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(Wild Mushroom-Wild Mushroom:Bloom) Big problem


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1-Spell: Wild Mushroom http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145205/wild-mushroom (WoD description, see changelog) - Wild Mushroom:Bloom (http://wow.gamepedia.com/Wild_Mushroom:_Bloom)


2-How it should work: The mushroom should grows just with overhealings of rejuvenation. And bonus healing on the Wild Mushroom should be divided across all targets healed.

Besides the mushroom should can be target like a enemy target and can be killed.


3-How work: The mushroom grows with all healings of rejuvenation even if not are overhealings. And bonus healing of Wild Mushroom don't are divided across all targets healed. Heals the same in all targets, like if are just 1 target.

Besides Mushroom can't be target like a enemy, so can't be killed. Appears like a friendly target to enemy player.


4-realm: x10


5-Tested: 23/05/2015


6-priority: 9/10


7-Evidence recorded in Videos:

Note: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Wild_Mushroom:_Bloom

Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): No longer capable of critical strikes, and accumulates overhealing done by Rejuvenation by 100%, down from 150%. Overhealing bonus no longer benefits from [Naturalist] or Mastery: [Harmony].

Much better clearly in 720p.


Video 1 (Normal Spells): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzTbKSHbmwg&feature=youtu.be


Video 2 (Spell with overhealings of rejuvenation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzDz9Tyz8PE&feature=youtu.be


Video 3 (Bug1) Spells without overhealings of rejuvenation (Just normal heals of rejuvenation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1evJPDPZi-k&feature=youtu.be


Video 4 (Bug2) Undivided heals in all targets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIJg0xheCzQ&feature=youtu.be


Video 5 (bug2 with more targets in bg in a short time): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M14AsvqgOQ&feature=youtu.be


Video 6 and 7 (these are about bug2 again, i think you can see something, in 1:10min of video 7, 280k to many targets. Weird numbers too, 700k sometimes, but i dont know about that in pvp):




The problem is visible , even if only oneself is target , healing is greatly increased.

This problem becomes huge when use rejuvenation in many targets, because all normal healings (not just overhealings) of rejuvenation grows up the mushroom.

This bug, added with undivided extra heal, gives much power to this spell.

Because of this, for example, we can stay a whole arena making Cc's, healing with instant heals and just a few casts if is necesary, changing forms comfortably, etc. So many situations. And all without spending mana. I think is not good to pvp.

Please , i ask a quick fix for this problem, especially to improve the pvp. Thank you very much for your attention. Greetings.

Edited by huargoss
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  • 3 weeks later...
Besides , when you are on arena and blow it , doesnt heal at all .. just outside arena lol


Is obviously, outside arena battle fatigue dont apply, but that is not the point. Is more clear and easy report the bug like this, and not in a batlle.

Read the post again and you can understand the problem. For example imagine a arena, normal heals of rejuvenation (not only overhealings, so even under press) grows up the mushroom, then a healer can wait the perfect moment to use Bloom (burst for example) and heal like 200-300k instant when he really need it and without use a important thing. Add procs, and bonification of heals and this grows much. I just put heals without procs when i show the bug for make a simply post.

Anyway in vid 5 you can look heals with Battle Fatigue.

Forgives my english, i use translator when i dont know a word. Salutes.

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Is obviously, outside arena battle fatigue dont apply, but that is not the point. Is more clear and easy report the bug like this, and not in a batlle.

Read the post again and you can understand the problem. For example imagine a arena, normal heals of rejuvenation (not only overhealings, so even under press) grows up the mushroom, then a healer can wait the perfect moment to use Bloom (burst for example) and heal like 200-300k instant when he really need it and without use a important thing. Add procs, and bonification of heals and this grows much. I just put heals without procs when i show the bug for make a simply post.

Anyway in vid 5 you can look heals with Battle Fatigue.

Forgives my english, i use translator when i dont know a word. Salutes.


can you please add that you can't kill the mushroom as well? cause if i cant kill it, its gonna be too op in arena if this gets fixed.

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can you please add that you can't kill the mushroom as well? cause if i cant kill it, its gonna be too op in arena if this gets fixed.

Added. I dont see that but is true. You have 6 secs to kill him for a reason. Now is op too. Thanks.

Edited by huargoss
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  • 3 months later...
The thing is, the shroom doesn't heal AT ALL, like without dampening it should be able to top someone instantly, but instead, it doesn't heal at all, even if you're right next to the mushroom, and since Mushroom is a huge defensive in both 3s and 2s, i think this should be fixed ASAP. 10/10
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  • 1 year later...
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