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Можно мне конфиг новый

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Помогите я что-то сделал с конфигом и в игре у меня всё на минимум и выше не ставится


SET locale "ruRU"

SET installLocale "enUS"

SET hwDetect "0"

SET videoOptionsVersion "5"

SET gxApi "OpenGL"

SET gxWindow "0"

SET gxMaximize "0"

SET maxAnimThreads "1"

SET readTOS "1"

SET lastReadTOS "50407"

SET readEULA "1"

SET lastReadEULA "50407"

SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "1"

SET lastReadTerminationWithoutNotice "50407"

SET Sound_MusicVolume "0"

SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.20000000298023"

SET farclip "600"

SET particleDensity "40"

SET reflectionMode "0"

SET environmentDetail "75"

SET terrainLodDist "300"

SET wmoLodDist "300"

SET terrainTextureLod "1"

SET terrainMipLevel "1"

SET worldBaseMip "1"

SET weatherDensity "1"

SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"

SET enterWorld "1"

SET mouseSpeed "1"

SET accounttype "MP"

SET realmName "PandaWoW x100"

SET gameTip "19"

SET Gamma "1.000000"

SET Sound_SFXVolume "0.30000001192093"

SET Sound_OutputDriverName "По умолчанию"

SET accountName "TEKUTO08"

SET graphicsQuality "2"

SET lastAddonVersion "50400"

SET rippleDetail "1"

SET groundEffectDensity "40"

SET groundEffectDist "110"

SET shadowTextureSize "2048"

SET lastCharacterIndex "9"

SET Sound_EnableAllSound "0"

  • Like 2
Помогите я что-то сделал с конфигом и в игре у меня всё на минимум и выше не ставится


SET locale "ruRU"

SET installLocale "enUS"

SET hwDetect "0"

SET videoOptionsVersion "5"

SET gxApi "OpenGL"

SET gxWindow "0"

SET gxMaximize "0"

SET maxAnimThreads "1"

SET readTOS "1"

SET lastReadTOS "50407"

SET readEULA "1"

SET lastReadEULA "50407"

SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "1"

SET lastReadTerminationWithoutNotice "50407"

SET Sound_MusicVolume "0"

SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.20000000298023"

SET farclip "600"

SET particleDensity "40"

SET reflectionMode "0"

SET environmentDetail "75"

SET terrainLodDist "300"

SET wmoLodDist "300"

SET terrainTextureLod "1"

SET terrainMipLevel "1"

SET worldBaseMip "1"

SET weatherDensity "1"

SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"

SET enterWorld "1"

SET mouseSpeed "1"

SET accounttype "MP"

SET realmName "PandaWoW x100"

SET gameTip "19"

SET Gamma "1.000000"

SET Sound_SFXVolume "0.30000001192093"

SET Sound_OutputDriverName "По умолчанию"

SET accountName "TEKUTO08"

SET graphicsQuality "2"

SET lastAddonVersion "50400"

SET rippleDetail "1"

SET groundEffectDensity "40"

SET groundEffectDist "110"

SET shadowTextureSize "2048"

SET lastCharacterIndex "9"

SET Sound_EnableAllSound "0"


Так перекачай файлы и всё http://rghost.ru/58098645


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