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Found 4 results

  1. Name of the violator Undergroundq Realm, where you saw the violation. -FUN Realm Description of the violation : he used some sort of damage cheat resulting in hiting me 380k with colossus smash and 80-90k with atuoattacks and 114k with mastery procs on arms spec... :D on my full geared level 90 rogue . Proof: screenshots or video. http://imgur.com/lsy6Q2y Comments to the situation (if it needed). He uses some damage hack for sure, i have warrior fully geared that damage output is simply not possible. He myst use third party software ( cheats )
  2. Hacker Name: Flashback-x| (i think is correct written like this) Cheating: He vanished the flags in Arathi Basin battleground so nobody could take bases. Then he used Damage Hack to kill all of us and he endlessly spawn-killed us. (the bg is currently going on) He has more than 150 kills and 59kk damages. [ATTACH=CONFIG]95655[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]95656[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]95657[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]95658[/ATTACH]
  3. hello good evening I come to report a character bug abuse and damage hack kingdom: x10 offending character: I worgen rogue name: Sslipknott having 391k of life and doing absurd damage which does not get to do with my rogue full also severe in the photos is shown to have a buff which never exists Confalon or use and get used to dispatch and a critic of 229k Moonkin as increases armor by 60% and having severe parties insolent or something makes me my balance druid has problems or is a bug abuse of this rogue thanks in advance for your attention pj: troll balance druid Muhad [ATTACH=CONFIG]45561[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45562[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45563[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45564[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45565[/ATTACH]
  4. Player Name: Mayys Server" x100 Mayys one shot killed me for 19,265,792 damage at the Lion's Redoubt, Pandaria. The screen shot I have included is a little hard to see the damage, but hopefully the combat log can display a better idea of what happened. You can clearly see the overkill damage on me made by Mayys is 19,100,226. Last time I played a hunter with full Tyrannical set, I was not critting 217k with Wild Quiver. Normally its a 3-4k crit if I remember correctly. I hope this screen shot helps because I would like to be able to play the game honestly without some butthead hacker getting in my way. Screen Shot: http://postimg.org/image/96vjg16f3/7815eaa0/
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