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Posted (edited)

who u think is best of each class?


mage - deepmvpwin & magetrainer

rogue - idk

paladin - idk

hunter - idk his name, but he was 3k last season and russian

shaman - bloodcagexd / purpolz (purpolz from x100)

monk - idk

druid - cogu & minpojke

warlock - ishmael (putinlock i think his name was)

warrior - markzxy (idk any other warrior, at least he's decent)

dk - absolutezero

priest - akuyama & noneedholy


let me know the realm the players are from! :D

Edited by Needhelpwiththegame

I will post based on battlegrounds because I fucking don't do arenas.


Warrior - Khaldrogo or something like that, a female orc.

Rogue - Repitchx

Mage - None, bug abusers everywhere

Paladin - Idk

Druid - The one who is doing arenas with repitch I forgot his name

Monk - Chiv I guess, nobody plays WW seriously here

DK - Idk

Hunter - None because all of them are abusing sv

Priest - Idk

Shaman - Idk elementals are always top dmg in bgs lol


Honorable mentions: me, kappa.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Mage : Abu & Magetrainer & Bàáàz

Rogue : Repitchx & Alexisrenn

Paladin : Dartmeganz (only legit Ret here)

Hunter : Cambeezy

Shaman : Dionisus & Flyback

Monk : Chiv & Persia

Druid : Cogu & Solidbaba & Noneed Boomi : Tallaque & Laserpewpew

Warlock : Kilimanzaro (russian name translate) and me ofc aka Waz :3

Warrior : Doomcryer & Noneed

DK : huh..... Absolutebuger (best buger pwow)

Priest : Akuyama & Noneed


This is my personal opinion.

Edited by krizp
Posted (edited)

- - - Updated - - -


Mage: Castforcato

Rogue: Alexisrenn

Paladin: Dartmeganz. Holy: Khardstone

Hunter: Cambeezy

Shaman: Resto: Forgot his name but he played with funkabizsax. Ele: Dionisus. Enh: idk

Monk: WW: Callebro. MW: kaillyx

Druid: Balance: Laserpewpew. Feral: idk. Resto: Minpojke

Warlock: Affli: Funkabizsax. Destro: Qzyo

Warrior: idk

Dk: Only scrubs play this retarded class.

Priest: Akuyama


(This is for fun realm btw)

Edited by Boizan
Posted (edited)

Mage: Magetrainer 3,2k s14 (quit)


Rogue: Repitchx 3,1k s15


Paladin ret: Flowzlol 2,7k s14 (quit)


Paladin holy: no1


Hunter: Djswagjumpx 2,6k s14


Shaman resto: Samuelxo 3k s15


Shaman ele: no1


Monk mw: Chiv 3k s14 / Liquid (quit) 3,2k s14


Monk ww: no1


Druid balance: Lazerpewpew 2,8k s15 / Salominatx 2,6k s15


Druid Resto: Mldmonster (quit) 3,2k s14


Warlock affl: Skoobyz 3k s15


Warlock destro: Qzyo 3k s15


Warrior: Scott 2,7k s14 (quit), myself Zhalifa 3,2k s14 (didn't really play since)


Dk: Jizzykebab (actually knows how to controll his runes) 3,1k s14 (half tyrannical gear)


Priest holy: Hartmanptr 2,7k s14


Priest shadow: Jingz 2,7k s15


A lot of you people are naming a shit ton of abusers / wintrader scum I don't blame you, it's probably just from the looks on the ladder.


All of the people named here are just Fun server players.


Hope you can agree with my list, it's just all players from my own experience, that I've fought / played with.

Edited by JohnnyPipes
I only listed the people I was personally impressed with fighting or playing with, people like neik doomcryer, dionysus, akuyama, kaily, funkabizsax, absolutezero, minpojke, etc are just bug abusers / win traders.
Posted (edited)

Guess it's my turn. :-)


:mage:Mage - Bàáàz (Only good mage that plays fire, frost is just faceroll.)

:rogue:Rogue - Repitchx, Alexisrenn

:paladin:Paladin - Ret: Dartmeganz, Flowzlol Holy: Khardstone

:hunter:Hunter -Hitdown

:shaman:Shaman - Resto: Samuelito / Alex / Diony / Zankedbrotha Enh: Ishmael, best enh shaman of all time. Ele: Flyback / Diony

:monk:Monk - WW: Chappie / MW: Desponentiaz / Liquidcity

:druid:Druid - Boomkin: Laserpewpew / Flyback aka. Funlol / Tallaque / Resto: Alex / Noneed / Mldmonster / Smoothyloops

:warlock:Warlock - Affli: Sharlychamp / Funka / Waaz / Destro: Qzyo

:warrior:Warrior - Zhalifa / Scott (salute) / Backinbsns / Ettel aka. Huehuehue /

:deathknight:DK - Jeeves, Melancholiax

:priest:Priest - Shadow: Johnny / Jessfearx / Holy: Akuyama / Noneed


If you guys want the same thread as I with the class icons, just copy it from here: http://pastebin.com/xLQnbHgb

Edited by ChivNPJSA

What are the best ferals on fun realm?


I can only say some classes, since I only know a few.


Holy Priest - Sophie

Boomy - Laserpewpew

Mage(in general) - Raou


  • Like 2

rog: claimitko

mage: raikuz, ханлёвикх

boomie: suquilla

war: Феноменон

shadow p: Спиритх

Lock: funkabiz

Hunters (surv abusers), dk (dumbass) and all healers overbugged retarded gayshit class. - All unskilled

rog: claimitko

mage: raikuz, ханлёвикх

boomie: suquilla

war: Феноменон

shadow p: Спиритх

Lock: funkabiz

Hunters (surv abusers), dk (dumbass) and all healers overbugged retarded gayshit class. - All unskilled


why u think claimi is the best? he plays with a bug abuser mage and he wintraded to 3.2

Posted (edited)

hehe ... as i see here some ppl dont get listed while they brag 24/7 about how good they are :D

after like alot of people in my stream and also ingame asked me if i'll make a list here, i gonna do it

This list contains every server and every player. Gonna list alot of players here who i gonna hate but beside of that they can be good also.


:mage: baazx / magetrainer x100/fun 2 mages who are even good without abusing rof or shit.

:rogue: sokween x100 Really gonna hate this guy, but tbh in my opinion sokween is one of the best rogues since he has retail xp ( dont lie with your 2.9 brah) and every other rogues here are just only mainstream

:paladin:Sorry, didnt saw a really good one

:hunter: Сороки Sure everyone from the x100 server knows the Hunter who was r1 with KFC. and sure that everyone knows how he abused the explosive shot to get 100k + explosives. But even beside of that he was the only hunter here who could challange me in 2s / 3s

:shaman: dionysusqt If i gonna compare him to other people like samuelxo, kennyart or whoelse, he is the only decent / good one here

:monk: MW : Kiiwii x100 / ww : obeygodofdmg xfun Well alot of people will laugh when i say kiiwii, but at least he is just the only MW who try to doesnt use paralyse in intervene. Compared to liquidcity ( healing though walls abuse etc. ) and other weird monks he is the best one ive fight against. Obey ? If its the obey from ptr ( what i guess ) than he has actually the most clue about his class. Sorry but didnt even saw a decent ww in the past except him ( as i said if its him, didnt saw him playing )

:druid: restro :asdpro xfun (quit) I remember & hate him when i look back in early s15.(played with neik who abused the PvE weapon) But i fought him and i really had good games against him. His partner was for sure bad but neik just got carried by the bug + this druid.

:warlock: Autschbatsch x100 (on fun hes named "whereâreyûat" Since i didnt even saw a good lock who know how to play in 3s beside of autsch (my retail mate ) i just listed him. (destro btw)

:warrior: backinbsns xfun / aquavit x100 backinbsns... i really hate this guy but i guess he is the only warrior here with retail xp (even if its only s14 as war)

And aquavit ? hmmm he is not that bad so i gonna list him aswell

:deathknight:--- Since dk´s can spam necrotics here with huge absorbs i cant really see which dk can play. Also never saw a good "spellcopy" from a dk

:priest:Shelbyz x100 For me, the best priest on this server.

Edited by Noneedholy

priest- спиритх/shelby





mw monk-rudbwoy

resto shaman-bestripper/kennyart

ele shaman - rusenskata gara xaxaxaxa,nene sheguvam se :D,ne znam koi


:mage:Mage - Claimi (undead mage)

:rogue:Rogue - Claimitko (undead rogue)

:paladin:Paladin - Claimí (ret pala)

:hunter:Hunter - Huntheclaim

:shaman:Shaman - Claimtheblue

:monk:Monk - Claimimw

:druid:Druid - Claimdachicken

:warlock:Warlock - Claimy

:warrior:Warrior - Claimwarr

:deathknight:DK - Claimmyaids

:priest:Priest - Claimithejew



Posted (edited)

Disclaimer: This list is only regarding 3vs3. Sorry to disappoint you 2s or duel heroes. :(



:mage:Mage - Frost: Abu Fire: Baaz

:rogue:Rogue - Claimitko

:paladin:Paladin - Non that I know of yet

:hunter:Hunter - Cambeezy or Atrike

:shaman:Shaman - Me - Can I vote for myself? Dionysus/Bloodcagex. That's in all specs. Resto, Ele, (maybe not Enhance since I don't have much live xp.

:monk:Monk - Mw: Chiv, WW:Sissto/Callebro/Chappie

:druid:Druid - Hard for me to judge a druid, but Rdruid: Minpojke only druid I haven't beat in 3s yet. Boomy: Tallaque (even though he always lose 3s, I would like to play with him)

:warlock:Warlock - Funkabizsax best English named lock, although the one from Russain MLS seems decent enough too

:warrior:Warrior - Easily Markxzy, although there are a few others honorable mentions like backisbsns, neik and a couple from x100 who are okay.

:deathknight:DK - Dk's on here are so fucking bad! Most dont even use asphix ffs! Anyway, Absolute is the best one ofc...

:priest:Priest - Shelbyx without a doubt. I played with him as Hpri/Ele and Rsham/SP, he was great at SP and Hpri. (Although admittedly this was only in 2s, i never q 3s with him). Really great pri tho.

Edited by FrankAugustusLucas
  • Like 1

oooooooooooooo I also forgot to say what feral is the best imo(on 2s and duels).


Hartington(not sure if thats the nick, its castorcato) and poppoin(atm hes using a russian nick).

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