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Annoying Abuses/Bugs


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There are some of the bugs that I find very annoying and gives the opposing team an upper hand in arena. I do suggest you fix these bugs as soon as possible for fair arena matches.


1. Mages can have basically 4 glyphs after you pick your specific armor and replace it with another. Once you change the glyph of armor it basically keeps the same stats.

2. Mirror Image can get players out of stealth and not fair for people that can Invis or Stealth (Rogues,Hunters, Mages Invis and Priest's Fade) Players that abuses this gets an advantage in beating stealthy classes easily.

3. Falling through map in Arenas. Tol'Viron Arena kicks many player of the map once you get CC'ed by the pillars. There are many players that does this on purpose and some does it by accident. This is also another big one.

4. PVE armor in arenas. Its ok to have 1 or 2 PVE items in arena such as rings, neck or back but able to have the full set of PVE in arena is stuped and retarded. Either you remove PVE SET from the server or not allow players to Que with PVE on. Classes such as Balance, Affli, SP and Unholy Death knight are unfair to play with their PVE on because of the bonus they get form set.

5. MMR matching, players that start new character with new gears and que arenas and end up facing FULL retarded PVE Heros is just pathetic.


There are many other bugs and abuses I have to report but once I get some replies on this and some fixes I will post other ones.


And excuse me for the bad English

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Try x100, there's no PvE items at all above 522 ilvl, so out of the three realms i'd say that x100 is the most balanced one. It has like 2x as many players as FUN, and you have a chance of meeting wasteland people on arena too. I moved from fun to x100, and didn't regret it at all. I still play a lot on fun, though i'm mostly just hanging around doing my moderator job, but sometimes I see how retarded PvE items are :)) x100 can offer a more balanced gameplay, due to the fact of missing PvE items, and it is more challenging due to the amount of players. Just my humble opinion
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Yea but 40% of the server is Leveling and other shit, im also not a fan of PVE and leveling.

It's not you can buy char for 50 poins that is 89 lvl. But i feel like the skill level of players on x100 is not high as on fun server or that is just me.

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Why would you queue arena with Tyrannical gear anyways? Is your ego that high that you think you can stand a chance vs griev / pride players? I seriously laugh when I see this happen.


Are you from the people doing bg's till you become full grev and then start doing arenas? Well that is just stupid for me, why should i wait a 15min queue to lose a bg and get 300 points when i was 1.7-1.8k rating with almost full Tyrannical, it's not ego it's saving time.

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This is either just a matter of perception or we live in a totally different time-zone.

I played on FUN for 4 months, easily achieved 2.4k rating with almost all of my toons, went to x100, well, I'm on 2050 and I still struggle sometimes to win. I'm not saying that there's a huge difference, but I feel that people on x100 are still better somehow. Yea, you can meet survival hunter / destro lock compositions and people who sucks really hard on high rating too, but it's the same on fun. However, whenever I meet decent players, I feel that they are more competent even on lower rating than fun. And just so you know, I played 4 months on FUN, achieved 2.4k max, and I play on x100 since like 2-3 months, and my highest current rating is 2057 (it will rise eventually, at least I hope so), so I have experience on both realms.

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I played on FUN for 4 months, easily achieved 2.4k rating with almost all of my toons, went to x100, well, I'm on 2050 and I still struggle sometimes to win. I'm not saying that there's a huge difference, but I feel that people on x100 are still better somehow. Yea, you can meet survival hunter / destro lock compositions and people who sucks really hard on high rating too, but it's the same on fun. However, whenever I meet decent players, I feel that they are more competent even on lower rating than fun. And just so you know, I played 4 months on FUN, achieved 2.4k max, and I play on x100 since like 2-3 months, and my highest current rating is 2057 (it will rise eventually, at least I hope so), so I have experience on both realms.


For me is really the opposite. But i have played a lot more than 4 months.

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Are you from the people doing bg's till you become full grev and then start doing arenas? Well that is just stupid for me, why should i wait a 15min queue to lose a bg and get 300 points when i was 1.7-1.8k rating with almost full Tyrannical, it's not ego it's saving time.


Well I didin't mean on people that are skilled with certain class and queue arena while char is tyrannical, but still I'd do few bg's to get griev weapon to do more damage. But I was mostly pointing at people who got high rating on 1 character and they make brand new char and class they never played before and queue arena as tyrann cuz their ego is that high they don't even wanna practice a bit.

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fuck no


on x100 its way harder to win-and way more skilled players



This. On x100 there's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more skilled players , This isnt normal If I ( on fun realm) while as full tyra, ww monk could easily take down a another monk with half pridefull gear.. or take down a healer in first min mostly( depends on gear).


About arenas...oh arenas....It can't be even compared , its much more difficult on x100.

Edited by Syrio
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I dont doubt you, but you can't judge by just winning people in duels or I dunno. I've played on my warrior and ww monk, with 3k shamans(x100) who frog on full hp for no reason, who die forgetting to use Spirit Link totem. I wont say people on x100 are bad, but there so many guys who got 3k, but actually they are worth let's say 2,5k (according to pandawow rating). But, for example "Neika" was r1 warr on x100 with 3k, then he switched to fun and went 3,3k and became r1, till restarting the season. And I will tell you this... PvP server and PvE server, isnt the same, here on Fun who is purely PvP ppl play only arena and BG, on x100 who is PvP and PvE ppl play with low gear arenas, Bgs etc. So, with or without your opinion, PvP is always better then PvE.


-However, raiting on pandawow isnt a tool to measure skill. I hope you will understand that, people are yelling something about farming, it's just, can't say that on Pandawow, this is a pretty much broken server, huge difference in balance scale.

Edited by Thegodpriest
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It's not the matter of weather people are skilled or not, I'm only talking about these 1 million HP shittards + the abusers. This PVE needs to be fixed asap I want to see all these Afflic Locks, Bommies, Unholy Dks, and other pve tards drop back to 1.4 after this PVE is fixed. And the only reason im not swapping to x100 server is because all of my friends play in Fun realm and I dont like x100 for some odd reason.
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90% of the players full pve with 234234mil HP suck dust anyways and besides, scaling is getting fixed this week. Enjoy farming them :)


I agree, to play versus a lock with 1 milion hp, and with 150k crits every 8 sec, there is no point. Well I hope it's gonna be fixed, so many PvErs will drop raiting and they're gonna sell the chars haha :P

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