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Mastery: Master Demonologist [Most important Bugs]

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Posted (edited)

Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77219/mastery-master-demonologist


Issue with the spell: I'll count them down below with some screenies presentation.


As we know, Demonology warlock is one of the least played specs and why is actually just the mastery itself.


Number 1 issue: Pet damage increase does not give your felguard a buff "http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77219/mastery-master-demonologist" that displays his damage increased, but it does increase. It should give the buff.




Number 2 issue: Wild Imps don't benefit from your stats if you summon them before u use your oneshot macro woot :shock:. Basically, they dont get any damage increase from your procs or mastery, even if they should. They do get this buff "http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77219/mastery-master-demonologist" but as it says, gives "0%" damage increase. :(






Number 3 issue: Metamorphosis mastery scaling does not work. When you go Meta form, you get no real damage boost, rather some weird broken version of increased damage. Tested multiple times with different abilities. The only ability that seems to scale properly with mastery is hand of gul'dan. If u use Hand of gul'dan and go meta before it lands, it does buff the damage, but everything else is pretty weird. I'll list the bugs.


Touch of Chaos - After you pop Dark Soul, the damage should be increased by 90%. No, its not. Its increased by 30% here instead of 90%,

making it a really, really weak attack. Check it out in the combat log.




Chaos Wave - Chaos Wave Damage is normal when you use it only with your buff up and no procs. When you pop Dark Soul and use one,

its increased by 50%, not 90%. Tested on dummy with dark soul and without.




Soul Fire - The damage is normal outside of the form. Inside, its increased by 40% without dark soul. With Dark Soul, its also increased by

46% (closest percentage I could find) only, just wtf pandawow. Check it out. In this image, there's an example of caster form soul fire, meta soul fire, and dark soul + meta soul fire.




Drain Life - Caster form is decent damage. In meta, its only increased by 30%. When you pop dark soul, it increases the damage by 90%.

The damage when entering meta should increase on 90% and when you pop dark soul, 90% again. Geez, these bugs.


EDIT: I did some noob calculations of how it is at the moment and how it should be with dark soul, or in meta on fresh geared warlock without any procs, enchants, or gems, etc.




Item Level: 496

Gear: Tyrannical Gladiator's gear without any procs, enchants or gems, or glyphs, or buffs. Tested on a dk with same gear and same sh!t as me, no buffs.




44.11% (Meta)

44.75% Dark Soul

134.25% Dark Soul Meta


Touch of Chaos


9618 (Dark Soul)


How it should be:

5938 + 90% = 11282,2


Chaos Wave


14540 (Dark Soul)


How it should be:

8944 + 90% = 16993,6


Drain Life


2591 (Dark Soul)

2122 (Meta)

3449 (Meta + Dark Soul)


How it should be:

2053 + 44.75% = 2971

2122 + 134.25% = 4970


Hand of Gul'dan

1685 (ShadowFlame X2 Stacks)

2116 (Meta)

2126 (Dark Soul)

3440 (Meta + Dark Soul)


How it should be:

1685 + 44.11% = 2428

1685 + 134.25% = 3947


Soul Fire


20147 (Dark Soul)

20196 (Meta)

32983 (Meta + Dark Soul)


How it should be:

16155 + 44.75% = 23384

20196 + 134.25% = 47309



Corruption - Does not scale with mastery after you pop dark soul. You have to predark soul, then corruption in order for it to react on damage increase. If you corruption and dark soul, it wont scale. It should not be that way. It should scale the damage after you pop dark soul.


Doom - Does not scale at all. When you enter meta and apply it, it'll do x3 times more damage than corruption, but if u pop dark soul and

it ticks once while dark soul is up, it wont scale at all. U have to predark soul and then Doom, which is not how it should work. It should react to your dark soul if you pop it after you used Doom. I can get proof for this one, but its gonna take really, really long.


Meta: http://i.imgur.com/6IuqlcU.jpg


Caster form: http://i.imgur.com/CdDPub3.jpg


Meta form: http://i.imgur.com/F0lxLpK.jpg


Number 4 issue: All the damage increase you get from your mastery in Meta scales as caster form or something completely random, which is not how it should work. When you go meta, your damage is suppose to be scaled as meta form not caster form. Says: Damage dealt increased by 0%.




Number 5 issue: Pets summoned with "http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108501" do not do any damage what so ever. Their damage should scale with mastery, same as your regular felguard pet.






Compare the damage with and without cooldowns. Still no changes.


So, the damage is complete garbage comparing to these screens.


Date when tested: 29.8.2015.


Servers: Fun/x10/x100


Priority: 15/10 :bomb:


Literally NO ONE is playing demo lock. I see people start playing it and give up as soon as they know mastery is bugged. The problem is not the soul fire, its actually mastery that's the problem. Hopefully these problems with the spec presented will help you to fix the mastery for demo locks, so we can actually, maybe even see a demo lock in arenas. This one potential bug could fix the entire spec and make demo viable on the ladders.

Edited by Garodar
  • Like 1

my demo lock's doing 200k+ soulfire crits in pvp and you mean to tell me that's because mastery is not working? and I should do like 500k instead?

,~\ kappa

my demo lock's doing 200k+ soulfire crits in pvp and you mean to tell me that's because mastery is not working? and I should do like 500k instead?

,~\ kappa


OMG u don read all the post? he was talking about the problem of mastery on the pets, and by the way, he explain the bug of soul fire, before u wrote u have to read what hes trying to explain .____.


2nd yeah is a big bug about mastery(in demon spec) with some skill from example how u can explain the skill doom the big dot of demon spec in burst(lvl item 550) is only doing 20k of dmg(each 14 sec, depends about ur haste) .____. corruption only 8k with critical strike(only) and shadow bolt with a cast of 2.2sec+(depend of ur haste) is doing 20k or less depends of class or touch of chaos is doing 18k-30k ._. u have to be fck..kidding me.

Posted (edited)
my demo lock's doing 200k+ soulfire crits in pvp and you mean to tell me that's because mastery is not working? and I should do like 500k instead?

,~\ kappa


It should do 100k or less. It should scale with crit not mastery.


Demo lock are so good in 3v3 their burst is just scary,but here lel..


Ye, it should be scary, its actually the ONLY good thing about demo and here you dont even have that.

Edited by Garodar
Posted (edited)
OMG u don read all the post? he was talking about the problem of mastery on the pets, and by the way, he explain the bug of soul fire, before u wrote u have to read what hes trying to explain .____.


I see. Sorry, I stopped reading when the guy said "When you go Meta form, you get 0% damage"


Number 6 issue: Soul fire in meta form actually scales with mastery and ITS NOT SUPPOSE TO. Soul fire should scale with your crit chance not your mastery. This makes Soul Fire damage beyond op. U can actually one shot someone if soul fire bugs out and u get 3 instants.


It should do 100k or less. It should scale with crit not mastery.



can you give me a link for 5.4.8 that says "Demenology's mastery increases all your damage EXCECPT Soulfire's damage"

because my eyes might be lying but I see in the tooltip that increases all damage while in metamorphosis with no exception (even physical)





and about pets - if you want your mastery's damage to apply to them, you have to mount > fl up > go down and dismount. Then your pet will have your current's mastery damage until you teleport or mount or logout or whatever. I've had 150k+ auto attack damage on my shiva or whatever her name was however here, the problem with all pets is different - they do not recieve bonus damage from PvP power (hunter's mage's and DK's pet included) that's why they all suck


PS2 stupid bug reports from people who don't know what wow mechanics' all about, don't bring proof but rather rely on self experience, because they saw some video with a guy doing 100k damage with a given spell and think every1 else should do the same amount is what pisses me off and makes me write these troll-intended posts. this is a private surver, yes. Not everything is working as it was in blizzard, yes. However "It should do 100k damage" is not considered fact/proof by any chance and is probably the reason why most of the bug topics here are ignored. Go find a source that proofs you right; then do the tests+maths, post the result and and then you might have a chance for the staff to see it and completly override the way a certain class is working

Edited by dotadoom
Posted (edited)
http://i.imgur.com/SZefxbL.jpg The more crit you have, the more soul fire damage you do. Its how it should be. It should only scale with crit, not mastery. Even the wowhead tooltip says the same thing. The reason it should work that way is because it gives people perspective or opportunity to reroll crit spec over mastery. Also, I forgot. Phsycisal damage on demo does not exist for some reason, because chaos wave and touch of chaos do magic damage even if they should be physical. I'll report that later I guess. Edited by Garodar
http://i.imgur.com/SZefxbL.jpg The more crit you have, the more soul fire damage you do. Its how it should be. It should only scale with crit, not mastery. Even the wowhead tooltip says the same bullsh!t. The reason it should work that way is because it gives people perspective or opportunity to reroll crit spec over mastery. If soul fire was scaled with mastery, why would anyone reroll crit? Its just how it should be.







PS2 stupid bug reports from people who don't know what wow mechanics' all about' date=' don't bring proof but rather rely on self experience, because they saw some video with a guy doing 100k damage with a given spell and think every1 else should do the same amount is what pisses me off and makes me write these troll-intended posts[/quote']


but you are not even the self-experience or stream-watcher type of guy. You seem to bea new kind - a guesser

Posted (edited)
but you are not even the self-experience or stream-watcher type of guy. You seem to bea new kind - a guesser


There's no guessing here, or need for your sarcasm. I did play warlock over a year on retail. To be honest, Soul Fire there was so weak you wouldn't even notice the difference between increased and decreased. As far my knowledge of warlock goes, Soul Fire should not scale with mastery. Now, if I'm wrong, the damage in meta is so huge, basically over 150-200k because of the scaling. Outside of meta, it does the amount of damage you'd expect from a regular soul fire on a player, which is around 30-50k, even 25k. If the damage outcome of soul fire is bugging out of something else, a bug or anything, I would like to know and I'll correct the mistake, because its standard damage outside of meta, insane inside of it.


Also, can you tell me how do I apply pet's mastery in arenas? When I spawn them? I really wanna know if it can be applied and usable in arenas.

Edited by Garodar

basically, lock's pets here take your stats at the moment of spawning.So if you pop all bursts (macro mastery intelect and stuff) and spawn your pet it will have everything scaled. Mount + fly up, then go down works too since it respawns your pet. However in arenas the only way would be to spawn it once you have your stats high.


2 bugs though:

-these stats will remain until the pet respawns (making it really powerful if you spawn it the right way)

-pvp power doesn't increase pet's damage so in general pets are useless for fighting in pvp; you only use them for utility spells and you might be better off with GOS imo, since it gives demo locks 25% increased damage

Posted (edited)
basically, lock's pets here take your stats at the moment of spawning.So if you pop all bursts (macro mastery intelect and stuff) and spawn your pet it will have everything scaled. Mount + fly up, then go down works too since it respawns your pet. However in arenas the only way would be to spawn it once you have your stats high.


2 bugs though:

-these stats will remain until the pet respawns (making it really powerful if you spawn it the right way)

-pvp power doesn't increase pet's damage so in general pets are useless for fighting in pvp; you only use them for utility spells and you might be better off with GOS imo, since it gives demo locks 25% increased damage


Edited some problems within the report, plus this means I can have a little bit better damage with imps. Right now, on players, they hit for 2k. Even those 50, or 30% make a huge difference if u have alot of pets up. Found few changelogs on the Soul Fire issue which was removed from the thread.


I'm not sure if I should pick Grimoire of sacrifice, because it turns me into a melee warrior with the tanking stance and sh!t, but I guess it can work well if u stun, then sac and go for the damage. Maybe. I guess I can give it a go since Grimoire of supremacy is useless, but Grimoire of service is a bit better in my opinion now that it was fixed.

Edited by Garodar
  • 1 month later...
#Bumperino. Edited this topic with proper bug report on damage scaling in meta form. I mean, seriously, wtf. I know devs dont care about this spec, but can u atleast pretend u do and fix a random bug for this poor spec. Just get it done already.
  • 2 weeks later...
The wild imps are usually dont shoot if the warlock have griomoire of sacriface buff. -demonic fury generation->fewer touch of chaos. The pet dmg fix is more important then this.
The wild imps are usually dont shoot if the warlock have griomoire of sacriface buff. -demonic fury generation->fewer touch of chaos. The pet dmg fix is more important then this.


That was already reported. And I do know pets dont attack, but if your target is hitting you back, they will attack.

  • 3 weeks later...
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