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Battle Pet Spells


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Posted (edited)

General Issues:

  • Pets racials are totally missing
  • Fleeing from a fight does not remove 10% health to the active pets
  • Every victory garants exactely 100exp points, with many visual bugs, but should scale on the enemy's level
  • Release comand not working: on reload you'll get again the released pets
  • Some battlepets can't be learned after the first time, even if it shows 1/3 or if the only one learnt is caged at the moment
  • Buffs overwriting: applying a shorter buff (i.e. 3 turns) after a long buff (i.e. 9 turns) will make the longer one fade together with the shorter one (so 3 turns instead of 9)
  • Multi-hits missing: all abilities that should hit more than once hit only once (tested on: Batter, Fire Quills, Flank, Flurry, Lash, Quills, Rend, Spark, Tongue Lash, Thrash) and won't even do the additional hit for first strike or speed.
  • Missing AoE: attacks that should strike all the enemies hits multiple times the active enemy instead (tested on: Jadefire Lightning, Primal Cry, Sunlight) or healings (seen on: Autumn Breeze)
  • Instant DoT: many spells that should do damage over time at the end of turn also do that damage when casted
  • Stuns and stun chances are not working
  • Weather conditions are not working to unlock secondary effects on spells nor to benefit the team (healing/damage bonuses)
  • Status are not working (Chilled, Burning, Poisoned, Blinded...)
  • Spells with the tooltip "this ability always goes first" are not usable if the enemy is faster as first


Specific Spell Issues:

Alpha Strike, "plus 140 Flying damage if the user is faster than the enemy" not working



  • Buff applied twice and only to the enemy
  • Spell not working, deal no damage


Arcane Blast, totally not working


Avalanche, totally not working


Bone Prison, "prevents the target from fleeing for 2 rounds" not working


Celestial Blessing, applies the buff "next pet to swap in battle" but does not give to that pet 50% reduction damage


Cleansing Rain

  • heals only the caster pet, not the entire team
  • "During a cleansing rain, the duration of hostile damage over time effects is reduced by 1 round and Aquatic abilities deal 25% more damage" not working


Consume, "The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt" not woking


Crystal Overload, "but deals 156 Elemental damage to you" not working


Death Grip, "forces the opponent's lowest health pet to swap into battle" not working


Emerald Dream, the pet affected by this buff can still perform other abilities


Emerald Presence, damage reduction does not scale with pet level (always 5)


Ethereal, totally not working


Evanescence, not working


Explode, totally not working


Falling Murloc, " The fall stuns the user for 1 rounds" not working


Feed, "The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt" not working


Frog Kiss totally not working, damage is done to the caster



  • "Fall asleep", you can still perform other attacks
  • "While Hibernating you cannot swap pets", not working


Holy Justice, not working


Illusionary Barrier, not working


Launch Rocket, totally not working


Leech Life, "The user restores 156 health. Double if the target is Webbed." not working: always heals as if not webbed.


Lovestruck, not working


Magma Trap

  • Triggs when used as instant damage
  • Does not disappear once trigged
  • Deals damage every turn



  • Triggs when used as instant damage
  • Does not disappear once trigged
  • Deals damage every turn and not on pet swap


Moonfire, "During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage", not working


Omnislash, "damage to all enemy pets" is instead multiple damage on the active enemy


Plant, totally not working


Poison Spit, deals poison damage also even used, should do only at the end of the turn


Pounce, "plus 112 Beast damage if the user strikes first" not working



  • "Your speed continues to increase each time you use Powerball" not working
  • Speed bonus fades out at the end of the turn, becoming useless


Primal Cry

  • "dealing 172 Beast damage to all enemy pets", instead deals 3 times the damage to the active enemy
  • "reducing their speed by 25% for 4 rounds", the buff is applied only to the active enemy


Pump, totally not working


Rake, the 50% damage reduction is permanent instead of 1 attack only


Righteous Inspiration, "The user inspires a friendly pet to charge into battle" not working


Scorched Earth, "dealing 56 Dragonkin damage to all active pets each round for 9 rounds" not working


Shell Shield, damage reduction does not scale with pet level (always 5)


Slicing Wind, deals damage always only once


Solar Beam

  • "While recharging, you cannot perform any other actions", not working
  • As consequence of the missing recharge time, this ability can actually be used every round instead of every 3


Sons of the Flame

  • The Sons of the Living Flame hits twice instead of once per round
  • Even if disappered, the Sons of the Living Flame keep doing damage


Soothe, target does not fall asleep


Spirit Claws on Moonlight weather deals 10k instead of 500 for Xu-Fu


Spirit Spikes

  • Reduces damage taken only of 10
  • "deals 280 Magic damage each time you take direct damage" not working


Spore Shrooms

  • "Places a mushroom near the enemy team. It grows for 2 rounds, then unleashes a cloud of spores", the cloud of spores is actived as soon as casted
  • Deals also damage as instant damage


Sticky Grenade

  • Triggs when used as instant damage
  • Does not disappear once trigged
  • Deals damage every turn and not after 3


Sticky Web, "making it impossible to flee for 2 rounds" not working


Stone Rush, "dealing 234 Elemental damage to themselves" deals damage on the enemy only instead of also to the caster pet.



  • "A Solar Beam strikes all enemies", strikes 3 times the active enemy instead
  • "During a sunny day, the maximum health of all pets is increased by 50%" not working


Thorns, not working


Vengeance, not working, always misses the target while having a 100% hit chance.



  • deals damage every turn instead of after 2 turns
  • root effect not working


Wish, not working


Zergling Rush animation missing

Edited by Eldarion
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