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Repitchx's Suggestions


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1: make character transfer free


isnt it annoying when a friend asks you if you want a toon for free then you say yes, but you can't cause it costs 200 bonuses?


yup. that's annoying. it should be free to char trasfer, or let it only cost 20-30 points.



2: make donation shop just in general cheaper like with items. 1 prideful item costs 450 points? :o


It's completely useless to buy items. What's the point of offering that service when no one uses it?


A: Reduce it to 30-40 points per item


B: Make another option that allows a guy to buy 16 items (full prideful) for a certain amount. Something around 400-600 points? It's what a full geared character normally costs when you're buying a toon.



3: said it before and i say it again. i said it before. #Kappa


Just kidding :P.


Serious now: I've said it before and I said it again, fix important bugs. I'm so glad you guys fixed PvE gear, but please try to fix stealth detection next, mirror images & buff stacking next.

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1. Making it free would mean total chaos in the DB aswell as close to imposibility of tracking down transactions fully. And plus, it could be exploited.

2. No, prices are ridiculous for a reason. People who can afford to buy prideful with vote/donate points WILL, trust me, and there are hundreds of players who exploit the market to win thousands of points monthly. I know I was one of those people. If anything, drop the price to 250/piece.

3. Agree :)

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1. Making it free would mean total chaos in the DB aswell as close to imposibility of tracking down transactions fully. And plus, it could be exploited.

2. No, prices are ridiculous for a reason. People who can afford to buy prideful with vote/donate points WILL, trust me, and there are hundreds of players who exploit the market to win thousands of points monthly. I know I was one of those people. If anything, drop the price to 250/piece.

3. Agree :)


1: make it cheaper then. 200 is just too much. 50-100 points.


be realistic here. no one buys a piece of prideful for 450 when you can buy a full geared toon for 500 -> change name for 100. thats 600 for a fully geared toon + ur own name. dont tell me that people do pay 450 a piece when they dont lol.


if u find an exploit, thats somehting else, but that shouldn't be the reason to why its so damn high.


i say 30-40. if it'll go through, doubt it cause russians are so greedy.

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