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Found 2 results

  1. English: A couple of days ago, I bought a character named "Lynnah" Is a Character of Rein"Fun", which contained 5 donor mounts. After agreeing with the person who is going to sell me the character, I enter the account and can not find the 5 frames that were in the character. I sincerely want help, returning the mounts, because I bought that account with them. I expect answers soon. Spanish: Hace unos par de dias, yo compre un personaje llamado "Lynnah" Es un Personaje de el Reino"Fun", que contenia 5 monturas de la pagina(donor mounts). Luego de quedar de acuerdo con la persona que me iva a vender el personaje, entre a la cuenta y no encuentro las 5 monturas que se hallaban en el personaje. Sinceramente quiero ayuda, devolviendome las monturas, porque compre esa cuenta con las ellas. Espero respuestas pronto.
  2. Name of the violator Undergroundq Realm, where you saw the violation. -FUN Realm Description of the violation : he used some sort of damage cheat resulting in hiting me 380k with colossus smash and 80-90k with atuoattacks and 114k with mastery procs on arms spec... :D on my full geared level 90 rogue . Proof: screenshots or video. http://imgur.com/lsy6Q2y Comments to the situation (if it needed). He uses some damage hack for sure, i have warrior fully geared that damage output is simply not possible. He myst use third party software ( cheats )
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