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Account hacked help please

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Posted (edited)

Acc name : Hrisiqk

Realm : x100

Email : hrisiqk@abv.bg

Nicks of your stolen characters : 东北虎 , 唬乕猇 , 於菟彪 , 猛虎老虎 , 白猛虎 , 虎猇虓 , 虎虓虎 , (i changed my druid nick from Hrisiqk to 虎虓虎 some time ago!!!)

im not sure when i last played on this acc probably 3-4 days ago i last played on my mage( 於菟彪 ) around 12AM and few hours later i coudnt log in

My IP :

I dont have friends in WoW i used to play with real life friends but the dont play here anymore, i can ask them to come here and confirm that the acc is 100% mine ofc!!!!!!

Evidence: http://postimg.org/image/3u1sri03b/ http://postimg.org/image/ne79v43m3/ http://postimg.org/image/rg17ajbrn/ http://postimg.org/image/ettokh481/ http://postimg.org/image/r1xq7kklv/ http://postimg.org/image/54ow3psyv/ heres one of the many videos i frapsed lately playing my rogue!!!! >

Other acc : Hrisitoqk (i made it after mine was stolen) i am now playing a rogue on it nick - 狠虎唬

A detailed description of the problem : Hello, i was unlucky enough to get hacked as it seems someone have put a keylogger in my computer is my guess,my account password and email were changed! I contacted moderator about my email address and maniged to restore it,he also told me the IP of the person responsible - or as it seems he might be with dinamic IP, i do not know!

Thank you, in advanse ! :) best regards the one and only HRISTIAN QKOVOV

Edited by hrisitoqk
Rules for creating topics if your account / character got stolen


Account name, which has been stolen

The realm (x10/x100/Fun)

Nick(s) of your stolen character(s)

E-mail, which was registered by above account

The time of your last visit to the game. Write seperate dates and time for each account / character

Your IP-address

-If it has changed, please indicate this.

-If it is dynamic, then indicate the range of change ip (check it out, you can use the site http://2ip.ru/whois/ or in any other way accessible to you).

Nicks of people who can attest to the fact that you are the owner of the stolen account / character

Evidence: screenshots of the stolen character(s), common data that you think could help us (date of purchase items, etc.)

If you have another accounts on our server, indicate them and 1-2 characters on them

A detailed description of the problem

Please edit the topic by the rules.

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The account was frozen as long as I didn't change e-mail and password to new ones. Send me in private message a new e-mail and temporary password for your account. In the message specify a link to this topic.
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