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Everything posted by kaibakor2012

  1. Fear stacking - I've played quite a bit of double lock arena as well and haven't seen this even once.. So even if it happens it's super rare or nobody knows about it. CC breaking hard - as I understand it, the treshold to break a CC has been increased A LOT in MoP so what you're seeing is probably intended and totally not a bug.. The only real CC problem currently, is Ring of Frost. Don't know if it's dispellable but it's not trinketable in any way (trinket, Nimble Brew, Shaman Rage, etc) and it can also hit outside of its range (i.e. if you're inside of it or slightly outside) so there you go - a literally unavoidable CC that you can't get out of unless you take damage. This is not nearly as gamebreaking as Battle Fatigue bug. Another gamebreaking thing is PvE gear not being downscaled in arena and BG.. Especially for people like me who refuse to buy PvE gear and run all their chars on full 550 ilvl. But, at least, regarding this, Juster has said that they're working on and its coming. About Battle Fatigue - they don't even seem to know or care about it.. And it's so damn easy to fix it.
  2. So most people don't even notice it.... They just think it's either a hack or a class bug when people heal themselves to full in 1 second but, in truth, it's just Battle Fatigue not working properly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNknTgxa99w - here's an example video.. At ~22 second Battle Fatigue has already worn off (after 6 second of not taking direct damage, lol - last one being Heroic Throw) and I heal for 97k non-crit Word of Glory, even with the 25% Mortal Strike debuff. Battle Fatigue should last 20 seconds and be refreshed every time you participate in PvP Combat !!! On this server, it lasts only 6 seconds tops, can fall off at completely random moments as well, and isn't activated every time you participate in PvP combat. Sometimes someone will hit you but you wouldn't hit him and BF won't activate.. Sometimes you'll be hitting someone but he will be either stunned or afk or whatever and Battle Fatigue won't activate again... This makes duels impossible !!!! Every single duel, someone kites me for 5 seconds and randomly goes from 20% hp to full... I have yet to have a fair duel in this server.. At least, Battle Fatigue is on by default in arenas and BGs, but yesterday, in Alterac Valley, Battle Fatigue wasn't working for me on random occasions on my WW Monk and I could top myself with two orbs. So apparently this bug affects BGs now as well. So, you say - why shouldn't we lock your thread..? It's against the rules - go write a bug report, blahblahblah... Well... I wrote a bug report in the International section HALF AN YEAR AGO .. After 30 bumps noone was still noticing it... Then I made a friend of mine help me a bit with Russian and posted the same thing in the Russian bug report forum. They declined it cause I didn't have a proof video.. So I made a new bug report with the video I showed you in this very thread... It was ignored for 3 months when, finally, after my last bump yesterday - it was deleted! Yes, not moved to either Fixed or Declined - literally DELETED - there's no sign of it... This is truly unacceptable, and, please, Starcaller, or whoever sees this - please take this matter to the devs, at it's REALLY imporant - I truly hope you understand how much. Thank you!
  3. Some combinations of runes can't be used together... I can have 5 Death Runes and not be able to use a single Obliterate... lol... jk server.
  4. Все еще актуално! Пруф: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=125195
  5. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=80240/havoc 2. Это не будет работать, если нет никакого пути к цели. 3. Должен работать даже тогда, когда цель находится позади. Посмотрите клип из 2:30: 4. 09.03.2015 5. Fun 6. 9/10
  6. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=686/shadow-bolt 2. Повреждение слишком низко. http://s11.postimg.org/q3bj3yzbl/Wo_WScrn_Shot_031015_000010.jpg ( http://s11.postimg.org/q3bj3yzbl/Wo_WScrn_Shot_031015_000010.jpg ) (1747 + (1.38 * 30,330)) * 1.2411 = 54,115 54,115 =/= 48,785 3. Формула: 1474 (+ 138% SP) (из Wowhead - с 5.2.0) 4. 09.03.2015 5. Fun 6. 6/10
  7. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=6353/soul-fire 2. Повреждение слишком высоко. 3. Формула: 822 - 1003 (+ 85.4% SP) (wowhead changelog) Кроме того, урон увеличивается в зависимости от вероятности нанесения критического удара (как Стрела Хаоса). 4. 09.03.2015 5. Fun 6. 8/10
  8. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=122351/******-core 2. Каждый раз оно работает подругому, и почти никогда - правильно. Во-первых каст работает хорошо. Тогда каст изменяется на 1,4 секунды... Потом делаеться мгновенно.... И в конце концов они перестанют работать вообще... 3. Это просто нужно уменьшат времени произнесения следующего Ожог души на 50%. Вот как (8:40): 4. 09.03.2015 5. Fun 6. 6/10
  9. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=117896/backdraft 2. Стрела Хаоса это затронуты даже с менее чем 3 стаков. 3. Если есть менее чем за три стаков, Стрела Хаоса не должны быть затронуты. 4. 15.02.15 5. Fun 6. 5/10
  10. Sadly, there's nowhere else to go to :D Pandawow is ODDLY the best MoP server around. I'm goddamn bored of WotLK and Cata.. TBC and Vanilla I have no desire whatsoever to play. And WoD... I'm currently subscribed on retail.. I geared my main ret in full PvP gear and I have no motivation whatsoever to play there anymore. Too lazy to lvl up alts. WoD servers are way too buggy. And all in all I'm not rly enjoying WoD so far. I was kind of hoping to play some 6.1 PTR as it usually allows you to create full PvP-geared max lvl premades but not only are those premades not available anymore (they haven't bothered to make ones for lvl 100 yet) but I can't even copy my retail characters to test the 6.1 changes because apparently the PTR has been bugged for a week now and my account is flagged as a MoP account instead of a WoD one (so I can't access a lvl 100 character). It's a good thing that Smite's Season 2 is starting on Wednesday. Haven't played it for a while but hell does the new map look gorgeous.
  11. Nah, WoD sucks. 6.1 kind of better but not rly.. Waiting at least for 6.2. I'm kinda sad that Pandawow has no contest for a MoP PvP server, though. I really like 5.4.8. Not as much as 3.3.5 but still. WoD will take quite some time until it becomes playable and even then it's still unsure.
  12. Juster is actually so cute and little when I imagine him working on those changelogs for "3-4 days". Kind of like Tinky Winky from Teletubbies but even cuter. That's him, after weeks of hard labour working on those changelogs. EDIT: Just noticed how a nameless (for the intentions of this post) WoD private server fixes as many bugs as Pandawow fixes each changelog only for two days ! And it has only one bug fixer !
  13. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?item=104048/glyph-of-regenerative-magic 2. Не работает вообще. 3. - 4. 05.02.15 5. Fun 6. 8/10
  14. So a lot of things were fixed at the end of last week. Beginning from Wednesday, a lot of bugs were labeled as "will be fixed after the update". Well.. it's been a week now and there hasn't been such an update yet? Can we expect it this year or wait patiently till the next one? How come other servers update themselves each and every night yet we have to wait for fixes to be made for months and then wait another month for them to just be applied. This is ridiculous. What happened? Did Juster get hit by a lightning on his way and couldn't make it for the update or something?
  15. @dfabel, I have a hard time understanding the language you're speaking in, sorry.
  16. They're still fixing mainly class bugs but yet there's this Herald guy and he seems to fix that kinda jazz.
  17. I actually find it quite funny that this "bug report" was just posted yet it receives more attention than the three 10/10 bugs I've posted just under it. Sure I don't have the best russian and google translate often fails me but I think that my descriptions are understandable enough so as for the devs to address said bugs. I don't even think that anyone looks at this Other bug section. All they care about is class and quest fixes..
  18. Раньше работало нормально. Мне кажется, что сломалось после список исправлений #3:
  19. @Matukaa - have you played DotA 2? There are not really any "russian servers" there... Yet when you get a Russian teammate there's a 80% chance that he will refuse to communicate with you beyond the random Russian curses he's constantly throwing (сука ;xx). Watch this if you haven't, lol - Easily my most favourite youtube video.
  20. Sadly, I don't really think that there's any other way to say it. Though, you not liking this word as much means that you're focusing on its other meaning a bit too much which makes you kind of bothering as well.
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