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Warlock Demonology Bugs!

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The Imp's they are buggy, do not attack the players in any way.


The transformation in demon is working, but the damage increase buff is buggy, processed or not, the damage is the same!


The Glyph of Demon Hunting is buggy, even working properly the glyph attack, defense skills are bugged, defense skills are not transformed and are hindering the normal gameplay with the glyph!


The Glyph of Felguard is buggy, even using the glyph, when you put the sword in the inventory, it will not for the pet!


Please expect Pack these mistakes, my part as a player I've ever done, now you are as respectable professionals, have to fix these errors, and make that server, the best of all! Thanks for listening!

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Why are you reporting this in report a player section? Report it in Bug section.


These abilities/spells has already been reported.


just some kids coming on the server for 10 days and think that everything will be fixed like


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