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Starting today, for this service of the control panel began to operate the following changes:


- Now it's possible to sell only characters of 90 level.

- The character doesn't have to be in a guild.

- The character shouldn't have gold.

- Now the minimum price of the sale is 700 bonuses.

- The maximum price of the sale is 3000 bonuses.

- Character's time of the playing must be 7 days or more, otherwise you will not be able to put it up for selling.

- All the main slots of equipment must be filled by items aren't less than blue, the actual level of character.


Changes for characters, which have already been put up for selling:


- If the character has already put up for selling and it isn't the maximum level, then it’ll be removed within a month, if you have such characters and you need them, then take characters from the sale.

- If the character has already put up for selling and it has less than 7 days of playing, then it’ll be removed within a month, if you have such characters and you need them, then take characters from the sale.

- If the character has the maximum level, but the price of it is least than 700 bonuses, the price will automatically set at the level of the new minimum price.

- If the character has the maximum level, but the price of it is higher than the maximum of 3,000, the price will automatically set at the level of the new maximum price.


Such measures are need to restore order in the shopping section of characters, right now it's a dump and feeding place of various сommercial members that sell commodity and services from the control panel below the real value.

Now, all attempts to use the service for other purposes are forbidden and punishable of ban, both in the game and on the forum, you can only sell dressed characters of maximum level that meet the new criteria.


The changes are actual and irreversible, "dear" commercial members, don't bother in the creation of the request to rollback all changes, it will not be, and dear players, if you think that your character isn't worth the minimum 700 bonuses, then just don't sell it. Please don't create threads about returning of the old criteria, thank you.

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