away was because i was right next to mage. Once I MISSED my KICK on poly. I decided to use taunt since that was my only option to save myself from CC. Now lets see what you guys have missed: 2:29 - I am in sight of pet and priest gets his Chastise on me without me using taunt 10:37 - I am in sight of pet and priest gets his Chastise on me without me using taunt Also there is such thing as Shadow Word Death on priest. People break Blinds, Fears, Polys etc. with it on retail. Using exactly same method. I never got persecuted for taunting pets on retail. I would be very surprised if this is going to be the case on a private server.
  11. Ok lets leave it for now. Thnx for reply.
  12. True. However mechanic remains the same. Only values and animation have been changed for that spell. Here is a post from MoP skill caped by r1 monk at that time: https://imgur.com/a/Oa0RpnB http://www.skill-capped.com/forums/showthread.php?29749-Zen-sphere-vs-chi-wave-3-s
  13. 1. Chi wave 2. Chi wave breaks CC when it has been already released in to the air. 3. Chi wave should only break CC when casted directly on hostile target that is already under CC. This part works. However, once it it in the air it shouldn't break CC even if it lands on CCed target. Retail Video: At 8 seconds monks casts Chi wave. At 9 seconds enemy gets Polied. At 10 seconds chi wave hits Polied target dealing 7 dmg. Then it bounces back healing monk and stops there. At 25 seconds Chi wave is cast on already Polied enemy and it breaks it since it is cast directly on CCed target. Another example when Chi wave in the air and it didn't break Poly: https://imgur.com/a/WygEUOt 4. 11/05/2021 5. xCross 6. 7/10 - Sometimes can cost a win in Arenas :(
  14. 1. All Fears maybe even Disorients. 2. Every time I get feared on the bridge I get stuck in one spot until the end of the CC. And then I get dropped down to the ground. PandaWoW bug demo: 1. Fall off the bridge after CC end https://imgur.com/6xlkzcn 2. Fall off the bridge after CC end https://imgur.com/5MO552c 3. Fall off the bridge after CC end https://imgur.com/a/63J6oSJ 4. Fall off the bridge and then get teleported UP?!?! https://imgur.com/bG7rs8R 3. There should be an edge collision bounce back mechanic like it was on retail. This bug makes Fears as good as STUNS keeping you in one spot for prolonged times which makes you susceptible to chain CCs like traps etc. This really makes fear more favourable due to this bug exploit. 4. blades edge arena in specific 5. Always 6. 9/10 This bug can really make the outcome of the battle unpredictable. Sometimes you can trinket for nothing just because you thought you dropped down. Or you trinket fear and then you instantly drop down of the bridge. Making the cc 2x more effective since you need another 5 sec to get back on the bridge.
  15. 1. https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=69369 2. Currently procs from glyphed version of https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=127538 at 0 combo points. 4. Date tested 20-05-2021 5. x5/xFun/x100 Realm 6. 9/10 priority due to have powerful this effect is. And thanks to this bug you can spam it in stealth or when chasing someone to get proc.
  16. Imagine complaining about having small damage as affliction warlock. /pepehands
  17. Few years ago you could have made 10 men premade. So be thankful that it got reduced to retail 5 members per premade. There is no need balance in teams of 5 men premade. If you get farmed by that premade just try to sync with them by tracking them via friend list or make friends and make your own premade.
  18. It used to work the way you think it should. That is why all priests were kings of PvP. It was like having shadowmeld every few seconds. However, this has been proven and reported few years ago to be a bug.
  19. I will prob use it anyways. Would have been nice if devs could fix the default raid frames though. If a third party addon can make it right I am sure it is possible to have it on our default frame addon as well.
  20. This needs to be fixed asap. It really ruins the gameplay for healers.
  21. How do I modify buffs on it? There is only option for debuffs :( So in case someone has bubble on I would heal someone else beforehand.
  22. Thnx Matroskin. Good alternative for a person who doesn't use any additional addons that are specifically scripted for official blizz frames. I tested your addon however it doesn't interact with bigdebuffs. Neither does it show buffs that it shows on regular frames. Perhaps Devs can extract frame refresh .lua code from your addon and apply it over the default one. Would have been nice x
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