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Found 9 results

  1. Realm xFun: ===Exploration : Timeless isle : Treasure, Treasure Everywhere :http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8729/treasure-treasure-everywhere Timeless Champion : http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8714/timeless-champion Zarhym Altogether :http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8743/zarhym-altogether#comments Zarhym Altogether the starter npc http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71876/zarhym is bugged. Pandaria : Lost and Found : http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=7281/lost-and-found + all the follow achievements Treasure of Pandaria : http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=7994/treasure-of-pandaria + all the follow achievements Outland : Bloody Rare : http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=1312/bloody-rare ===General : To All The Squirrels I've Loved Before : http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=1206/to-all-the-squirrels-ive-loved-before To All The Squirrels Who Shared My Life : http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=2557/to-all-the-squirrels-who-shared-my-life To All the Squirrels Who Cared for Me : http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=5548/to-all-the-squirrels-who-cared-for-me To All the Squirrels I Once Caressed? : http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=6350/to-all-the-squirrels-i-once-caressed Pest Control : http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=2556/pest-control i have tryed fixing then at the helper in dalaran but even that didnt work maybe you guys can have a check thanks! ps: how is the work whit profession option going in the webshop? this whould b a realy cool extra
  2. 1) http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=26703/bloodsails-end -When Booty Bay attack event: You have to talk to Kebok and take the gryphon to the boat of Fleet Master Firallon and kill him, after that back for the reward at Baron Revilgaz. -No Booty Bay attack event: Fleet Master Firallon still in his boat but the boat moved to Wild Shore, still can do it, just have to walk a little and search in each boat, after killed him go back for the reward at Baron Revilgaz. 2) no reward 3) when you finish you may be able to choose between http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=61630/booty-bay-pantaloons / http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=61626/booty-bay-pendant / http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=61632/booty-bay-helm and http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=61628/star-of-stranglethorn 4) 22/05/2015 [ATTACH=CONFIG]82244[/ATTACH] (i did it with my monk: Shinokisu and i didnt get anything but http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=61628/star-of-stranglethorn ) 5) x100 6) 4/10
  3. When i used my one shot macro: /castsequence reset=15 imp swarm, Grimoire: Imp, Hand of Gul'dan, Hand of Gul'dan, Metamorphosis /use Potion of the Jade Serpent /use Grievous Gladiator's Badge of Dominance /cast Blood fury /cast dark soul: knowledge That spell is doing "40k CRIT" on a rogue with same gear and 16k non crit. Tell me if that the real dmg? I watched alot of videos about demonology and with same gear and they are doing more dmg than me with all cds up. Another spell is bugged too, when u cast Metamorphosis and to go back with ur demonic circle: teleport is not working. Check this please because some clases is so hard to kill when u used ur metamorphosis for do the same dps as not in metamorphsis. Sorry for my english, waiting for reply. Regards Kayser.
  4. Fury warriors pvp power is bugged i am full pridefull and i have 0% PVP power so i lose about 40% of my dps becouse of this its unplayable 10/10 this is reducilus it was fine about a week ago and now the spec is useless once again ! [ATTACH=CONFIG]66673[/ATTACH]
  5. When i invite some1 to group, i cant leave it becouse it says ''Starter Edition accounts cannot invite characters into groups. [Click to Upgrade]''. Also i cant join arenas, bgs or rdf. 3 of my chars got that problem, im not banned, muted or anything, i repaired my char, deleted cache, deleted whole WoW and reinstalled it. Nothing fixed it, can u please fix that??
  6. Glyph not working correctly:Glyph of Rapid Displacement http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=42748 How is it bugged?: Adding this glyph should no longer give the blink ability to remove stun effects, meaning it should not allow the mage to remove stuns with blink after applying this glyph, but instead on our server it allows mages to blink out of stuns 2 times. Explanation: if u add ice block/cold snap/ ice block to the equasion it makes mages godly vs melee classes that are based on doing stun locks. they can exit almost every stun you throw at them. i am aware of this bug on the x 100 Realm, i have no knowledge if it works on the other realms correctly or not. Suggestion: Disable this glyph untill the time comes when it can be fixed.
  7. My character Quak (Troll Hunter - lvl 90) can't complete the quest: Riding the Skies to get the Cloud Serpent Riding. All my others characters can succesfully autocompleted, but my hunter doesn't. Could you please fix that?
  8. Hi my in-game name is Acerum I play on 10x and i just enchanted my dagger with Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel and i tested it a few times and it never procs i also tested Enchant Weapon - Windsong a few days earlier and the same result it doesnt proc.I dont know is this a bug but these enchants are pretty important and i wasted a lot of gold and time to get them.So please fix these enchants because they are seriously important.;)
  9. Hello there. GM told me to write on forum about bugged loot. [ATTACH=CONFIG]31854[/ATTACH] This is the thousandth time how this happening, but I was surprised when it happened to me on the boss. You have no permission to loot that corpse. I was unable to loot in Molten Core. There was not anybody with me in the group, I was alone. Because of that I please you to forward loot to me. Thank you. Race: Human Class: Rogue Name: Malchazeen Server: X100
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