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Why are most russian players using ONLY russian?


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I've been wondering for a while.. Why do most russian players use only russian and nothing else.. Why do all of them run their WoW clients in russian and why do they refuse to use english, or at least - the latin alphabet?


I'm personally from Bulgaria and we here are using cyrillic just as much as russians. Our languages are actually quite similar. But I haven't seen a single bulgarian whose World of Warcraft's (or any game whatsoever) interface is in Bulgarian. Even people who barely know any english are prefering an english interface to a bulgarian one. All rusians are with a nickname written in cyrillic as well. I can't even stand having my phone in bulgarian.. A couple of very old people who barely know how to use a phone, let alone one with an english interface, are using a bulgarian interface but that's about it..


Most russian people in-game will write to you in russian even if you're using english yourself. And after minutes and minutes of trying to make them write back to you in english so you could understand each other - they keep on writing to you in russian as if you're obliged to know their language.



So as this is a russian server I figured that was the perfect place to ask. I've been literally wondering for years. Because as a fellow cyrillic user I find this extremely weird.

Edited by kaibakor2012
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This is a Russian server and the English community is very small and from the start here where only Russians I remember when I started here 1 1/2 year ago there were a struggle to find a English guild so I made one myself but now the English community is growing fast and they haven't had time or just don't care to adjust to the new changes :D


I myself don't really care I sometimes use translate to talk to them myself some of them are also trying their best to speak Russian and I am very happy every time I see it and I tell them that it's nice to see them try their best and this makes me try my best to do the same to them sometimes.


Why they use the Russian client? Well if there was an option to make WoW in Finnish or Swedish I would gladly play it in that language. makes everything easier for those that can't speak or type or understand English witch we all know most of the Russians have .


We all try our best and I hope we all can respect one and another, and play in a nice environment.

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I'm talking in general, though. It's not just about that server.. it applies to everything. Are Russians forbidden to use english or something, I don't get it.. Do they hate it? Do they really like their language that much?


It's actually quite frustrating that it's so hard to find common tongue with the majority of Russians and the only option would be to make an effort myself using Google Translate while them having some very basic knowledge in English would make things much easier.


And in regards to this server in particular, I really dislike how ignored the international bug tracker is. The testers and developers don't bother reading it at all. They don't probably even understand english and don't bother using google translate either. There's a single guy, I think, that simply translates the bug reports he likes in Russian, and marks as invalid the ones that do not follow the rules. And yet it takes weeks, if not months, for him to notice something. There's virtually no point in reporting stuff in the international bug report forum. Getting help from a friend who has some basic Russian knowledge and using google translate actually turns out to be 100x times more effective.

Edited by kaibakor2012
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Speaking about this server's staff: believe me, they try to speak. I talked a lot with Talvior for instance, she speeks a bit roughly, but we can have a chat without any further problems. Same goes for the other members of the staff, but I believe they don't consider talking english an important thing to do, since the whole project is russian, and it's a lot more comfortable to speak your mother tongue. Personally, I like to express myself sophisticated, but whenever I fail to do so, I feel frustrated. People judge you, and you can't really do anything about it. The russian language has a really strong accent and maybe because of that, they just don't want to feel ashamed or something like that. However, I don't know their mind.

I think this is an absolutely normal thing. I tried other servers too, believe me, only about 15-20% of the players who play on a specific language server can talk in english. The reason? They choose that specific server because of that specific language. I tried a hungarian server, almost noone can talk english, altough in Hungary, English is the second language taught in schools. It's just this mentality: why would I speak a different language on my server where everyone talks in my native language? Same goes for french servers (don't want to mention names), where it's absolutely impossible to talk with anyone due to the fact that noone can talk in english. People who can talk in english tend to choose international servers, but since this is the best out there, by far, every english wow player started to come to this server, populating a completely russian server. That's why.

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@Matukaa - have you played DotA 2? There are not really any "russian servers" there... Yet when you get a Russian teammate there's a 80% chance that he will refuse to communicate with you beyond the random Russian curses he's constantly throwing (сука ;xx).


Watch this if you haven't, lol -

Easily my most favourite youtube video. Edited by kaibakor2012
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Don't even tell a word, I've been playing Dota since 6.58 :)) thats like 5 years now. yea, I played DotA 2 as well, but got really tired of that kind of shit. I got fed up, when even my friends - whom I talked on skype to - went numb like those guys too :-j

idi nahuy, suka blyat. all my russian knowledge comes from DotA 2, but they are all swearing, or stuff like blbl, which means ss, or missing from lane. so yea. maybe they are a bit ignorant.

I still get nostalgic sometimes, and play one or too matches, we were kinda good. My team won the local championship. good ol' times...

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@Matukaa - have you played DotA 2? There are not really any "russian servers" there... Yet when you get a teammate russian there's a 80% chance that he will refuse to communicate with you beyond the random russian curses he's constantly throwing (сука ;xx).


Watch this if you haven't, lol -

Easily my most favourite youtube video.


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