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Dear PandaWoW,


I am not going to be insulting, I am not going to be offensive, I am just going to state facts. Your server is trash. Bar none, absolute garbage. You mess with everything and that's how it gets messed up. And you never put it back to the way it was, you will never succeed at making a decent server because you constantly destroy everything. You have rank 1 latency so nobody can actually play without waiting a second for their spells to work. Nearly every spell in wow is bugged because you messed with the script of it. I also forgot to mention that your devs are too stupid to stop speedhacking by simply inputting a script into every client checking if the framerate of the client is too high, if it is, ban them. HOW HARD IS THAT? I could write the script for you if you want. It's honestly depressing. Please ban me if I am being insulting, but to any logical person out there, this is fact.


Thank you.

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Dear PandaWoW,


I am not going to be insulting, I am not going to be offensive, I am just going to state facts. Your server is trash. Bar none, absolute garbage. You mess with everything and that's how it gets messed up. And you never put it back to the way it was, you will never succeed at making a decent server because you constantly destroy everything. You have rank 1 latency so nobody can actually play without waiting a second for their spells to work. Nearly every spell in wow is bugged because you messed with the script of it. I also forgot to mention that your devs are too stupid to stop speedhacking by simply inputting a script into every client checking if the framerate of the client is too high, if it is, ban them. HOW HARD IS THAT? I could write the script for you if you want. It's honestly depressing. Please ban me if I am being insulting, but to any logical person out there, this is fact.


Thank you.


Dumb on three accounts:

1)If you don't like a product, why use it? Leave.

2)I live in EU and I'm running on 26-35 latency ALL the time.

3)There cannot be a scrip for speedhacking, because it would automatically ban players with internet connection problems.

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Dumb on three accounts:

1)If you don't like a product, why use it? Leave.

2)I live in EU and I'm running on 26-35 latency ALL the time.

3)There cannot be a scrip for speedhacking, because it would automatically ban players with internet connection problems.


Then don't ban them, just DC them, and then they can talk to a GM about it. Plus, people increase the speed of their client, not decrease, people would never have internet problems where it made it faster, plus, this catches framerate, not latency. If they truly cared about hackers, they would do something to prevent it.

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But they do. I worked as International Game Master on the Fun realm for a few months. I banned as little as 10 accounts and up to a peak of 230 accounts DAILY, for either cheating, bug abuse or chat violations. It's a very active job. If you never worked as a GM, don't imply their job is simple. It's definetly not simple.


Such a system is very difficult to implement and regardless how perfect you make it, it will STILL cause problems. Right now, the anticheat system is working great, trust me on that, because it reports everything:

-players with lag

-players who teleport

-players who walk on water

-players who climb walls with mounts

-players who fly or break the speed parameters set by the game


EVERY single detection sends hundreds of reports to EVERY GM and Moderator currently online on the realm. The GM, then, teleports to the person reported by the system, turns on his screen capture software and records the infraction and applies the ban. It may look easy, but then again there are plenty of moments when there are...say...20 hackers online. By the time you catch 5, 2 have logged off or switched characters.....2 have major lag spikes, 5 are bugged in ICC in Ghost form etc etc


I repeat my nr1 point, if you don't like a product...why buy it? Why accept it? Just deny it and search for alternatives that would suit your needs.

Have fun!

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Latency - this is your problem, cause bad route to our servers, you can fix that when use proxy servers or change your internet provider.

About cheaters, it's gm's work, anticheat detect all and reported into to him, and in our opinion, they are coping.


If you do not like something, then just leave from our project.

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