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Everything posted by kaibakor2012

  1. Парри и увернуться может произойти только с фронта. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=5221/shred всегда поражает из-за. Это было так с 2004 года. Нет профы не требуется.
  2. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=5221/shred 2. Это можно обойти и парировал. Доказательство: http://s17.postimg.org/ls19eqa9q/Shred_parry.jpg 3. Он всегда должен ударить сзади так что не должно это парировал. Не знаю, если же относится и к http://db.pandawow.me?spell=53/backstab. 4. 23.01.15 5. Fun 6. 5/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=116408 Отклонено? Можете ли вы уточнить? Потому что я на 100% уверен, что http://db.pandawow.me?spell=5221/shred не может парировать.
  3. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=5221/shred 2. Это можно обойти и парировал. Доказательство: http://s17.postimg.org/ls19eqa9q/Shred_parry.jpg 3. Он всегда должен ударить сзади так что не должно это парировал. Не знаю, если же относится и к http://db.pandawow.me?spell=53/backstab. 4. 23.01.15 5. Fun 6. 5/10
  4. I'm pretty sure there are other spells like this. Not only do they break Stealth but also Vanish.
  5. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=116245&p=783354#post783354 Force of Nature doesn't seem all that fixed to me.. The only part of this bug report that I'm not 100% sure about is the damage part.. I'd be happy if someone took their time and tested it. Thank you!
  6. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=102703/force-of-nature - there are three bugs with that 2. Feral's treants are dazing the target on hit making it impossible for it to flee as a daze is an irremovable slow. They are also counted as allies in World PvP even if the druid is an enemy (I think they're attackable in arenas, though, not sure about BGs). The damage, at least for feral's treants, is also way too low.. maybe half of what it should be (and I can't really test how bad is it exactly because the auto-attacks and the bleed are counting as one damage source.. that should be fixed as well). 3. Treants shouldn't daze. And if the druid is an enemy, they should be attackable under any circumstances! The damage of the treants, at least for Ferals, should be higher. 4. 22.01.15 5. Fun 6. 5/10
  7. It is most of the time.. But it increases the damage even if it's not consumed.
  8. Dude I'm playing on the fun server with my shammy RIGHT NOW. And when I equip my low ilvl weapons I do 16k dmg Lava Lash without buffs and procs without UA and 21k with UA. How exactly is it not bugged? UA is consumed as well.
  9. Ok, I will try to say this again in a more direct way: Unleash Elements increases Lava Lash's damage ON THIS SERVER. Get it now?
  10. Ok, now read my post again.. If you have an IQ above 10 you'd realize you're the stubborn one.
  11. If you even remotely payed attention to your shaman and actually tested stuff instead of just complaining you would know that, at least on this server, Unleash Elements is consumed by and increases Lava Lash's damage. I've suspected it being a bug as well but I don't really care. It's a fact, though. Anyways.. even if you take out the 30% damage increase from UE and don't use it at all for Lava Lash, pretending that it's not bugged... it really changes nothing. I'm as reliable as ever ;) Peace! And like I already said, if you go to Deadmines and get some low level one-handers you really don't need to test for 5 minutes and get the averages from an addon as your offhand's damage is 6600 - 6605 or something. But of course you wouldn't know that. I did never expect any different from you.
  12. http://s24.postimg.org/jdp9w9q10/Wo_WScrn_Shot_012115_124045.jpg Удалить немного PvP Power и абсорб оставаться одинаковый: http://s17.postimg.org/4fvjbgsge/Wo_WScrn_Shot_012115_124108.jpg Объяснение: Я литые другой Щит.
  13. Dividing by 0... L O L ! ! !
  14. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=768/cat-form 2. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1850/dash and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77761/stampeding-roar stack with the http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=768/cat-form 's 25% movement speed increase resulting in cosmic movement speeds such as 264% (during http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1850/dash) and 230% (during http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77761/stampeding-roarr). 3. Proof that this shouldn't happen: https://fileunderferal.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/movement-speed-increases-how-fast-are-you-going/ 4. 20.01.15 5. Fun 6. 4/10
  15. 1. Тинкери так http://db.pandawow.me?spell=126734/synapse-springs#see-also-other 2. Они заменяют регулярные очаровывает так http://db.pandawow.me?item=74722/iii . 3. Вы должны быть в состоянии иметь как очаровывает и очаровывает, и тинкер одновременно. 4. 19.01.15 5. Fun 6. 4/10
  16. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=134735/battle-fatigue 2. Исчезает после не более четырех секунд в открытом бою (вне арена или бг). Дуэли совершенно невозможно. Kто-то оглушает тебя и через 6 секунды лечит в полному... Доказательство: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNknTgxa99w&feature=youtu.be http://db.pandawow.me?spell=130551/word-of-glory исцелил меня для 46к (из-за http://db.pandawow.me?spell=134735/battle-fatigue) но на двадцать второй секунду http://db.pandawow.me?spell=134735/battle-fatigue уже исчез и http://db.pandawow.me?spell=130551/word-of-glory лечит меня за 97к нон-крит. 3. Должно продолжаться в течение 20 секунд после участия в ПвП боевой. 4. 19.01.15 5. Fun 6. 10/10 !
  17. Dude... Unleash Elements increases Lava Lash's damage. It didn't increase it in Cata but in MoP it does. What are you smoking? And Lava Lash isn't physical lol.
  18. No, tests with low ilvl weapons are just fine.. I've tested a lot of things with both low ilvl items and high ilvl items and the results aren't different at all. Like you said, though, low ilvl weapons save a lot of time so they are preferable. Obviously you are doing something wrong cause on my 509 ilvl shaman I just hit the dummy for 440k. And I don't have either a cloak, nor a gloves enchant. I have no flask and buffs as well. My Elemental Blast proc isn't Mastery either. 440k is 130k in PvP (considering my low PvP Power). I could only imagine hitting for 200k+ (in PvP), hell even 300k, with your gear, proper enchants, buffs and Elemental Blast mastery proc. Proof (sorry for my messy UI): http://s16.postimg.org/6xvvb4ask/Wo_WScrn_Shot_011915_022300.jpg - - - Добавлено - - - In fact, I just calculated, that with my off-hand damage considering the Agility from Elemental Blast (no Mastery procs), Bloody Dancing Steel enchant and the proc trinket my Lava Lash crits should average to 447,731 damage. On the screenshot I hit for 439,715. I'd say that the difference is barely noticable. In PvP, the damage difference would be 2361 damage, lol.
  19. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=134735/battle-fatigue 2. Исчезает после не более четырех секунд в открытом бою (вне арена или бг). Дуэли совершенно невозможно. Kто-то оглушает тебя и через три секунды лечит в полному... 3. Должно продолжаться в течение двадцати секунд после участия в ПвП боевой. 4. 19.01.15 5. Fun 6. 10/10 !
  20. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=107989 Я не панимаю очьн хорошо по-русски, простите мне, но ето чрезмерно важно !!! Дуели невозможно играть !
  21. Just got a low damage offhand weapon. My offhand damage normalized to 2,246 - 2,251. I made my calculations using 2,249. Lava Lash was actually doing a bit more damage than it should for a while. I tested every single step of the following equation: 2,249 * 1.4844 (Mastery) * 1.4 (Flametongue) * 1.07 (Flametongue again) * 1.3 (Unleash Elements). The damage by then should've been pretty much a fixed 19,504. However, I hit the dummy for 21,262. The last step was getting 5 stacks of Searing Flames. Should've gotten 19,504 * 2 = 39,007 damage. Instead I did 36,724. So I guess that's not really a Lava Lash bug but more of a Searing Flames one... Yet.. still a really really minor bug. The damage difference is barely 6%.
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