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Everything posted by eDDy

  1. That's funni tho... Cos I know that but when I used strike before marked it still bogged somehow, might be only visual'd but idk hard to say. Anyway can close this thread if so.
  2. The kidney CD reduces by 2 sec if you mark of death. If you build urself combo points up increases by 2 sec, here's a video that shows how it actually looks like: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779750249844834314/1222254720891224207/markedfordeath.mp4?ex=66158c69&is=66031769&hm=a4b13e17221c2a47e0c412fcac88320d6a7021f8f3b38d9a665dc84bf1a45a9a&
  3. XDXD, the thing is you can easily see the buffs how they got 1 by 1 on shamans + it's not hard to make /assist macros D: . Guess these people just lack braincells indeed.
  4. Since you wanna talk about our shamans, here you go: . Next time you break rules don't blame it on us D:
  5. I like the idea of yours officially, but next thing you will see people abuse is alt + f4 on the accounts. Which been in the game for a while this means that they will sit 2 screens open (1 logged in-game, next one ready to go in) if the 1 game per person comes out you have to fix that one too : ). Edit: This will also lead people to lose their money on the character they bought to do this ''wpvp'' thing. I don't see the reason to put things like '1 char per account' in wpvp whenever you can do the same thing in retail too.
  6. We ain't pathethic like you to lie about anything, everything we say it's true if you can't stand with it not our problem just get good. "The difference" There's no difference all you do in here is scamming, hacking or ddosing cos that's what you are capable of yet everything we've done is played by rules if you disagree on that feel free to report us with the proof cos I wanna see that : ) I will see what's more funny your punishment or the ips
  7. Where djh? Idk I found him here (dopeboy runnin out malevolent coming in): https://gyazo.com/52d72f840ee41a49e377459e9e83bec6 I wanna see atleast 7 diff ips on all 7 rogues, yet if you try to lie try better because this one won't work out If you ever realized urself it's just the fact that you multiboxed atleast stand for it.
  8. This guy keeps lyin and lying, Catch was on his own rogues, Roo doesn't fight us (you can ask him urself), Shutbomb was on Shadow's rogs, Djh was on Urbane's rogues there's 0 proof literally 0 proof of them being on ur accounts. But nice you used cailla's rogue for that shit : (
  9. This isn't fair, he should be punished after his actions. It's over him reporting us for multiboxing without any proofs
  10. 1. Realm: xFun 2. Nickname of the violator: Digdig (https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6759692.html) 3. Wintrading in 2s with ungeared chars to get conquest and buy most likely pve gear. If you look at the matches all are 0:40 seconds without any occasion. And other chars don't even have gear, dmg or heal. 4. Proof: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6759692&realm=3 https://imgur.com/a/80BZkds 5. More Information: Seems like he deleted his hunter before I screenshoted his name too but his hunter name was called Firegødx. He deleted the characters to hide from the ban so I suggest you hunt the rest characters he deleted and ban them too :)
  11. Both should be permanently IP banned. They don't really care how many times you ban them, they just keep getting back with other characters and fill up the ladder for 0 reason.
  12. This is insane, the monk keeps making new chars, gearing them by orb botting. He should be permantly banned from game as his partner too, they keep quing same comp and getting free raitting for 0 reason a.k.a earning free titles too.
  13. Greetings fellas, There's wintraders on 3v3 capping for cp and free gear. https://gyazo.com/e8122711e6badaf6424e697f96b7e90d https://gyazo.com/f372b6234a1d1518793521906714490f All games last 1.03 minutes as 231 gear. Users: Мгновение Berserkdemon Sufferskill Soulcalibur Huntment Stormywind Remove gear and conquest ty!
  14. I don't quite get it why shouldn't it be allowed whenever this is allowed in retail too? If we are doing it, why can't you do it? I don't see the issue.. However you can't compare multiboxing with alt tabbing because alt tabbing isn't near multiboxing. i don't think you understand the meaning of multiboxing and alt tabbing, because before you could use multibox and it was removed for a reason people abusing it in bgs, world pvp and stuff like that, however if you see anyone "USING" multibox feel free to report them to the forums as game masters say. It's funny that you guys cry about having multiple characters whenever you guys have 10 rogues, 20 druids, 20 hunters. If DKs and shamans are the issue just do them same not that hard, nowdays they don't even cost that much lol. The thing that you guys trying to get away from multiple characters is insane, because that's literally what each of you do.
  15. At this point, I'm not even mad at all. It's just funny looking at you whenever you were the one who sat behind shamans for ages, been on your team been your enemy. The results still are the same, nothing changes however we said it before you log healers we log healers there's nothing else to discuss about. If you feel about butthurt it, then remove your healers and we good to go. Not like you stand any chance against us or anything but yeah.
  16. Chainz if I was you, I'd like not to talk you literally got fucked by Christina and moaned in forums and administrator's DMs about you getting banned on all ur accounts for trynna sell them for €€€. Try next time to give good tips not shit like this ty.
  17. Not my fault You can literally do the same if you want to, ah shit my bad forgot you guys are some broke ppl who cry about everything sorry! - - - Updated - - - I mean English isn't my main language so why the fuck would I care how I spell it, kinda retarded brouski
  18. Cyber, we might be guru clowns or some shit. But we are the most people who bring money to the server by purchasing whole shop so yeah.
  19. Me and Anders literally started sniping this guy and realized hes orb botting again after he done this shit for so long and now hes back at it. It's so sad you can't kill him till he runs out of mana cus of spamming orbs 24/7.
  20. Greetings, I just found another 3v3 wintraders. Please ban them and remove their gear ty. Or you should remove their chars they just go for pve chars and sell them afterwards because they wait always 30 days. You can see in the link that the same users repeat for many games and all games are over 1 min length with 496 gears. [ATTACH=CONFIG]139945[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]139946[/ATTACH] Iamjohnxds: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6849080&realm=3&type=1&season=16 [ATTACH=CONFIG]139947[/ATTACH] Castar: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5309681.html I re-edited the thread to add new characters they wintraded with, in my opinion their character should be remove and ip banned so they won't wintraded anymore after 30 days ban. Users: Loveblood Loveßløod Loveßløød Undeadlymad Iamjohnxds Bigs Castar Rly Xfun
  21. eDDy

    3v3 Wintrade

    These players did wintrading, they removed it gear on alts but yeah. Remove their items and conquest point thanks! https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6865462&realm=3&type=1&season=16 [ATTACH=CONFIG]139931[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]139932[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]139933[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]139934[/ATTACH] Users: Diordior Bks Qweqewqeqeqe Qewqrqwtrqwe Qeqeqeqewq Wrqwrqwrqwrq
  22. Forgot to add on earlier's thread but also nitro boost / glider breaks stealth. Nitro boost bugging it: https://gyazo.com/759d3771deaf825b25312740cb7090ad Glider: https://gyazo.com/852393e22e80e9b3fe8a51f38039035b How it is supposed to work: Nitro: https://gyazo.com/6310d399d3bcefda15512823330b7097 For glider I didn't have old proofs.
  23. Well it bugs it like if you use shadow blades/ adrenaline rush or gloves like engineering enchanting it removes subterfuge instantly and from stealth. Gloves bugging it: https://gyazo.com/bd3226ec3cf2df83ac32a67c9c6a67a0 Adrenaline / shadow blades bug: https://gyazo.com/7537dc57c369c639dfacb8fc22abbea3 How it is supposed to work: https://gyazo.com/42b5fb744173f32bb6559b6bdba48748 So burst / gloves shouldn't be breaking the subterfuge or stealth.
  24. Okay thanks!
  25. Oh, alright thanks.
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