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I didn't meant Experience like Experience in pvp,think about there are alot of experiences...You just think of this game pvp.@Noneedholy.K Furmetal,I just asked,the question wasn't hate or something,just curiosity.
  uraganuu said:
Weren't you banned for advertising your personal server not a week ago? :)


Didnt get banned. Just quit because most people on this server get carried by their broken classes and talk like they are any good by playing here lmao. Glad im pced out of this community. Just reading this thread makes me feel happy about m choice and that i won't stuck on a pirate server for months and spend my time coz no friends irl and bad ingame^

  Chivy said:
Didnt get banned. Just quit because most people on this server get carried by their broken classes and talk like they are any good by playing here lmao. Glad im pced out of this community. Just reading this thread makes me feel happy about m choice and that i won't stuck on a pirate server for months and spend my time coz no friends irl and bad ingame^


Yet you're still here.

Posted (edited)
  Furmetal said:
Image totally unrelative to Chiv or to the post, ignore me.




That MW is Flashtwo fanboying me. He has 3 chars named like chiv. I only own Tubehliqchiv other people arent me and like i would ever lose to a shitplayer like you. But hey, once they fixed lifecocoon ill maybe come back and crush the wanna be's.


Btw your UI is realy garbage

Edited by Chivy
  Chivy said:
That MW is Flashtwo fanboying me. He has like 3 chars named like chiv. I only own Tubehluqchiv other people arent me and like i would ever lose to a shitplayer like you. but hey, once they fixed lifecocoon ill be back and start to crush the heroes again.


Nah, I didn't mean that he was you, I alredy knew that he's not you.


He's better than you.


Now, in relation to my UI...


Sorry if I don't use something barbie-ish like all of you, sorry if I prefer Blizzard's default look and organization.

  • Like 1
once they fixed lifecocoon ill maybe come back and crush the wanna be's.


hehe doesnt help you when you sit 24/7 in polys or clones cuz ur positioning is trash Kappa


get farmed by noneed and baz forever

oh lol even on my war markzxy you get farmed.


chiv can you go away please ? Go back on your shit scripted own server where noone plays.

probably you are the best player there.

Posted (edited)

This thread is so fucking cancerous it's amazing! Gj all! :)


These replies from the last 3 pages:


  Chivy said:

- - - Updated - - -


im talking about S14 when the server wasnt broken.



  Noneedholy said:
so much hate on chiv...


But why :O ???


lol jk hes trash


  Darxai said:
I have not been playing on this trash server for a year, but I must say I miss'd this cancer community.


  Felxprod said:
  faina said:
this ui gave me cancer
the truth has been spoken.


This forum has more trolls then anywhere else on the internet I swear...

Edited by Ðionysus
  topkek said:








WE ARE RANK 1 : PROOF http://i.imgur.com/KeNbaPM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KeNbaPM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KeNbaPM.jpg



THIS IS TRUE RANK 1s thooose are the rank ones if anybody says differently they probably got shrecked by them and they are mad sad bad faggs but what can i say the 2 best rogues are gonna have hate every famous good at something person or ppl are being hated by the community that is low and stupid and retarded and jelly and mirin of their skills i can tell you they are gods


YE BRO i get wht u mean ppl always hate on success even tho im willin to share it they just mad cuz they sad bad fags but whatt can u do u cant carry anyone even tho i try so hard and get so far but in the end i kicked everyone who wasnt me and jassy from RTZS because kids were reall ungreatful u should be admiring my success and trying to copy me instead of releasing kid tears LOL


but ye if anyone whispers me in game ill give u free tips on how not to suck and if u be veyr polite ill give u lesson LOL


to the mad kids out there stay bad haters john cena baby check my rating r1 chek edvidence im skilled kids


merc out


(every class/spec listed below is MY PERSONAL OPINION, not a fact.)

Warrior: Lanstus

Hunter : Vadaszapa

Rogue : -

Shaman : Dionyus ; Солиднаябаба (pozje's GM)

Paladin : Crax ; Achellion

Priest : Akuyama

Druid : Felxprod

Monk : Thisismymonk

Warlock : Ihazstick

Mage : Basicbtxch (aka Ownqtx or a simiar name; he is alliance now)


The main reason i listed some un-famous people is because, they literally, MAIN their classes. They dont have multiple 2.5+ alts, but they main their class since very long time, and i think that they're very good when it comes to tips/tricks or doing damage in general. (alot of them are 2.2+ without pushing rating)



P.S. love u alex

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